Sequel: Into Forever
Status: Updates Every Weekend (if not sooner)

Essential Hope

Chapter 6: The Famous Auror

You were falling fast, and you knew Harry couldn’t catch up. He was still a foot away, and you didn’t know how close the ground was, so you dared yourself to look down. The ground was less than two feet away! You gasped from fright, and braced for impact. You heard far off, someone call,

“Grab her!” And before you knew it, a strong arm had been wrapped around your waist, and your body was pulled close to someone elses. You got a weightless feeling in your stomach, and opened your eyes. The ground was disappearing beneath you, as you soared higher and higher up into the sky. Your savior sped towards four other people, and you only recognized Harry. He had your suitcase dangling from his broom. He grinned at the person behind you, and called,

“Nice save- come on, we’re breaking in a nearby field!”

Your group flew for less than ten minutes, then landed smoothly in a grassy field. The broom you were on skidded to a halt. Your feet met with the ground, and you stumbled off the broom, shaking horribly. Harry had landed first, and was now engulfing you in a well deserved hug.

“Are you okay?” He asked, holding you at arm’s length. You nodded and said,

“Alright, let’s not do that again.” Harry laughed, along with everyone else in the field. You looked over Harry’s shoulder, and he quickly said,

“Oh, Kelsey, let me introduce you to everyone.” Harry led you to two people, both looked older than Harry by a lot. Harry said,

“Kelsey, this is Alastor Moody, or Mad Eye” he pointed to a tall, sturdy man, who grunted, “and this is Nymphadora Tonks.” He pointed to a small, mousy girl, who smiled.

“Moody, Tonks, this is my friend Kelsey.” Harry said. Lupin was eying you carefully, and asked,

“What’s your last name?” You smiled and said,

“Spence. I’m Kelsey Spence.” Moody’s jaw dropped.

“You’re father.. Is he-“

“Michael Spence? Yes.” (Michael Spence, your dad, was one of the best Auror’s ever seen in Wizarding history. He is also known as Bane, which is what Harry knows him by). Moody stared at you, amazed. Tonks gasped in surprise, while Harry stared at you, not sure who your father was.

“My, my. He was a great Auror.” Moody said.

“One of the best I’d ever seen.” Tonks added. You grinned, but then turned your attention to the two other people Harry wanted to introduce you to. Standing behind you were two identical looking guys. Each had gleaming red hair, and devilish grins. The one on the left walked forward and shook your hand.

“I’m George!” He said as his brother walked up. His brother took your other hand and shook it, saying,

“I’m Fred, nice to meet ya Kelsey!” You grinned, and shook back. Harry came up next to you, and said,

“Fred’s the one who caught you.” You looked appreciatively at Fred and said,

“Oh, thank you so much!” He laughed and said,

“No prob, its what I live for!” Nevertheless, you walked forward and gave him a hug, telling him thank you once again. Once you were done, you turned back to the others as Moody spoke:

“Alright, we’re headed to the Burrow now. We can’t afford any more breaks, so prepare for a long flight. Kelsey, do you have a broom?” You shook your head. Just as Harry opened his mouth, Fred spoke up.

“She can ride with me, Mad Eye.” Moody nodded. A look of disappointment flashed across Harry’s face, and he climbed onto his broom to hide it.

“Okay, then we’re off!” Tonks said, mounting her broom as well, with George following

The rain had stopped for the most part, and it had turned into a clear, cool night. Fred mounted his broom first, and then said,

“Have you ever ridden a broom before?”

“Besides just now? Nope!” Fred laughed, and said,

“Okay, come up front then, it’s probably safer where I can hang onto you.” A warm glow spread through your body as you mounted in front of Fred (don’t take that the wrong way), and slid back against his body. He wrapped a strong arm around your waist, and, after Harry, Tonks and Moody had soared off into the night, he and George kicked off too. Flying was great! You grinned as you sped through the London skies, heading for your new life.

About twenty minutes later, you all began to descend towards a very crooked building. In you landed smoothly, and Fred released your waist. You stepped off, and grinned at him.

“That was amazing!” Fred laughed and walked up next to you.

“I know, flying is the best.” You both walked up to Harry, and Harry asked,

“You ready to meet everyone else?” You nodded excitedly, and walked with everyone else to a back door. Fred walked in front of you and Harry, and held the door open for you. You smiled at him as you walked in. Harry quickly said,

“They’ll be down any minute.. Mrs. Weasley always knows-“ He was cut off by a cry from a short woman running into the room. She threw her arms around Harry and said,

“I’m so glad to see you, Harry! My, look at you, thin as a twig..” Her eyes switched over to you. A warm sparkle emitted from her eyes, and she said sweetly,

“Oh, you must be Kelsey! I’m so glad you could come dear!” She gave you a warm hug. She held you at arms length, and studied you.

“Oh, dear, what happened to you!” She quickly glanced over Moody, Tonks, Harrry and her sons. While they looked fine, you looked a little disheveled. You had a tear in the sleeve of your hoode, and your arm was cut up badly, from falling on the roof. The legs of your jeans were also worn through and you had some cuts on your thighs.

“Oh, my. Here, have some hot soup and I’ll fix you up.” Everyone in the kitchen bustled to the table, and took a seat. There was a spot left for you next to Harry. As you began to walk forward, a voice called over you.

“My, how much you’ve grown Kelsey..” That voice! You knew that voice! You spun around, and grinned.

“It’s been too long.. I thought maybe you’d forgotten about me!” You told them. They smiled, and said,

“How could I forget about my neice?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Gasp1 Who is Kelsey talking to?? Find out in the next chapter :D ALSO: if you would like me to put up pics of Kelsey, Lakey, Carson and other people, comment me telling me.