Sequel: Into Forever
Status: Updates Every Weekend (if not sooner)

Essential Hope

Chapter 9: I'll Save You

It was amazing, yet terrifying at the same time. You saw the platform drawing neared and nearer, and prayed they had measured it right. As you reached the tree, you began going down, and landed a little ungracefully on the board. You lay frozen for a few moments, not sure if you were alive or dead.

Realizing you were alive, you stood up and faced the twins. You threw your arms up and laughed. They threw their arms up too, and then you saw Ron and Harry getting up to come outside. You motioned to the twins, who took their battle stations. The second Ron and Harry were in position, you grabbed the water balloons that were tied to ropes, and watched for Fred’s cue. He counted down on his fingers, and when he reached one, you, George and Fred released your balloons.

They swung fast, and at the same exact time, smashed into Ron and Harry all over. Ron fell over from shock, and Harry screamed in a high-pitched tone. It was more than you three could bear- you were all doubled over, laughing so hard you were crying. Once Harry and Ron realized what had happened, and after shooting Hermione a scowl for laughing, they called up to you,

“Come on down, Kelsey!” You shook your head, laughing too hard to speak. Harry grinned, and grabbed the tree trunk, beginning to climb up to you. You managed to choke
words out between your fits of laughter,

“No-don’t come-Harry no!- you’re wet-stop!” Harry had almost reached you, when Fred exclaimed,

“I’ll save you, Kelsey!” Fred lifted the potato gun, aimed, and fired a spud at an unsuspecting Harry, The potato hit him in the leg, making him yelp and look over his shoulder. Fred was no longer on the roof, though. He had jumped down off the roof, and came running to the tree.

“Jump!” He called up to you. You laughed and leapt off the plywood, landing gracefully in his arms. He sat you down as Harry sprung off the tree trunk and raced after you and Fred, who were now scrambling across the yard, heading for the hose.

“Get the water!” Fred instructed, stopping to reload his potato gun. You stared at him, and asked,

"Fred, why on earth do you have a potato gun?" He grinned wickedly and said,

"Why not?"

You began unwinding the hose as George caught up to you two, and helped you get the hose ready. Harry and Ron were sprinting at you three, dodging flying potatoes. Hermione, Ginny and Lupin were laughing wildly, watching the scene unfold. Just as Harry was about to tackle you to the ground, Fred yelled,

“Now!” and George twisted the hose on as high as it would go. A fast spray burst out of the nozzle, and knocked Harry back. You warded off Ron, too, as he came charging forward. While he and Harry were laughing uncontrollably on the ground, you suddenly turned to Fred.

“You wouldn’t dare…!” He gasped beginning to run. He was no match for the hose. You blasted him in the legs, knocking him to the ground, and then let the water fall on him, soaking him through and through. As you turned to get George, you gasped, and before you could do anything, George poured the whole bucketful of water on your head.

Everyone, including you, laughed hysterically. You jumped on George, hugging him, and getting him wet as well. You both collapsed on the ground, laying in an icy puddle from the hose. Mrs. Weasley came out, and called,

“While your at it, water my daffodils!” For some reason, this made you laugh even harder.

After a good hour of playing with the hose, and after watering Mrs. Weasley’s garden, everyone walked towards the house. Lupin blocked the entrance, saying,

“Stop right there!” He pointed his wand at the lot of you, and dried you instantly. As everyone filed in past him, you paused and gave your uncle a hug. You held you tight, and then let you go. It was well past lunch time, almost dinner time now. While you waited to eat, you all sat in the living room. You played a few games of exploding snaps with Fred, and then at a filling supper.

“Now, I want everyone in bed early, we’re going to Diagon Alley at nine, and I want to be ready on the dot!” She swiveled around and stared meaningfully at Fred and George.

“NO SHENANIGANS!” She demanded, wagging a wand at them. They smiled innocently, asking,

“Oh mum, would we EVER do that?” Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes, and went back to cleaning. Once all plates were cleared, everyone headed off to the stairs. Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron walked up together, chatting about where they wanted to go tomorrow. You walked up between Fred and George. At the first landing, you bid them a goodnight. You hugged George, and then gave Fred a warm hug,

“Goodnight, Kelsey!” They both called, running up the stairs to their room. You walked down the dark hall, finding it hard to see. You bumped into someone, and as your eyes adjusted, you said,

“Oh, Harry, sorry!” Harry laughed it off, and said,

“Did you have a good day?”

“One of the best!” Harry grinned and said,

“Good, I’m glad.” You hugged him warmly, and disappeared down the hall to your room.

Ginny was snoring softly, already completely out. Hermione was brushing out her curls as slipped on a pair of pajamas. You crawled into the warm bed, and said,

“Night, Hermione. See you tomorrow!” She smiled and said,

“Sweet dreams, Kelsey.” You turned off the light as Hermione slid under the covers. You nestled your head into the pillow, and drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, sorry its been kinda dull. I promise I'll send them to Hogwarts soon.

Please comment telling me what you think!
tell me what you like or dont like,
tell me what i could improve
and tell me any ideas/suggestions you have! thanks!