Status: Taking a break, but I am going to finish this! <3

Trusting Me

Cute pajamas

“That is hilarious!” Catherine laughed. “We could sue him!” I ignored her words and clicked off the TV.
“We can not sew him.” I said. “Although taking some of his money and making him unhappy sure cheers me up quite a bit.”
“You’re on TV Ellie! They are saying that you were knocked down on the streets on purpose and that it was an assault! Are you kidding me? That’s priceless!” To her it was, but to me it wasn’t. My face was being shown on TV to millions of people and it was just a pointless story for the channel to get more money. The video of me getting knocked down repeated over and over and for a second I thought I might sew the news people for putting up a video and showing my face on live TV without consulting me first.
“Stupid celebrities! That is it; I’m saving up money to get the hell out of this place. I don’t want to live here anymore!” I know I probably complain too much, but it annoyed me how no one had any privacy or no one wanted their privacy private.
The phone was ringing non stop, but I didn’t pick it up and Catherine had gone up to her room – to draw most likely – so I knew she wouldn’t bother too. When I finally did pick up the phone it was to Mandy who had gone on and on about seeing me on TV and gushed over Decklyn “touching” me. I repeatedly tried to switch subjects but she always changed the subject back to its original path.
When I had finally hung up the phone after hours of talking about what had happened earlier. I had greatly regretted even going out this morning. I thought I would make it an early night and I told Catherine I was going to bed. Most of my day had been sleeping anyways and it was making me mad that I was so tired.
I started to think back to when I had first moved here and how young and excited I had been to be so close to celebrities. I was around the age of 14 and I always hoped of running into a celebrity one day. It was childish of me because once I finally happened to run into Sherry Clare – a big actress at the time – she gave me the cold shoulder and told me to get lost. After that I realized how selfish and mean they were and I never bothered even looking at someone famous when they were walking down the street pushing everyone out of the way with their big mob of paparazzi fallowing them around.
I asked my mom to have us move back to Canada, but she said she couldn’t because her and my dad had to move to Hollywood for their job. It made no sense to me really. I mean they flew everywhere anyways, what was the difference if we lived in Hollywood or Canada.
I put on my stereo once I had gotten to my room and listened to see if there was any good music on, but all the stations were talking about my run in with Decklyn. Of course they didn’t know my name so I was known as mystery girl to them. Was Decklyn really that famous that a little encounter with a no body would be big news? It was all so pointless.
I turned off my stereo not even in the mood for music anymore and changed into my silk pajamas and then I climbed into my bed with the warm covers wrapped around me. I got myself to stop thinking about earlier today and eventually I fell asleep.
When I woke up I walked down stairs and just sat there on the couch tired and trying to figure out something to do. I wanted to go to the book store and get some another book to read because unfortunately the one I had bought yesterday was forgotten. I figured it was probably early enough that not a lot of people would see me in my pajamas so I left them on and made a run to the bookstore leaving a note for Catherine incase she woke up while I was out.
I parked in my usual spot on the side of the road and I walked into the store. People were up but I didn’t really care whether they saw me or not. I was greeted by my old boss and then I made my way to the back of the place where most of the good books were placed. I first walked over to the Sarah Dessen books but Lock and Key wasn’t there anymore. So I grabbed a book called The Insiders and the second I bought it I found out it was a series and new I would be back for the rest of them.
I exited the place and got into my car and figured I would go to the library. It was usually quiet in there, and even though it was just Catherine and I back at the house I wanted to read in a place where you couldn’t hear the TV blaring. There was something unique about the library; it was the only place that wasn’t always crowded. It was a place that people could go to think about things. A place where everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the books they read and the things they see.
I phoned my house and left a message for Catherine letting her know where I was, and that I had no idea when I would be back. I could spend forever in the library. I realized I was still in my pajamas but that was another thing about the library. No body cared.
I took my book inside with me when I had pulled into the parking lot and gotten out of my car. I brought my card with me too, just incase I decided to borrow some books. I walked over to a section of the library that usually had books I liked to read and found an isle that was empty and sat down at the very end of it. I took out my book and started to read it. Sometimes people would walk into the isle and look at the books, but they did it silently so I wasn’t bothered. The library is for anyone who wants to read.
I figured I was there for a few hours. I was already done more then half of my book. I got up and looked at the shelves filled with books, and decided that I wouldn’t take any out for today. I came across an Insiders book though and it was the girl’s version. I read the first page and didn’t really like it. Flan’s point of view didn’t have me hooked like Jonathon’s point of view did, but I made a mental note that I would have to get those ones too.
I tried to find Lock and Key but I couldn’t find it so I looked for Revelations and then I asked about it, but the librarian said that it was a requested book and that it would probably be a while even if I put in a request. So I just didn’t bother, I figured I would wait until it finally came into Chapters – the book store.
I walked back over to the shelves figuring that there had to be something that interested me. I walked over to a section that had more then enough romance and looked through some of the books they had displayed there.
There were a lot of books that caught my eye but I just couldn’t bring myself to check them out and leave because the library had a limit of how many books you could take out and there was way too many of them. I didn’t want them to be gone when came back again. I stood there for a minute thinking about whether I should suck it up or take them all off the shelve and sit in the library reading them until closing time and then hide them and come back tomorrow.
“Cute pajamas.” He said making up my mind for me.