Status: Taking a break, but I am going to finish this! <3

Trusting Me

My lifes a little bit sad

“Cute Shiner.” I said well aware of the fact that he never had one. I was trying to mock him.
“I don’t have one.” He said confused.
“Would you like one?” I asked giving him an obvious fake smile.
“I take it as you’re not a big fan.” Damn straight.
“Sorry to crush your ego.” I said annoyed. I walked past him into another isle, he didn’t take the hint. I stood there awkwardly looking through books not knowing what he wanted. I cleared my throat and from the corner of my eye I watched him look up at me from the floor.
“Oh right. Err here.” He said handing me a bag. “I bought you a book. I think it’s the right one. And I’m sorry for knocking you down yesterday.” Awe how sweet, he thought he could buy me with books and apologies. He probably just didn’t want me to sew, which I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even if I wanted to.
“Um Thanks.” I said taking the book out of the bag. Lock and Key. “How did you know which one?”
“Well after the tape had been played on the news I had watched it repeatedly and noticed that you had forgotten your book. And so later on I went back to the bookstore and asked the girl that worked there which book you had bought and she said Lock and Key, and lucky for me there was one left.” So that’s why there wasn’t anymore when I went in this morning. I forgot to answer so he filled in the gap.
“So what’s your name?” He asked
“Okay you may have bought me a book, but that doesn’t mean you get to poke around in my personal life. Thanks for what you did.” I said as I walked towards the entrance.
“Bye Elizabeth.” He said and when I turned around he was smiling at me and holding my library card.
“Ellie.” I corrected him. “Give me that. Don’t you have any respect for other people’s things? People like you make me sick.” I said as I walked out of the library.
As I got into my car Decklyn was instantly forgotten. I remembered that Mandy and I were supposed to be going to a concert tonight. I hated big crowds but the band was pretty good. We the Kings.
I had come across tickets back in April, there was this boy – cute boy – at a party Mandy and I had gone to. He had two tickets and I had to give him 30 bucks and get a guy to kiss me in less than 3 minutes to get them. I gave him the 30 bucks and the kiss was easy. A random guy came up to me and kissed me, after word he told me that it was just to get this girl jealous. I didn’t really care though. I got my tickets.
When I reached my house there was an unfamiliar car in the driveway. It was a red Mazda RX8. Nice car, but who’s was it? I got out of my car and walked inside. I put my books down on my kitchen counter and walked into my living room.
“What the hell is this?” I asked as I watched my sister and the owner – I’m guessing – of the car have a make out session. They both jumped and looked at me.
“Um, I should go.” The boy said. I noticed that he had blue eyes with a bit of yellow in them and his hair was made up of perfect strands styled into a shag type thing but not quite.
“Wait how old are you?” I asked him. He shrugged and said.
“Okay yeah go drive your car home and don’t ever talk to my 13 year old sister again.” I knew that once he left Catherine would flip, but I didn’t care. He was too old for her, maybe if she was 19 and he was 23 it wouldn’t be that bad but she is 13 and he is 17.
He didn’t say anything. He just nodded and walked to the door making sure to blow a kiss to Catherine as he left. I wasn’t stupid I knew that they would probably see each other again, but for right now I wasn’t letting it happen.
“What is your problem?” Catherine said once the door was closed.
“Catherine he is way too old for you.” I said trying to make my point so I could go upstairs and call Mandy about the concert.
“I like him though and he’s sweet. Not like you would know, I doubt you’ve even kissed a guy before.” Well I had to admit she was probably more experienced then me, but I have kissed a boy before.
“I have! And that is not the point here Catherine. He owns a car for Christ sake, he’s only after one thing, and I know you have probably heard that from dad’s lectures about boys but I’m serious.”
“Ellie please. It’s not like you could stop me, but I want to have a sister to talk about boy stuff with.” I found this kind of cute.
“I’m sorry, but when you get a boyfriend that is your own age then I’ll talk to you about boy stuff. Besides I’m too inexperienced right? You don’t need to talk boys with me; it’s not like I know what you’re talking about anyways.” I said and I could see the guilt in her eyes about her earlier comment. It was either guilt or it was regret. Regret because I wouldn’t have been able to use that against her. She just got up and pouted off to her room.
I felt bad but I mean he’s 17. He’s a year younger then me, I could date him and it would be okay. She’s just too mature for her age; if she didn’t have D cups and she didn’t act older guys wouldn’t be attracted to her quite as much, but she does and the whole family has to worry about boys. Poor dad.
I walked up to my own room and picked up the phone off of its base and dialed in Mandy’s number. We agreed to meet at McDonalds so we could get food before we went to the concert.
I told Catherine where I was going and I knew she was happy to be free for another make out session with. Hmm I thought as I realized that I didn’t know his name. I got into my car and put the key in the ignition and sat there while my car started up smoothly. Then I pulled out and went to the McDonalds.
Mandy was already there when I got there and we both walked in and ordered. The people behind the counter handed us our food and we walked outside to my car. “Next time you’re taking the bus.” Mandy said as we crossed through the parking lot.
“I offered but you said you would just take the bus because you still needed to get ready. And look we both made it here at the same time.” I said mockingly.
“Okay I guess it was my fault. And it doesn’t help that my mom grounded me from my car for a whole month. Its summer can’t they give me a break, I’m the youngest of the family you would think I would get special treatment.” She used to get special treatment, her sister and brother had to suffer through it. Asie pronounced AC and Jimmy were part of my childhood too. Well when I was 13 anyways.
“Well maybe you should party less, I’m always looking out for you. You know maybe I would like to have a drink one day and get drunk without having to worry about you.” I said even though I wasn’t much of a drinker.
“Please. As if, you don’t even like to drink. Maybe a glass but it usually doesn’t contain a lot of alcohol.” We got into my car and I drove us out of the parking lot and to the concert.
“You know.” I said as we got out of the car and started walking toward the busy entrance. “I’m starting to think that my life is a little bit sad.”