Status: Taking a break, but I am going to finish this! <3

Trusting Me


Mandy was sound asleep beside me so I decided to read. I put Lock and Key on my shelf, and I took out The Insiders novel and finished what I had read at the library. I decided that I wouldn’t read Lock and Key until I had finished this books series.
When I had finished reading the book I was stuck wanting the next one, but I had to wait. Mandy sat up, finally awake. Her blonde hair was ratty and tangled, and her blue eyes look somewhat bluer then I’ve ever seen them. Hmm.
“So what is on the agenda for today?” Mandy sang, already wide awake.
“I don’t know. Isn’t there a fair going on somewhere around here?” I asked bored.
“Yeah actually I think it’s down by the beach.” I jumped out of bed.
“Well then get your ass out of bed; we’re going to the beach. Bring your bathing suit.” I said excitedly. I really wanted a swim.
“Does it look like I brought my bathing suit? Just stop at my house on the way there.” I shrugged.
“Alright whatever. I’ll get ready and then we’ll go to your house so you can get ready and then we can be on our way.”
She got out of the bed and then sat back down on it. I looked at her confused and she just shrugged and yawned and told me to get ready. I found one of my many bathing suits and put it on. It was black and had little green hearts on it. It wasn’t my best looking one, but I was too lazy to look for a cuter looking one.
I did my makeup, and brushed my hair letting the wavy brown strands sit below my chest. I gave myself a quick check in the mirror and then put on a jean skirt and a yellow tank top. I would be going in the water anyways so I really didn’t care what I looked like at the moment. I only put on a little line of eyeliner and water proof mascara.
We got into my car and drove to Mandy’s and then we left to go the beach. We parked in a nearby parking space across the street – not wanting to get jammed into a space and not be able to get out in the actual parking lot – and walked towards the water.
We ignored the fair for now, because we both wanted to swim and sun tan first. I know we’re complete girls, but we’re also wearing flip flops and it hurts your feet walking around in them for too long.
We striped into our bikinis and ran into the nice cool water. It was pretty fun, and we do this a lot. I looked over at our bags and realized that we didn’t bring towels. I looked over at Mandy who seemed to be looking towards the bag too.
“Well…” she said. “I guess we’re drying our selves off nude. Don’t worry; we’ll make sure no one sees us.” I didn’t really like this idea, just the fact that someone might see me naked… a guy might see me naked gave me chills. I looked at Mandy with disapproval but she just shrugged and mumbled something about how I need to live a little before she dove underneath the water.
The beech was deserted but the fair wasn’t that far away from it. We picked a spot that was out of eye shot. Completely by accident but I was still iffy on the situation of drying off nude.
We swam for hours and we didn’t want to get out but it was getting dark and I hadn’t really told Catherine about my beech plans, although I doubt she’ll care. I need to be responsible though. She’s my little sister.
We got out of the water and Mandy ran by me and pulled the strings on my back and neck letting my bathing suit fall to the ground. “Mandy!” I shouted.
“Oh c’mon, no one can see us, and it’s not like I really care. Girls are all the same, you should be proud to show off your body.” She was always like this. Her thoughts on nature; women have a right to show off their bodies, its part of natures beauty.
I pulled off my bathing suit bottoms and walked over to my bag “You know it’s not everyday that you see a girl naked with another girl.” Pervert!
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not my best.