Status: Taking a break, but I am going to finish this! <3

Trusting Me

That Shouldn't Have Happened.

Once we had lost the paparazzi, Decklyn looked at me. I was angry with myself, how could I let that happen? No way was I ever going to even begin to like a famous person. It's everything I'm against.
"I can't even believe it." I said angrily. "Is that going to be in magizines and all that stuff. Is that going to be on TV?"
"I don't know. Probably." He wasn't getting that I was angry about what almost happened between us, and not what happened with the paparazzi. Even though I certainly disliked that a lot.
"I can't believe I let that happened." I said trying to get him to understand.
"What do you mean, it was my fault too." Apparently everything I said, just went right past him.
"No it wasn't. I shouldn't have gotten sucked into your sweet talk, you're charm that is sure to be fake. That was so stupid of me, I can't like you, and I won't. Everything that just happened or almost happened, shouldn't have happened." I was yelling and people were starring. Some people would get their pens and paper out, but turn around when they saw what was going on.
"Don't say that." He was yelling too. "You know I'm not fake, I thought you were different, you are different. Why can't you get that? Why can't you see that I'm not such a bad guy. It's not my fault that my passion is singing and that I get chased around by paparazzi all the time. Do you think I ask for that?"
"You know what. I don't even know you, and I never want to. You're everything I don't need in my life. And I don't even know why this is even a big deal, nothing happened just like it shouldn't have." I went to walk away, but he ran infront of me stopping me in my tracks.
"It's a big deal, because I know you feel something. I know I do, I know that I can't control it either. And you know that you feel the same way. Even though we don't know eachother that well, you can't deny it. You can't deny the feelings that you know we both have." I looked at him, really looked at him.
"I'm not denying anything." His face seemed to ease up a bit. Until I said the next line. "Because I never had any feelings towards you, besides that you were annoying, especially the way that you always pop up everywhere I go. Like you're some sort of stalker."
"You know what. Maybe I was wrong, maybe you arn't good different. You may not gush over me like everyone else, but you're a lier and I can see that in your eyes. You have feelings for me, you're just afraid." He looked hurt.
"Afraid of what, dating someone famous?" My voice had gone from anger to bitter.
"No. Getting hurt."
"Why would I be afraid of getting hurt? Nothing happened and nothing was ever going to."
"Because you're afraid that something might happen to us, or that I might have to go away for some musical thing, or maybe it's just because you haven't had much experience in relationships and you think you might ruin it. I don't exactly know, but I do know that you're afraid. Why don't you just live for once in your life?"
"Because I'll lose everything that I believe in, all my responsibilities. I have a younger sister you know, I need to look out for her. She looks up to me, and even though she won't ever admit it, I know she does. And I don't need to go around showing her different ways to get in trouble. Shes 13 and shes already into boys. Shes dating a 17 year old that was in my class before. Thats horrible." I was rambling while yelling but I was still getting my point across.
"Well I understand that, but atleast your sister knows how to have fun and live life. Because you only get one shot at it." And then he was walking away. "Just forget everything that ever happened or was going to. Pretend I don't exist, I don't care anymore." He yelled over his shoulder and then the paparazzi jumped out from the bushes and was following him.
Damn. Now that whole conversation was recorded. And for some reason I felt horrible for everything that was just said.