Sequel: Was I The Only One?
Status: Active

It's Not A Love Song

Feeling the love

The next morning, for the first time in a long time, I woke up and smiled. Being Joe Jonas’s girlfriend had seemed so impossible to me for so long that now I was dating him I couldn’t fathom it. Seventeen years of friendship led to this, us being together as a couple.

I sat upright in my bunk and switched on the lights inside of it. I grabbed my iPhone and opened Twitter, my daily routine.

Juliharrr Today is special people, feeling the love. :)

I jumped out of my bunk and pushed down my pyjama bottoms down straight as they had ridden up during the night. I then straightened out my black ‘The Mighty Boosh’ t-shirt and headed into the main section of the bus where everyone else was congregated.

“No one woke me up?” I said, rubbing my eyes.

My mom smiled, “Sorry sweetie, I didn’t know you wanted waking up.” She kissed my cheek then sat back down next to Denise.

I grabbed a spoon then sat down next to Joe at the table, I pulled his cereal between us and shovelled some onto my spoon and into my mouth. “Yeah you can totally have some.”

I smiled at him as everyone laughed. “Thanks.” I replied, putting the spoon into my mouth directly in his face. “What are we doing today?”

“We’re going to a wedding, remember…” Joe said.

I jumped up from the seat, splashing milk in Joe’s face as I dropped the spoon into the milk. “I have nothing to wear, you’re supposed to remind me of these things!” I called from the back of the bus.

“We’re leaving in an hour by the way!” Joe shouted.

I let out a loud scream as I flung clothes around. “Mom! Denise!” I shouted desperately sinking into the pile of clothes around me.

The two wise women came to my rescue. My mom sat me down and did my make up while Denise picked me an outfit to wear then curled my hair in loose waves then pinned some of it back behind my ear. She disguised the bobby pins with a purple flower.

“I wish I had a daughter you know.” Denise smiled, kissing my head.

My mom did my base of a nude foundation then put some powder over my face to seal in the foundation. Then she put some pink blusher on my cheek bones and then covered my eye lashes with mascara, leaving my eye lids eye shadow and eye liner free. She spread some pale coloured lip gloss across my lips then held out some tissue for me to smack my lips on.

They helped me into my outfit. A strapless sweat heart dress with a solid purple bust and three button accents, it then flowed down into soft pleats below the waist with a floral pattern. I matched them with some Valentino pumps and a black clutch. I held out my arm for my mom whilst I tried to fill up my clutch, she snapped on a diamond bracelet and slipped on a chunky ring.

“Julia!” Joe called from the front of the bus just as I ran out from the back. “Awesome, okay, my car has arrived let’s be going yes?”

“Yes! Bye! Thanks mom and Denise.”

Joe pulled me across the hotel’s parking lot and too his over sized Mercedes. I didn’t like it to start with but now it’s growing on me. He opened my door for me and I quickly climbed in, he slammed it shut milliseconds after my foot was inside. He ran to his side and dived in the car.

He took me by surprise by leaning over and kissing me forcefully on the lips whilst starting up the car, multi-tasking was always one of his strong points. “Now I can focus.”

I laughed at him and pulled down the visor as he began to drive so I could re-do my lip gloss.

We pulled up to the church to a bunch of people already there, but crowded outside which was lucky for us. “What am I introducing you as?” Joe asked me as he fixed his tie. “Girlfriend?”

I smiled showing him all my teeth, “Okay?”

“I thought you wanted to keep it on the DL…”

I frowned, I did like the idea of him calling me his girlfriend though. “Okay, friend.”

He climbed out of the car and kissed my cheek, “Come on then, friend.”

I giggled and poked him in the side as he climbed out the car. He opened my door and snuck a kiss on my cheek before we walked towards the congregation of people outside the church doors. I noticed as soon as he was spotted that people were beginning to talk about him and find ways to encircle him without causing a scene or being completely obvious.

Most people orbited him, all the guys wanted to talk to him and all the women wanted pictures with him or to shamelessly flirt with him. But the guests made sure not to take away the day from the bride and groom. The groom always had someone talking to him and a large group waiting to talk to him.

Joe made sure that in every picture that he was in, I was there on his arm. I appreciated it but I didn’t need it per say. I was quite happy watching him be the gentleman he is and interact with people.

The ceremony was filled with love and happiness. Ever since a little girl I had loved weddings. When I was only three years old I got to be ‘flower girl’ for my Aunt’s wedding, I treated it like it was the last thing I’d do on Earth. Since then the idea of getting married was something I thought about often, just because the thought of everyone getting together to celebrate love and commitment was so surreal to me.

We ended up only having to walk across the street into someone’s garden where a large white marquee stood. Joe kept a small hand on my back as we walked through the crowds with the beaming sun on our bare skin.

“Table 16.” I said after Joe had stared at the large piece of cardboard for a while.

He smiled at me and threw his arm around my shoulder, “Let’s go then.”

The food was amazing, especially desert; chocolate brownie. Embarrassingly enough I had caught the bouquet which sent Joe into a fit of laughs as I didn’t even try I was just protecting my face.

“What am I supposed to do with this thing?” I asked Joe as we sat in his car.

Joe still had his arrogant smirk on his face. “Get married.”

I glared at him then hit him over the head with the flowers. “I found a use!” I exclaimed, hitting him again.

“Stop!” He shouted at me, grabbing the flowers and hitting me with them. I once again grabbed them but he didn’t let go. “We both put the flowers on the floor...”

Together we slowly lowered them to the floor then sat up right again. I looked at him then at me, seeing us both covered in petals. “Oh, I so need a picture.”

I pulled out my iPhone and snapped a picture of us pouting with petals all over the car and us. “Post it on twitter.”

I obeyed his demand and posted it with the caption ‘we just had a fight with the brides bouquet that I caught by accident. Only Joe and Julia… xD.’

“To the hotel, driver!” I said punching my arm out in front of me, “Let’s stop and get a frappa—”

I was silence as Joe’s lips smothered my own. I smiled as his hand gently cupped my chin and stroked my cheek, making the once forceful kiss a romantic and sweet one that I much preferred. Our lips peeled away from each other then we kept our heads rested against each other.

“Thank you for coming with me.” Joe whispered, pushing his lips against mine gently.

I closed my eyes again then brought my own lips down onto his, tilting my head to the side. “Thanks for that.” I whispered back to him.

We both smile at each other and jokingly crashed our lips together, it couldn’t even count as a kiss. If someone else saw it they’d think that we’d just fell against each other, but we were different as a couple. Not afraid to be idiots or make a fool of ourselves around each other was a result of our friendship.

“God, I’m sweating.” Joe said as he sat back down in his seat and began to drive.

“Are your balls clammy?” I chuckled as he wriggled about in his seat.

He nodded grasping his crotch area and pulling it out, moving it around with a distorted face, “All your bits are neatly tucked away, consider yourself lucky.”

I gasped, “Are you saying I have no boobs?” I grasped my breasts jokingly.

Joe shook his head at me over dramatic performance and switched on the radio. I listened to the end of a song I didn’t recognise then smiled as the traditional radio DJ voice came over the radio.

I droned it out until I heard, “Cyrus’s new song ‘Party In The Usa!”

I smiled as I heard the opening tune of the song then turned it up so I could sing along to it. Joe and I sang along together joyfully as he drove back to the hotel with a smile on his face.

Time Lapse- August 10th 2009

We’d kept it secret, amazingly, and today on our day off in L.A Joe and I decided it was time to tell our friends and family of our new relationship move. The Jonas Brothers had just performed three sold out shows in L.A at the Staples Centre so everyone was in good spirits.

Joe was going to tell his family while I told my mom on a shopping trip. She took it extremely well, over-joyed would be an understatement for my mother at that time. She was just happy I was happy and dating a gentleman.

So, to celebrate my mom bought me a strawberry frappachino and some new boots. “Mom… where are we going?”

“Denise called when you were in the bathroom in Starbucks, she’s invited us over for dinner.”

“What? I need to change.” I looked down to my extremely casual outfit. A large oversized white t-shirt with an owl on with some flower printed leggings and some black gladiator sandals. “This sucks.” I mumbled putting on my brown shades.

My mom chuckled, “There’s some make up in my bag.”

I dove for her bag and pulled out some powder and mascara, she was a bit more tanned than I was so I didn’t over do it with the powder. My nerves were getting to me as we began to pull up to the Jonas L.A pad, a place I knew inside out and even owned a room inside.

Mom pulled up the car on the curb and together we walked into to see the family we both loved, but under different circumstances.
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I didn't know what to put in this and I've been working a lot of weddings in my job (waitress for a catering place) and I love them so... tough luck if you found it boring.

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Love you all :)