I'll Get You, Even If My Life Depends On It

Character introduction

Lucy Sarah Elise (left) and Ali Carmen Elise (right)


Lucy Sarah Elise

5 foot 10, Blonde hair.

She is usualy a nice person unless you get on the wrong side of her, then she can just be your worst nightmare. Caring and sympethetic.

Peircings: Ears 3 on each and Snakebite

Ali Carmen Elise

5 foot 8 Black hair.

She is usualy the one who is always ready for a fight and is mostly hyper. She knows how to say no and is strong when angered. A girl who is not to be messed with.

The Murderers ( Also known as avenged sevenfold)


Matt: Gets angered easily and like to get straight to the point. When he feels for something he will fight for it, nomatter the consiquences.

Brian: The womanizer of the group, always gets what he wants all of the time. Dosn't like being rejected.

Johnny: The quiet one but has the brains. Gets respected al lot and if he dosn't, or if he disagrees with anything, he simply kills.

Jimmy: The random one. He's made to befriend people so its easier to kill them. Loves killing people in the most sadistic ways, he gets a thrill from it.

Zacky: The evil one. He comes up with all of the plans and how to capture and murder people in the most terrifying ways.
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Me and Jessica ...xxx are making this one so give credit to her as well please.

Peace out