I'll Get You, Even If My Life Depends On It

Lucy's POV

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I walked into my bedroom and saw Ali sitting on my bed.

''Is there any particular reason you have to be on my bed when you have your own?'' i asked as i pulled out clean underwear and pj's.

''Your beds comfy'' she said simply and grabbed the TV remote and flicking through the channels.

I ushered her out and locked my door and changed into my pj's and tied my hair up in a loose bun. Letting out a sigh I sat on my bed whilst looking at the picture of my parent on my bedside table. I grabbed it and ran my fingers over it. It all happened so fast, one minute they were there and the next.....they were in body bags. I remember it like it was yesterday.

......Flash back......
I sat on the chair and counted to ten. me and Ali playing hide and go seek and i was seeking. I would always let her off easily though seeing as how she was my little sister/
I finished counting and went on my search. I looked everywhere and came to my parents bedroom. I walked slowly over to the closet and opened it to see her there.

''I found you, now your it'' i said

She was going to say something but got cut off by a loud crashing sound and a single gunshot. I got into the closet and closed the door.
We heard yelling from my dad and my mum sounded like she was in pain seeing as i could here her crying.
''Shut that fucking bitch up'' some guy said
I heard another gunshot then my mum went quiet, i wounder what happened.
''Go get the kids'' one said
''Touch them and i will kill you'' said my dad
I simply heard a laugh and then another gunshot followed by my dads yelp.
I heard several footsteps coming up the stairs and i was starting to get scared.
''Whatever you do don't make a sound'' i said to Ali.

Ali nodded as the door to the room swung open revealing 5 men. Each as scary as the last.

''Look for the kids'' said the muscular one
They looked under the bed and then they looked toward the closet we were in. Thank god it was one of them weird closet doors which reminded me off blinds so i had no problem seeing them.
One was coming toward the closet so i covered Ali's mouth up and just as he was going to rag the door open my dad came in with a wound on his leg and jumped on him sending him to the ground.

The smallest one got a gun out and shot him straight in the head. I felt Ali try to scream and pressed my hand harder on her mouth to muffle the sound. I then heard distant police sirens as i let a couple if tears roll down my cheek.

''C'mon lets get out of here, the cops will be here any second'' said muscular man.

They all left and me and Ali cried with each other until the cops arrived.

......end of flashback......

I put the picture back on the table and walked out of my bedroom and went downstairs to see Ali watching sponge bob and eating toast.

She was all i had left now and i was going to protect her, even if it killed me.

I sat down next to her and she smiled at me.

''Lucy, there's a party later on tonight, we so have to go'' she said

''Fine, what time and were?'' i asked

''Um, i think its at 8 and its at Jaydens house'' she said

''Okay, but I'm not carrying you again if you get trashed'' i said

''I learned my lesson last time, hangover are not good'' she said

I laughed and got up to go get ready.

I entered my room and picked out and outfit. It was nothing special, Just some black leggings, a denim Minni skirt and i purple tank top with black flat shoes.

I did my hair and make up and looked at the clock to see it was 7:30pm.

I sat on my bed and thought of the eventful night that changed my life. It was when i was 9 so about......10 years ago making me now 19 and Ali was 8 when it happened, she's 18 now.

I will avenge my family when i see those bastards and they will suffer until i decide to kill them, or unless they die from being tortured