I'll Get You, Even If My Life Depends On It

Ali's P.O.V

Me and Lucy stood looking at the five men in front of us and thought.

What to do now?
Well what do you usually do when you have five men tied up in the middle of the lounge?
Its not exactly something i do everyday
Well make them angry or bored
I have just the thing

Most normal men hate mushy romantic films. So we'll watch one to piss them off.

''Lets watch the notebook'' i said walking over to the cabinet were we kept all of the DVD's.

I swear i heard all of them groan. Well i wouldn't blame them, i don't even know why we have this DVD.

Lucy went into the kitchen to make pop corn and i set up the TV.

Once we were all comfy we began watching. This was the beginning of their torture. I mean one of the fuckers shot me.

Half way through the film i got bored and began flicking pop corn at Matt who in turn glared at me.

I heard one of there stomach's grumble and my soft side kicked in.

''Lucy, should we feed them?'' i asked

''No, there bad guys'' she said

'' I know but reason with me here, they are humans and we need to eat'' i said

''Fine but i ain't feeding them'' she said

I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen and looked at what we had to eat. Which was hardly anything. I sighed and picked up the phone and ordered a pizza with fries.

I went back into the room and began watching the rest of the movie.

''I thought you were getting them food'' said Lucy

''I ordered Pizza'' i said

We watched some more of the movie and the door bell rang.

I went to the door to see the delivery dude. I paid for the food an went back into the room and sat in front of Matt. He was still glaring at me.

I pulled down his gag and he took in a proper breathe.

''You hungry?'' i asked him

''Yes'' he said

I picked up a piece of pizza and Fed him like a baby.

I never realy noticed it but his eyes were amazing, they were haze with speckles of green in them.

You like him!
I most certainly do not
Says the girl who argues with herself.
Fuck off

I Fed all of them and gagged them up again and watched the rest of the movie.

''What are we going to do when were in bed'' i said motioning to the guys on the floor.

''I don't know, Just tie them to something more comfy i suppose'' said Lucy

''Shall we do it now?'' i asked

''I suppose so'' said Lucy

''How in the hell are we going to do that?'' i asked

''We'll think of something'' said Lucy

I hope you right woman!