I'll Get You, Even If My Life Depends On It

Lucy's POV

Ali is totally right.
How the hell are we supposed to move the 5 men from our living rooms?

''I have an idea!'' i said

''What?'' asked Ali

''Well we have lots of rooms in this house and most of the doors lock'' i said

''I'm not following'' said Ali

''We can lock each of them in a different room'' i said in a 'Duh' tone

''Oh right'' she said

''You can stay here and make sure none of them try anything and i will take them one by one to different rooms'' i said starting to untie the big buff dude. Whats his name again?

Oh yeah Matt i think.
I stood him up and started to walk him to a different room.
He pulled back and shoved me against a wall.

Jesus he's strong
I know he looks like he could bench press you
Shut up, this is not the time
Well sorry I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little

''You are so going to pay for doing that to us'' said Matt

I glanced behind Matt to see Ali with a knife.

''Oh really?'' i asked

''Yes'' he growled

AIi came up behind him and held the knife to his throat.

''Now Mattie are you going to be nice or am i going to have to slit your fucking throat?'' asked Ali once Matt let me go
I led him to a room and locked him in.
Right, one down 4 to go.
We walked back into the room and i untied the really tall one.

''Hi'' he said

''Um, hi'' i said

''I'm Jimmy'' he said

''Okay'' i said leading him to the room.

He was just kind of following me to the room. Strange man.
I put him in the room next to the one Matt was in and locked the door.
I walked back into the lounge and took the one with the snakebites.
I simply pushed him to a room.

''Bitch'' he said under his breathe

''Well I'm sure you'd be a bitch if you witnessed your parents being murdered in front of you'' i said to him

''True but that was in the past, cant we just move on and be friends?'' he asked

Was he for real?

''Not a chance and one of you shot Ali in the leg'' i said pushing him into a room and locking the door.

Two more to go.

''Ali can you take the short one?'' i asked earning a glare from him. He must get a lot of shit about his height. Bless him.

''Sure, were we putting him?'' she asked

''The basement'' i said

''We cant put him down there, its not a livable environment'' she said

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her

Does she care for them?

''Fine, put him in the room next to your room'' i said

She untied him and pulled him up and made her way to the room.

''Are you planning on letting us go?'' asked a smooth voice from beside me.

I looked to see Brian i think his name was looking at me.

''I don't know'' i said honestly

''well what are you planning on doing with us?'' he asked looking like he didn't give a care in the world about what were doing to them.

''Again, i don't know'' i said

''You do realize that were a feared gang, and your doors wont keep us from getting you'' he said making me a bit scared. Only a tiny bit though.

''What if our doors are strong'' i said

''We'll still get you'' he said confidently

''Oh yeah, then what?'' i asked

''Then we do whatever we want with you, as Matt said earlier your ours now'' he said

''What make you think that?'' i asked

''We always get what we want'' he said

''Well I'm sorry to say this. But now your with me and Ali things will change'' i said

I untied him and dragged him to a room.

We were nearly there when he pinned me to the wall and looked deep into my eyes then my lips.

He was not going to. Was he?

My question was answered when he began to come closer and soon enough our lips met.
Electric jolts ran through me as i kissed back.

What the fuck are you doing? stop it now

I listened to my inervioce and pushed him off of me and into a room.

''Have a nice sleep'' i said then smiled a fake smile to him before locking the door.

''What was that about?'' came Ali's voice from behind me.

''What was what?'' i asked

''I saw what you did'' she said with a knowing smile.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and walked off thinking about Brian.

Well that was interesting.
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