My Girl


For the first day of summer, it was unseasonably cold. Which was the reason why I had Parker’s sweatshirt wrapped around my body as we made our way down the sidewalk of the park. The sun was still high in the sky, or so I could tell when it wasn’t covered by the clouds hovering above us.

“You know, I kind of went through the same thing you and Nick are going through right now.” Parker interrupted the silence as we walked underneath a large oak tree. A couple walking their dog smiled at us as they walked past. “A few years ago.”

“Really?” It seemed like something dumb to say, since he obviously wouldn’t make something up like this, but I felt like I needed to reply in some sort of manner.

“Yeah…” Parker slowed down and sat down at an isolated bench that was a few feet off the trail of the park. I sat down next to him in a spot that wasn’t covered by shade. “When Arielle first met Steph, she had just moved here. And she was in my grade and everything. Well, I really liked her at the time, and I thought she felt the same way about me.” He smirked slightly and stared down at the trail. “She didn’t. Not even close. She thought we were just friends, and she told Arielle about how I felt the night I told Steph I liked her. Well, Arielle got pissed. And told everyone.”

I watched as Parker seemed to replay the entire situation in his head. I was confused. Him and Steph didn’t ever seem to be weird, at least not the one time I was around both of them at the same time.

“What happened?” I asked, hoping he would continue to explain.

“I don’t know. Time just passed, everyone Arielle had told lost interest, Steph got over it, I moved on.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I think the same thing will happen with your situation.”

I considered this, but realized I didn’t want that to happen between Nick and I. I didn’t want to forgive Sylvia for what she did, I didn’t want Nick to get over me, I didn’t want to move on.

“I know exactly what your going through, Elise. It completely sucks.” I could tell Parker was trying to relate, and maybe he truly did, but I wouldn’t hear any of it.

“Just…just stop. Why are you and Arielle suddenly interested in my personal business? I don’t even know you guys.” My cheeks were suddenly flaming and I unzipped Parker’s sweatshirt and handed it back to him. “Can we walk, please?”

“Sure.” His voice seemed alarmed by my sudden outburst, but his face didn’t show it. He just looked sternly ahead, not slowing his pace even when I walked a few feet behind him.

“I don’t know if you know this or not, but Arielle doesn’t have that many people to talk to.” He said from his spot ahead of me. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my jeans as we approached the part of the park where a lot of younger kids hung out. Expecting mothers along with mothers carrying multiple babies on their hips stood watching the swarm of toddlers play on the jungle gym in front of them.

“I didn’t know-”

“And the reason she came over that day is because she thought maybe you would need a friend. And so does she. She really was only trying to be nice, I’m sure she didn’t mean to put any more harm on the little reputation you have.” Parker was getting angrier the more he spoke. Not only did his voice give it away, but his cheeks were turning bright red.

“What reputation?” I asked cluelessly, finally falling into step next to him. He laughed and glanced over at me.

“Please. Why do you think Arielle was so thrilled that you were hanging out with her, Elise?” Parker looked down again and saw that I still didn’t get it. “You’re incredible.”

“I already told you I hung out with you guys because I wanted to.” I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. A sharp wind flew through the trees and I shivered slightly.

“Really? Because you’re the one blaming me and Arielle for barging into your life.” Parker said sarcastically, wringing his sweatshirt in between his hands.

“I didn’t mean for it to come off like that.” I said, listening to my voice waver. “I’m just confused.”

“Stop making excuses.” He stopped walking completely and looked down at me. “Your either confused, overwhelmed, or just feeling sorry for yourself. Sorry to break it to you, Elise, but the world isn’t going to stop revolving just because things aren‘t going as well as you hoped.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not even coming off that way!” I shouted.

“Like you can tell.” He mumbled sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. “You don’t even know.”

“I’m pretty sure I do.” He argued.

“How can you? You have known me for not even a day, and your telling me you can say what is exactly wrong.”

“It’s not that hard to figure out.” Parker argued, throwing his hands up in the air with defeat.

“I know we didn’t know each other during school, but before you met Nick, I thought you were the bitchiest girl in your entire class.” He suddenly admitted. I opened my mouth to speak but he held his hand up. “Let me finish.”

I nodded my head and watched him. “But after that one golf meet, you came back and…I don’t know. Just seemed different. You stood up to Sylvia, something you never did. But then when she kind of told me that day after History about you and Nick, you still seemed completely mortified about it. It’s because you care way too much about what people think of you. “ He stopped talking, as if expecting me to reply back.

“That’s not true.” I lied. I knew it. I knew I did.

“You can say whatever you want, but I think you know I’m right.” We were both silent as I felt Parker stare at me as I stared down at the pavement. “Elise, I’m here to help you.”

Parkers voice was so much more sincere than it was a few seconds ago, that right there I almost lost it.

I glanced up at him and shook my head. “I don’t understand why.”

“Doesn’t anyone ever do something for you just because they care?” Parker questioned, looking through his shaggy hair and over at me. I bit my lower lip.

“Your doing this because you care? You don’t even know me.” I said, my voice shaking slightly. Parker smiled and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

“Maybe that means I want to get to know you.” I looked up at him with wide eyes.

“As friends.” He added quickly, his smile reappearing as I nodded my head.

“Yeah…” I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rachael's A/N:
Indeed. Friends, friends, biffles. :P I dont know.
Comment much? Agreed. Go. :)
I really like the next chapter...I'm pretty sure everyone will too. Or maybe it's the next next chapter....whatever. Good things to come, my friends.

So Elise's last words... (or word) there... do you think she wants to be more than friends with Parker? What about Nick? Don't worry... he'll be coming back.

Thanks so much for reading!


~Steph & Rachael <3