My Girl

It's Going To Be Hard

“This type can usually be prevented by a healthy diet…” The doctor stood up from the chair next to my mom’s bedside and took a clipboard out of the nurses hand that was standing in the entrance of the room.

I looked down at my sleeping mom, horrified at how pale she looked. I knew things were fine, but even the idea of having my other parent in a hospital bed terrified me.

Nicks fingers intertwined with mine as the doctor continued to talk. “I know things are going to be hard around the house lately…your mom is going to blame anything she can. She’s going to be frustrated with herself, and she might just want to be alone for a little while.”

I glanced over at Nick, who was listening intently to what the doctor was saying. I wasn’t sure why, but he was.

“Your mom should be waking up soon.” The doctor said, setting the clipboard onto the table next to the hospital bed. “I will be by in a while.”

I nodded and watched the doctor exit the room, turning to Nick as soon as the door shut.

“Were you like this?” I questioned, watching Nick sit down in a chair.

“Like what?”

“Did you blame yourself?” Nick continued to look at me, but soon shook his head.

“N-not really.” He glanced behind me at my mom. “It just scares me that if this isn’t handled right…” He trailed off and looked back up at me.

I rolled my eyes. “You can say it, Nick. You can die. I know.” I mumbled, falling into the chair next to him. We stayed silent for a few minutes.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of Nick’s cell phone going off. He glanced down at the Caller ID and quickly stood up from his chair.

“Elise…I-I’ll be right back.” He bolted out of the room, walking past the hospital room windows. A large smile was on his face, and he was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I continued to stare out the window after he was gone, staring as nurses, doctors, and patients went by.

Some nurses ran past, horrified looks on their faces. Some doctors walked past, their arms wrapped around a crying person. They looked to be lamenting with the person, but staying way much calmer. Some patients walked past, dragging walkers in front of them.

“Elise?” A weak voice came from the other side of the room. I looked away and saw my mom weakly sitting up from her bed.

“Oh my gosh, mom. Your awake!” I stood up, quickly walking over to her side. “How are you feeling? Do you need a doctor? Is everything okay-”

“Elise.” My mom said louder, reaching out for my hand. “I’m fine.”

“D-do you know what is happening?” I hadn’t asked the doctor if he had informed my mom yet. But by the way her face fell, a sudden angry expression coming onto her face, I assumed he did.

“Yes.” When she looked up at me, tears rimmed her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

“What? For what?”

“I bet I scared you. So badly.” I sat down next to her and continued to listen. “With your father, I haven’t even really spoken to you since Friday night.”

She shook her head, her face slightly lifting. “Did you win your match?”

I laughed and shook my head, running my hand through my hair. “No.” I smirked. “You missed… a lot.”

“I want to hear about it.” She said, closing her eyes again. I glanced out the window again, spotting a quick glance at Nick’s curls as he walked toward the door.

“Later.” The door twisted open, revealing Nick’s smiling face. “I will tell you later.”

My mom opened her eyes at the door opening. They traveled Nick’s path as he rounded the corner.

“Elise, I have the gre-” He saw that my mom was awake and instantly stopped mid-sentence. “Oh. Hi.”

“Hello.” She glanced up at me.

“Mom…this is Nick.” I stood up from my chair and shoved my hands into my pants. “My…boyfriend.”

The way my heart lightened when I said that for the first time, it didn’t even matter when I saw the startled expression on my mom’s face. At first, she looked between Nick and I. Stealing a glance at Nick, I opened my mouth to speak.

“Well…” My mom beat me to it. “I guess I did miss a lot.” Even if she seemed irked about it, the way her voice lightened made me think that everything would turn out fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rachael's A/N: Uhm, comments? greatly appreciated. kthxbi.

Aw... poor Elise's Mom =[ Do you think her Mom will like Nick?

Thanks for reading. This is close to ending....


~Steph & Rachael <3