Ever Try to Reach Something, but It's Someone Else's Dream?

Does It Bother You That You're Related To...Her?

“Hey Oriana wait up! I need to ask you something!” Clarissa yelled as I walked out of our house and too my car. I was ignoring her when school hours came around I was her freakishly abnormal cousin who was abandoned by her parents in left in the custody of her kind and loving aunt and uncle. A lie I hated to live but it stopped everyone thinking I was as much of a bitch as Clarissa even if I was the brains behind most of her barbs.

“Out of my face how is this meant to work if you act like you like me when your friends are waiting over there?” I hissed as I stopped getting a little to into her face. I knew it was mean and it upset her a lot but she couldn’t expect either of us to live the life we wanted if she was always pursuing me like my kid sister. Even though she was none of her friends or my friends knew we were twins. No one had really linked the identical looks because of my using wash out dye and handy application of pale makeup and eyeliner and not to mention my distaste for laying about in a scanty bikini and killing my skin cells with UV light.

“Look its just I have a date tonight and Mom and Dad won’t let me go will you cover?” She simpered at me, I hated this part I could never say no to her. She lied to all her friends for me claiming I was her orphaned cousin and that I had no where else to go. I very rarely did things in return for her but when I did it was always something like this. Covering for her on a date or taking her place in the pyramid during a pep rally when she was ill. It was one of the things that was so good about being her twin. While I didn’t want to lead the life of being all around popular bad ass chick and head cheerleader of St Andrews Prep Academy I still got to live other peoples dream time to time. You know the usual kinds of deals. Dating this basketball centre or dating that football quarter back. It was pretty neat not that I would ever admit it to anyone that I would actually like my sisters life sometimes.

“Come on Clarissa really you know to night is when I meet up with Tom and Tim and go skating!” I glared at her, that’s another thing that wasn’t so great about my double life. I routinely sacrificed my own friendships and happiness for her to keep up her appearances. I looked down at the floor coldly I didn’t want to blow then off not this week. I had every week for the past month and I was hoping tonight I really wouldn’t of had to.

“Don’t tell me you still have a crush on that gothic guy Tom? Come on you would rather hang out with him and skate. When you could be going on a date with one of St Andrews Preps finest?” She said rolling her eyes as if that this concept should be a no brained for me. Like I should always choose to date the schools finest. But that was it I couldn’t date because I was always dating people for her. Sometimes I just wanted to blow our whole secret wide open. Show everyone exactly why sometimes Clarissa Little and Oriana Little were just a little to similar to be deemed normal cousins.

“Clarissa no not to night you are just going to have to cancel your date! I have cancelled every damn plan I have had with Tom and Tim for the past month for you. I know you hate to hear this but I have my own life I don’t need to be living yours to,” I said softly my voice edged with annoyance as I walked away from her and to my black hummer which Mom and Dad had bought for me when I got my license. I backed out of the driveway swerving around the stupid quarter backs car and driving down the street to pick up Tom and Tim, my two favourite guys and my best friends.

I was driving down the street my radio set to country and my voice singing along at the top of my lungs. My voice was so different to Clarissa’s but I could mimic hers perfectly. You see we had moved to California when we were thirteen and that was when our plan started people in Dallas, Texas where we grew up knew we were twins and because we were so different yet still loved each other our lives were made a living hell. So when we moved here we begged our parents to let us try out our plan and amazingly it was still working. But while Clarissa had slipped into a Californian twang for the rest of her days I kept my southern drawl and it made the guys smile when I sung.

“The devil went down to Georgia he was lookin’ for a soul to steal, he was in a bind cause he was way behind and he was willin’ to make a deal,” I sang softly the words tumbling past my cherry red lips as I pulled up and beeped my horn twice. Tom and Tim came skating down the driveway and stopped at the car side. I unlocked the doors and they climbed in Tom sitting shot gun and Tim in the back. They both grinned as we did our three way handshake and then laughed.

“Ready to roll boys?” I asked softly as I changed the station to an alternative station that played a little of everything and smiled when ’Behind Closed Doors’ blared out of the speakers. Tom and Tim started singing while I drove turning up the music. It was the same every morning.

“In the smiles we cast each other, my sisters my brothers,” Tim sang as he ruffled Tom’s hair and put a hand on my shoulder. I threw my head to the side and laughed as we pulled into the parking lot the song still blaring. I pulled into the lot and into the spot three cars down from where my sister and her jerk of a boyfriend were parked. Their usual crowd was crowding the car and I saw them all look at us as we sat in the car leaving the song playing loudly. I smiled and gave them a sarcastic wave as the rest of my friends came running over and started dancing around the car like lunatics. I threw my head back and laughed cutting the engine as the song ended.

“Whooooop that was awesome! Did you see the look on their faces when you waved? Positively disgusted! Though your cousin looked a little upset kind of like she wished you weren’t the way you are!” Thalia my best friend laughed out as I climbed out of the car and gave her a hug. The guys got out and I locked up my car before walking to the tree we sat under every morning before the bell went.

“Yeah she constantly says something about if I just didn’t dye my hair and joined the squad I could be just like her,” I let out a mirthless laugh as I thought about the many times Clarissa had now tried to make me give up our lie. But we were in to deep now, we couldn’t go back and I knew part of her knew that deep down in side.

“I have a serious question!” Tom suddenly butted in throwing his arm around my shoulder and I smiled nodding at him to continue. “Does it bother you that your related to…her?” He asked a serious expression on his face and I couldn’t help but laugh. It didn’t actually bother me and we had been over this and it always covered the lie well. Even though I hated lying to them me and Clarissa could never go back on this now.

“I’ve told you its only flesh and blood so it can’t be that much right and its not like its from both sides. It could be worse I could be her sister!” I said with malice inwardly cringing at the barb I used against my sister though it was the same she used against me when he friends questioned how she could stand being related to me. I got up and walked to class just as the bell went with the group following behind me. I just hoped today would be over and Clarissa wouldn’t find a way to make me go on her date.
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Hehe Thalia reminds me of me. Sweet Innocent and hidden deep inside somewhere is a bitch that even popular girls would be jealous of =)