

I was sitting on my balcony, observing the stars. I was allowed out here at night. Father never let me go out at daylight, although I didn't sparkle in the sunlight like he did.
I knew all the names of the stars, I had over 500 hundred years to learn. It was one of my hobby's. I had to spend my time somehow.
I nearly never left the castle, my beloved home, I loved it here, I had everything I needed here.
My room was a big size, with a lot of books and, the humans call them cd-s, of various music. I had a bed, I was the only one at the castle that could sleep because of the half-wolf side. I had too much clothes, I nearly never wore any of them, unless I had to come out of my room. I always wore a silk white dress and had bare feet.
The room was painted a midnight blue, that matched my eyes, that changed colour when the thirst came over me.
I fed off of humans in my wolf form, I was a shapeshifter. I didn't want to, but my father liked it that way, I could eat all sort of human food, I tasted it once, but I was so used to mu blood diet, that I just shoved it away, it didn't taste good enough.
For my family, I was a majour weapon of destruction. They feared me and I left the room only for food and assingments.

My physical appearance didn't match my strength.

I had light blond straight, nearly white hair and pale skin, blue eyes and a bearly audiable heart-beat.
The heart beated only four times a minute.
When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a fragile 20-year-old girl.

But that was far from the truth.

I was stronger than anyone can ever imagine.
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just tell me if you like her...?
and I'll update soon.