
Chapter 2 - too wild

After saying my goodbyes to my family and the rest of the guards I picked up my passport and took some packed suitcases with me that Felix and Demetri carried for me.
We drove to the airport in a limo. Felix was driving and Demetri was bugging me if he could come with me to the Cullens, which I refused several times.

'But why not?! If you get in a fight, you will be outnumbered!' he complained.

'Demetri, you are forgetting who I am. And besides, I am not going there to fight!' I replied. He was such a pain sometimes, scratch that, I mean all the time.
He can be sweet and everything, but he can also be annoying. I couldn't wait to get rid of him.
I would miss Felix, but oh well, I have a assignment.

And I am happy that I am leaving.

'We're here princess.' Felix boomed. Everyone called me that, except father, Caius, Marcus and the wives.

'Thank you Felix, can you just take my bags and I'll be on my way.'

'Sure thing princess.' he smiled in the review mirror.

I left Demetri sulking in the back seat of the limo and left for Forks, Washington, USA.

After hours of flying, the plain landed in Seattle.

I headed out the main doors after picking up my stuff.
I felt a presence of several vampires at the airport. I was made for destruction, tracking and those kind of things.

I looked around and saw Carlisle with three more vampires and approached him slowly.
When he saw me, he smiled and opened his arms wide to hug me. I returned the hug with much more enthusiasm.

'My, my, Juliet, you haven't changed a bit.' he smiled down at me.

'Well what did you expect of a creature like me?' I returned the smile.

'I would like to introduce you to a small part of my family.' he motioned with his hand to a female and two males.
The female beamed and grinned widely at me. She skipped and hugged me.
I, on the other hand, like the rest of the vampires, froze.
She let go of me quickly seeing as I stiffened under her touch.

'Hi, I'm Alice.' she smiled.

'Oh, hi, I'm Juliet Lorelei, so you're the one that see's the future?' it dawned on me instantly.

'Yeah, and this here are Emmet and Nick.' she motioned to the two males behind her.

'Pleasure to meet you both.' I said softly. The bigger one, Emmet, I think, grinned and took my bags. He reminded me of Felix in a way.

But the other one scowled. He seems not to be too happy to see me.

He had a frown on his face. His hair was light brown, and falling into his eyes. His clothes were casual, a pair of jeans and a light yellow t-shirt.

'Oh, don't mind Nick, he is grumpy because of the last baseball game.' she said shooting him a glare and turning back to me again.

'Why is that?' I asked Alice, confused.

'Well, I told him his team lost before he even started playing and he got mad. He'll be okay occasionally.' she told me, I could see she was hiding something from me.

By now, we were sitting in a large Jeep. It was Emmet's car.
Alice, Carlisle and I were in the back chatting. Nick had shotgun and Emmet was driving.

'So, how are you, how is your diet and everything?' Carlisle asked me. He was fascinated with my body. He knew nearly everything about me.

He was there when they entered chemicals so I could be half-wolf also.
I was only half-vampire at one time, I had the power to take someones ability and use it when ever I wanted. You could say a copy-cat.
Then my father, Aro, decided to make an experiment and made a combination of chemicals so I could turn into a wolf too.

'Well, my diet was and still is consisting of human blood, but I am willing to change that once we arrive at your residence.' I told him. He didn't seem shocked, he knew Aro didn't want me getting any weaker.

'If you have any trouble, you can ask me for help, you are more reasonable than Renesmee.' he smiled lightly, and I saw he wasn't pleased with that statement.

'I control my thirst well enough, and I will do what I can.'

'In my opinion, you are too wild for our family.' I heard a voice for the first time.

'Nick! Shut your mouth or I will shut it for you!' Alice screamed at him.
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