Why So Serious?

Why so serious

(this is the entire story, I am far to lazy to upload them one at a time)

[1]He walked in, hunched, drenched from the rain outside. The doorman tried to tell him, that he couldn't come in, not at this time of night, not the way he looked, no one would want to see him. The joker skipped over to the doorman, smiling the whole time, he got very close to the old withered doorman, so close that both could hear the other's heart beating.
The joker squinted at him, looking his face over. He could tell that the man was rattling with fear, his glasses fogged up at the heat of the joker's breathe, the joker was just a bit taller than him. The older man had a round face, that sagged a bit from his age. The joker pushed the man's round hat off of his head, and squealed with laughter 'You really shouldn't tell me what to do. You see, I could blow all your brains out right now,...now now now, wouldn't that be funny?' He erupted into a vicious laugh.
The man standing still, backed up, even closer to the long window's that stood next to the door. The man, even though terrified smiled some, thinking it was a joke. I mean, this was just an ordinary man, he would never kill anyone. It, must be a joke, right? The joker finally stopped his malicious laughing 'What the fuck are you smiling at?!' He yelled, right before he pulled out an old fashioned looking pistol, and shot the man dead. It seemed to happen so fast, that the man didn't see it coming, and still had that same scared smile on his face, when he instantly died.
The joker shrugged and walked over to the elevator, the shiny doors showed his reflection, one that he was not too fond of. Not because he was ugly, no, he didn't have anything wrong with him. He didn't have a single scar, a single freckle, he was in a word, gorgeous. But he was alone. His hunched body pushed the glowing 'up' button, and almost on cue, the metallic, reflective doors opened, revealing an officer, semi-automatic by his side. Before the police officer had a chance for surviving at all, any chance to even look at his weapon, the dark figure, still looking at the ground, shot him point blank in the chest, causing the man in blue to fly backwards, hitting the back of the elevator, along with all of his innards. The body, slides its way to the floor, and the door begins to close. The joker squeezes his way through right before it shuts, 'My my, taking too much time, we've got to be faster with this, don't you think?' He said, looking at himself in those shiny doors again.
He presses the number '4' and waits, as the elevator jumps to a start. He kneels down, humming to himself, what sounds like something you'd hear at an old fashioned carnival tune. He searched around the body, looking for any identification, any keys, anything that could be of use to him. Not finding anything, he went to stand up again, and realized he had gotten blood all over his hands. The joker shrugged, and licked his lips. He stood up, and scribbled on the wall opposite the doors. A loud ding, and he jumped.
The doors slid open, he waltzed out, still humming. His eyes closed, perhaps thinking about someone, or something. Or somewhere he'd rather be. As he walked down the dark hallway to his destination, it was made visible the 'HA!' written in the officer's blood.
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
The joker stands before a door, bearing the numbers '412' in cheep, gold-plated metal. He doesn't bother to knock, twisting the handle, letting himself, in the dull, smoke filled apartment. What seemed like the living room was filled with boxes, and trash. There were bottles of half empty liquor skewed across the place, and the smell was almost unbearable. Upon entering a man jumped up from his lonely seat on a recliner filled with all sorts of trash.
'What the hell are you doing in my apartment? Get the fuck out! Who the hell do you think you are?! Just barging in here?' A woman came out of a back room, turning a light on. She squinted, trying to adjust her eyes to the bright light.
'What's going on out here, honey? And who's he' She said, in the middle of yawning, pointing her head at the joker himself.
Her husband looks at her, just looks, and looks back towards the joker, 'I have no idea, excuse me, but what do you want with my family?'
The joker laughs to himself, and holds out his pistol to the man. The bewildered drunk takes it, looking at it questioningly. It looked too old, the man wondered where he could of found such a novelty item. 'Uh, right, what's this for?'
The joker smiles, grinning, from ear to ear, 'Well sir, that's, uh, well that's to kill your wife with.'
The man, in only boxers and a wife beater becomes suddenly enraged, 'You're fucking crazy! I'd never shoot my wife.'
The joker stopped laughing, 'No I'm not crazy, no I'm not.' The man takes the gun that was just handed to him, the old pistol, it felt too light to be real, it felt like a toy. He takes the gun and points it directly at the man wearing a purple suit.
The joker squints his eyes, awaiting a bullet, but all that comes out is a 'Bang' Flag. He laughs, 'Oh, it seems I gave you the wrong gun. Whoopsies! Well I guess I'll just have to do it for you.' He smirked, but only a little, before he shot the woman in the head, she didn't even have enough time to scream before her body hit the floor, her head clunking made the most noise.
The man dropped the fake gun, his face fell too. He looked at the other man, desperate for an answer. Any answer, anything that would console him, even if just a little bit. He just needed something to tell him it might be okay. He just stared 'Why'd you do it?' His voice was small.
The joker looked, actually angry for once, 'What do you mean, why? Can't it ever be the simple reason, that I felt like killing your wife? Can't it be, I felt like taking something that belonged to someone else? Can't it ever be simple? You people, you try so hard to make everything so fucking complicated! With your reasons, and your silly little logic. There is no reason for this..' He smiled again, looking the man, who was now on his knees, directly in the eye, '.. it's just good fun.'
The man put his head down, he didn't really know what to do or what to say, but the joker had enough words for the two of them, The joker kept rambling, pacing, and waving his arms, even the occasional twitch. 'Now, I think it's your turn, but you, well, you aren't just simple fun. Now you're a very hard person to find, Mr. Kirsh. And I, well I don't seek revenge often, no, it's too, well it's too complicated, it's too much of a hassle. But you, you crossed the line this time, you see you, you were not something I could just forget about!' He squealed in laughter, taking a knife to the man’s eye, stabbing it in deep, the man yelped, 'See, you, you looked at me funny, a few years ago. And I don't think I could ever recover from that.' The joker sunk the knife in deeper, until the man stopped whining or moving at all. His body fell to the floor face first, pushing the knife in as deep as it could possibly go.
The joker did the same thing as he had in the elevator, and adorned the room with 'Ha's' in blood. It smelled repulsive, but it must not have bothered him any. He was about to leave, about to walk out of this place, unscathed and happy, when he heard a wailing from the other room. It wasn't in pain, and it wasn't scared. The joker stepped over the bodies, he was curious just what kind of animal he would get to torture today, walking to the other side of the shabby apartment he opened a door and turned on a very dim light, where he found a baby. Just a little baby girl, that had just woken up. The joker was going to just walk away, walk away from the poor soul that would die alone, never knowing the feeling of love or hate.
Just turn the light out, and walk away on that cute little darling baby forever. But this baby, looked like it had been just born, not even a week ago. This baby girl had never committed any sin, and was never even given a chance. Now that didn't seem right to the joker, he thought that everyone should be given the same chance to live, and be given the same chance to fuck up, once they decided their fate, well than they could die.
This baby had no choice, no chance, nothing to even grasp. The joker, still a normal man, with a normal face, no scars, no make-up. Just a troubled soul at the time, he picked up this baby, and walked out on that dead family.
Her name, he decided, would be Cain.
The name of the world's first murderer.
[2] One year ago today, the joker had taken baby Cain out of her crib and into his arms, and into his life forever. His cruel, sad, lonely, but decadent life.
He murders, kills people for pleasure, he beats people, not for the money, never for the money. It's all just for fun. Just for the sport of doing it.
But Cain, Cain was his baby, his everything, he would never let anything harm, little, innocent, baby Cain.
The joker paced around the empty room. The antique looking wallpaper was peeling off of the walls, there was nothing in the room but an old looking desk, with papers scattered everywhere, and a few cup half filled with some unidentifiable liquor. He picked the baby up out of its pack and play and held her in his arms.
He talked to her, even though she couldn't understand, a single word he told her about the world, about his life, about everything he ever thought about. But most importantly, he told her about his darling Harley. Harley meant almost as much to him as Cain did.
Harley and the Joker were in love, that's what he told baby Cain.
'But not the kind of love you see in movies. Oh no no no. No! She loves me, I'm quite sure of it, she'd kill for me!' The Joker laughed, obviously she already has killed for him 'Getting back to the point, see I could never love, do I look like the kind of person who loves? Hm, do I?' Baby Cain giggled, 'No, you see, I don't. I mean, I like, sure, I lust, well that's for sure.' He rolled his eyes and licked his lips, 'But I don't love, at least not like that. I mean, I love you. But you're like my daughter.. I guess, but, don't ever, no, don't ever ever call me daddy. Or else we'll have problems, big problems. Problems you don't have to worry about.. yet.'
'You're too young for this anyway, maybe when you're a little older you might understand.' He smiled to his little princess, and put her in the pack and play for a nap. 'Happy Birthday, my Cain.'
[3] Cain was just learning how to say her first words, unlike a normal child 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' were not among them. She would walk around the Joker's loft like apartment just touching everything she could get her hands on. With everyday the Joker questioned why he even walked into her room. She was the most beautiful innocent child he had ever laid eyes on, yes. But one day she would be the most menacing face to see the earth. A part of him hurt, looking at her, knowing her future, but another part was so excited to see how this would turn out.
The joker looked down, seeing Cain pick up his knife that he foolishly let sit on the dark mahogany coffee table. He quickly took it up out of her hands and picked her up as well. He had her wearing what any normal two year old would wear on her birthday, a pretty little rainbow striped dress with all the bows and ribbons.
'Now, now. That's not for you.' He smiled, and she just looked at him.
'Knife, puddin's knife!' Cain squealed laughing. The joker just looked at her and laughed too. She must have heard Harley call him Puddin' and repeated it.
The joker and Harley had gotten even closer in the past year, he still didn't love her, nor would he ever. But she continued to dedicate herself too her, body and soul. Mostly her body. She would come over many nights, and spend them alone with him in his bedroom. The next day he would force her to do his dirtiest deeds, and beat her if she said no. But she was still completely head over heels for him. Cain didn't understand yet, she was still far too young.
This scene just doesn't seem right, the joker laughing while holding his precious girl in his arms, thinking about Harley. I can't stress the fact that he only loves this child because it is so innocent, because she is a piece of clay to mold. Not because she's cute, not because she's just so infectious, not because he cares about her. Because she could be everything the joker could never be and more.
Cain looked up at the Joker with big hazel eyes. And the Joker put her coat on her. 'It's time for us to go meet Harley for your birthday surprise!' Cain smiled
[4] Unlike most kids, Cain wasn't interested in Barbies, dolls, or any other conventional toy for a three year old. She didn't watch tellytubbies or barney or anything normal like that. When the joker or Harley watched her, she would play with the Joker's knives or Harley's playing cards.
She never got hurt, she just twirled them around in her fingers, never getting scratched or scathed. She didn't really understand what knives could do to people. She couldn't really talk that well anyway. She had a mixture of Harley's cute accent with the Joker's mangled way of talking, even though she was not born of them, but of a couple who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Cain was mostly kept from the outside world, the only people she saw frequently were the Joker and Harley. They were an unconventional 'family' but it worked. They were a young couple, in their early twenties. If you could call them a couple that is.
Harley only came over to babysit or get fucked by her 'Mistah Jay' as she called him. Cain never called the Joker 'daddy' and never called Harley 'mommy'. Cain didn't understand much, but she understand never to call them that. She also knew that today was special. Today was the day she turned three. She wasn't going to have a fancy birthday party, she never did. But the Joker and Harley had actually planned to spend the day together, away from locked doors.
For once Cain was going to be able to go out and see the world, at least for a little bit.
The Joker came out of his room with Harley trailing him, 'Could you go get our jacket's, Harley?' he said, sounding nice for once.
She turned to him, 'I don't know where they are.'
He laughed a little, but stopped suddenly, 'Bitch, get to know you're place around here! I shouldn't have to ask you twice.'
She winced at his harsh words, but that was just like puddin' to say something like that. She just skipped off to go get the coats.
Cain just sat watching the whole thing play out, this was the usual way that the Joker talked to Harley, and Cain though it was just the way it was supposed to be. This is all she had ever known.
Harley came back with two coats, she handed one gently to the Joker, kissing his cheek as she did, and went over to the small girl.
'Hi Harley.' Cain said, waving her small hand.
Harley started to help Cain put her jacket on, 'Hey darlin'! How ya been without me?'
Cain shuffled her feet, 'Lonely'
The joker scoffed, and they left the loft like apartment, full of useless books, and weapons
[5] Cain was now at the age of four, and knew more about the world than most four year olds knew. She'd seen people die, people that she knew. She'd seen people having sex. She'd seen what no one should see at four years old. And it hadn't even scared her. The joker had told her about these things. He said it was just another stepping stone in life. That things like that happened every day, and the fact that Cain got to see them, well that was just her advantage.
Harley would come and go, not staying very long each time. She hardly ever paid any attention to Cain anymore. She was almost bitter towards her. That was an emotion that Cain just didn't understand yet.
Harley stormed out of the Joker's room and ran out of the apartment without saying anything to Cain. The young girl stood up from her place at the kitchen table, where she was eating a small helping of cereal. She watched Harley leave, without even blinking.
Cain, finishing her cereal. Placed the bowl in the sink, and started to walk over to the Joker's room, to see if everything was okay.
She padded her way down the narrow green hallway, her feet hitting the soft plush purple floors on the way. The door to his room was half open already, she just opened it a little more. To find the joker carving into his wooden desk with a knife.
'You couldn't knock?' He said, not looking up from whatever it was he was doing. Cain felt ashamed and went to leave, to go back to her room, and practice reading. 'Wait, come in here.' She obeyed, she had to. If she didn't she would get punished, and she knew that. Not yet, but when the day came, he made it clear to her, that she would be punished for everything bad she's ever done or said.
Bad in his eyes, not the world's
'Come sit on my lap.' Cain obediently followed his direction and scuffled halfway across the room into his arms. He hugged her, and wrapped her into his purple coat, which was very easy, she was small for her age.
'Do you want to know why I named you Cain?' He asked, in the darkest voice she'd ever heard him use. She nodded into his shirt. He sighed, 'Cain is the name of the world's first murderer.' Cain moved her head out of his jacket to look at him.
'Why would you name me because of that?' He looked at her and smiled.
'One day, you'll learn.' She smiled up at him.
'I want you to teach me how to be just like you.' Cain said in her little voice, she was so naive, and so confused. 'Joker?'
The joker was still staring at her. 'Hm' was all he said.
'Do you love me like you love Harley?' she started to play with his clean longer curly hair.
The joker laughed at this, I mean, why would a four year old want to be loved like that? 'Cain, I love you much more than Harley.'
The naive child just sat, and buried her face back into his coat.
'Happy Birthday.’
[6] Today Cain dressed herself in the mirror, and a cute little suit the Joker had bought for her. It was like a school uniform, only made out of purple velvet, with a green undershirt. She like a cuter version of him.
Her long grey brown hair was almost all the way down her back, and she put a ribbon in her hair, and white gloves adorned her hands. She was most excited for the day coming. He promised her that they would spend the whole day shopping.
The night before, he summoned the little princess into his room, and the spent the whole night laying in bed together, while the joker told her stories of his ventures. Murdering and stealing. Apparently in the past few days he had come in contact with a lot of cash, it's not about the money. So he decided to spend all of it on his Cain.
Harley was never around anymore. She'd grown jealous of the bond that Cain and the Joker shared together, even if it wasn't much of one. Harley wanted to be the girl for her puddin', but she knew that the time was going to end soon, with Cain being in his life constantly.
'Are you almost ready in there?' Cain turned around surprised to see the Joker standing in her doorway.
'You couldn't knock?' She mocked him, and shit a disgusted look in his direction.
He stared at her, if looks could kill. 'You will regret that.'
She knew all too well what that meant. More beatings for her fifteenth birthday. She wasn't excited.
[7] Cain began to put herself made sandwich and a little carton of apple juice into her lunch pail. Today was her sixth birthday, but also another day at school.
The man in the purple suit, who had so much influence over the entire city of Gotham, didn't want anything influencing Cain, anything that could get in the way. So he had a special meeting with the school's principle to make sure that she was never given any special treatment, if anything, treat her worse.
It's a harsh thing to say, but someone's got too, if they want this child, Cain, to become the most corrupt face that Gotham has ever seen.
Cain was starting to understand her place in the world, along with her place in his world. She would go when called, and not any other. She was like a little Harley in that sense. Except Cain knew what to shut up.
The car ride was long. The small girl sat in the passenger seat of the plain white van, you'd think they could afford better, but the Joker wouldn't have it any other way. Her head tilted onto the side of the door, where it met the window. Like almost all of her birthday's, it rained. Not a storm, but a slight drizzle.
Cain enjoyed this fact, that she could always look forward to a nice rain on her birthday. She slowly got up from her seat, adjusting her backpack and skirt while she did it. She didn't go to a private school, so no uniform. But her entire wardrobe consisted of mostly skirts and jackets. All in the same purple/green color combination.
'Bye' She softly said, and waved to the Joker. Like I said, this looks completely normal. At this time, The joker is not the maniac he becomes. He has no scars, and never wears make-up to hide his face. Not yet.
'You can walk home.' He said before she shut the door, she knew, Harley was coming over. That wasn't always a good thing. Harley wasn't a nice cute fun girl anymore. She was filled with jealousy and hate, but I guess that happens to people who get used and abused for so long.
The joker sped off into the distance, far from the school that Cain was left at, compared to home, this was torture. The man without a plan just drove for a while, thinking, he does that. Harley was really starting to work his nerves, not like she didn't before. But she thought that he was hers, and to put it simply, he wasn't. He was going to be with whoever he wanted, and that's just it. She didn't fucking get it.
For now it would have to work though. The joker was too focused on Cain to even pay respects to Harley. But it wouldn't matter in a few years. Nothing ever really matters in a few years.
[8] It's my seventh birthday, and I don't expect any lavish gifts or anything for that matter. Things this past year have been rough, to say the least. Although things with Harley and the Joker seemed to be going better, we had a brush with the law a few months back, and we had to up and move.
I had to start at a new school, where everyone just stared at me. I have no friends, but it's better this way, he says, it'll be better for me in the end. I guess he's right, he usually is.
I'm sitting at the end of the green hallway, does he always have to paint our places the same color? Green walls, purple carpet, always. My knees are up at my chest, I'm wearing a skirt, and I don't really care about anyone seeing up it, I'm seven. I can see a dark purple figure, through my fingers that I had been hiding behind.
'Even though you can't see me, I can still see you, doesn't seem fair, does it?' I heard him speak, his voice brought the warmest sensation in my body. I just shook my head. 'Come with me,' he put out his hand, I gladly accepted.
We walked down the stairs to the rest of our rundown house. There were presents for me, actual presents. That never happens. A smile lit my face, I've never been so happy. I ran over the them tearing them open one by one.
The first was a knife set, from Harley. 'You can practice, you can become good, kid!' She said, placing her arm around the Joker's waist. Harley looked me in the eye as she did it, I could see a hint of some emotion there, but I couldn't tell what it was. I frowned a little.
Moving onto the next present, I unwrapped the orange tissue paper and purple ribbon to find a book, well, I thought it was a book. It had been hallowed out and inside held a small pistol. What were they trying to do to me? 'Tomorrow I'm taking you to practice down at the shipyard, it'll be a great time.' He said. I could feel their eyes boring into me while they waited for me to open my next present.
I stared at it before taking it in my hands, quickly tearing the newspaper wrapping off of the small box. I opened it and couldn't believe what I saw. It didn't shock me, just confused me. I saw two bodies. A man, and a woman. The man laying face down in his own blood, and the woman shot dead in the forehead. 'Ha's written all over the wall. Why was he giving me this?
'Do you know who that is?' The joker asked me. I just shook my head. 'That's your mother and father, and you will keep that picture with you for the rest of your life, understand?'
I nodded, I was too scared to move.
[9] Last year's little birthday surprise had left me terrified to say the least. I had never before been scared of the Joker. I knew if I played it right with him, he would play the same by me. But the photograph of my parents he had gave me had chilled me to the bone. Why would he do something so sinister? It didn't bother me, not the picture aspect. I did not know these people as my parents, so why would I see them that way? I saw them as two dead corpses, the likes of which I had never come into contact with. The thing that got to me was his intention for doing it. They don't teach you these kinds of things in the second grade, but I have to learn. He wants to instill fear in me, but it won't work
Even if I become exactly what he's planned, he doesn't realize that I will be his greatest falter.
Everything was silent, except for my breathing. I had a blind fold on and I could see nothing. The joker had set this up for me as a gift. I was to learn how to kill just by the sound of the victim, just in case. He told me that this would make me stronger.
After the whole thing was over, four no name's lay dead due to stab wounds. I threw my daggers, and never missed. Collecting up all of my weapons, I began to head out of this abandon warehouse. The joker clapped his hands in approval. He had upgraded from a white van to a big black SUV, not very environmentally friendly if you ask me. While he sat in the back seat, he had someone driving us, and Harley in the passenger side. Although I was starting to understand more about the world I still didn't understand their relationship, but maybe neither did either of them.
I climbed in the back seat next to the joker, scotching close so that another man could fit in next to me. The joker pulled me onto his lap though, and began to play with my long brown grey hair. He brought his lips close to my hear. His breathe tickled my neck, 'You shall have no weakness. None except for me.'
I had nothing to say, just a blank stare. He looked at me and smiled.
'Why so serious? It's your birthday after all!' He laughed, the same old joker laugh.
[10] Every year my birthday held wonderful surprises, this year would be no different. Harley was in the Joker's life now more than ever, but mostly she pushed herself there. I could tell, the way that her dear 'puddin' looked at her, they were not the same. I'd sit in my room every night, preparing to hear them having sex, it's been the same for a while now. But it's been less and less. And Harley's been smiling less and less.

This year, on my birthday, the Joker is taking me on a hunt with him. I'm not really sure who we're looking for. Or who he intends to catch. I can tell with the look in his eyes that he's ready for anything, and excited about ruining someone's day, I just really how he doesn't intend to ruin mine. By the clothes I'm wearing, I'm slightly unsteady about it. I can defend myself, that's for sure. I just hate those looks. The looks where you can feel their eyes just burning right through your clothes.

My hair was messy, full of hairspray, it looked like I'd woken up and fallen out of bed onto this street corner. What's worse is Harley did my makeup, it didn't do me justice. My shirt, pink with studs on it, it look like it was attacked by a bejeweler, hung loosely off of my right shoulder, it was ripped at every angle. And my jean skirt couldn't have been much shorter, I felt naked. I looked like a prostitute, and that was the point.

The joker, was waiting in the shadow's, probably smoking. He was trying to quit, but with Harley always puffing away in his ear, I'd imagine it'd be hard. Sitting in the van on the way there, he wouldn't tell me his little plan, or anything for that matter. Honestly, I didn't really care to know, the suspense was more than thrilling. My only direction was to act the opposite of myself, like a sweet innocent child, and no matter what I did, don't kill them, yet.

I could see five men walking in the pale moonlight, I couldn't tell what they looked like, nor did I care. Two of them were taller, the other three, varied in height, but noticeably shorter. I knew they were coming toward me. I was the only thing around for a mile at least. Most girls don't go near Arkhim, to many loonies. But they're right. Even after they might be discharged, most of them hung around the same familiar streets, like it was home. Thinking about Arkhim chilled my blood, but the five just came closer and closer until I could hear every world out of their vile mouths.

It kind of made me sick how they were so led by their lust. I guess I couldn't fully understand, I've not yet been blessed with puberty, but I wasn't really looking forward to it either.

'She can't be older than 12! We're lucky tonight boys! So who get's first?' one of shorter guys asked, breaking out into laughter afterwards. Although their mood was light, I could tell they had something much darker on their minds.

A few broke out, arguing after that. I tilted my head to the side, letting a few strands of hair fall into my face slightly, and bit into my nail, trying so hard to look appealing. 'Hi' I said, sounding so innocent.

'Hey baby, how much for you?' Who seemed to be the leader asked, he was taller than the rest of them, but he was lanky, not much muscle, easy to take out.

I was laughing on the inside, stupid, ignorant, fools. But on the outside I tried to look like a mixture of bewildered and nonchalant 'For just you, or all together?' I winked at the end and bit my bottom lip, I knew how to play these games. I'd seen Harley do it over and over for Mistah Jay.

'Baby, I don't think you could handle all of us at once.' They came in closer, and the leader touched my face, I'd never had this feeling before, pure disgust. He was just a small part of the scum of the earth, but I could feel it, the way he touched my face. I could feel it by the look. I couldn't snap his fingers right then though, I had to wait. I wasn't allowed to even touch a hair on their heads. It was against my rules, at least for now.

'I-I think I can manage.' I said, my word's trembling. I hadn't noticed that they had circled around me. I was starting to get nervous. What if the joker took too long to help? This might be his idea anyway. Teach me a lesson before my fifteenth birthday, He vowed never to lay a hand on me until then, but that doesn't mean someone else can't. My throat tightened, I was scared for the first time in my life.

The one that started to come behind me grabbed onto the tops of my arms, trying to hold me back, before I had a chance to stand up for myself, I heard more footsteps, in front of me. I smiled, I knew what was coming. 'Trying to hurt an innocent little girl? That's not very gentlemanly.' I knew that voice. I loved that voice. He sounded condescending, as always.

'Hey we found her first, go find your own!' The one behind me said, grabbing onto my arms even tighter, I winced in pain. I could feel bruises forming already. Everyone turned to look at him, you couldn't see his face in the moonlight, but it didn't really matter what he looked like anyway. He was just a man.

'Oh, you're hurting the poor girl! You wouldn't want to go and do something like that.' The joker said, he was mocking them and they knew it. The joker was closer now, within arm's reach of me and the whole gang. But the five just looked, what was his point? They didn't really get it.

'Why wouldn't I.' He started to say, and under his breath I could hear, 'Man, if I could hear her scream.' His voice was deep and sadistic, I shivered. Another man spoke up before I had the chance to puke ,'Yeah! Why wouldn't we?' Was I the only one who had heard the comment the one behind me made?
The man wearing the purple suit, took out a knife, and quickly grabbed the man who was holding onto me, and raising the blade up to his neck, and cutting just a little, just a threat. The man let me go. I huffed out an exasperated sigh. 'First, you ignorant prick. See this girl?' He took the knife he was holding on the man's throat and flicked around the circle, pointing at each of them. Still holding onto the man's hair, he couldn't go anywhere. 'This girl right here, you see it's her ninth birthday today. And I wanted to give her the present of killing assholes like you.' He laughed.
'Cain, could you be a little darling and kill these guys, and try to savor it' I whipped out my knives and hit them all where I knew it would hurt, their hand, their foot, their stomach. It would hurt like hell, but wouldn't kill them. Blood on my hands or not, I didn't care. Just as soon as they were all screaming in pain, I ended it by throwing my daggers into their heads or their hearts, whichever was closer. I went to go for the guy who had given me so much trouble. But the joker stopped me.
'No, no no. This one's mine, I want you to watch this closely.
The joker let go of him, as soon as he released his grip the guy tried to make a run for it, but Boss wouldn't have that, not one bit. He pulled him back by the hair, his neck snapped back and the man winced in pain. Than the joker proceeded to stab him right where he knew it would hurt the most. Where the man had planned to hurt me. When the man was screaming and crying I couldn't help but smile.
'What a pussy.' I laughed, you never show that you're hurting, no matter what. That's a sign of weakness, that's what I'd been taught. When you're kicked when you're down, just laugh.
The joker nodded at me, and I threw him one of my daggers, the one with the dullest blade. And with one swift motion the man who never frowned, slit the perverts throat. It almost looked like a smile, the wound. Bleeding out onto the pavement. Just as this happened the black SUV rounded the corner, and a shiny, just washed, door opened for us. Harley was inside, looking as pissed off as ever. While I couldn't wipe the huge grin off of my face.
I sat alone, my mind was off reliving the nights events. It got my blood pumping, and I was so indescribably happy. I tilted my head back to think about it again. Right before I drifted off into sleep, I felt arms pull me up. And I knew I was sitting in my joker's lap.
He brought his mouth close to my ear, and started humming something I recognized. He parted his lips, I knew he was about to tell me something.
'Cain, I'm the only person who will ever make you scream, don't forget that.'
And I never would.
[11] My birthday rounded the corner this year, and I know nothing could compare to last years' but I was still unbelievably excited. I laid in my bed for a few minutes, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Trying to fully wake up. I suddenly heard some people talking, more like arguing. I knew it had to be the joker and Harley, they were the only other people in this house besides me. I couldn't understand what they were saying, it was muffled, so I moved my body closer to the wall that my bed was pressed up against. I pushed a small part of my hair from the side of my face, and put my ear right against the wall. I could hear what they were saying very clearly now.
'Mistah Jay, she'd be fine on her own, she's a very smart girl.' There was a hint of excitement in her voice, but she seemed very troubled. My heart sank into my stomach as soon as I realized she was talking about me.
'Harley, I am not willing to discuss this, this little matter that you feel so obliged to take up with me every year. The girl stays, that's final.' My heart rose again, the joker was standing up for me. He wanted me to stay. Harley must be livid with rage. She never liked me.
'Puddin' we'd be so much better off without her always around, always there for us to take care of.' She sounded desperate, I couldn’t believe that she was trying to convince him to leave me, and on mu birthday no less.
'Listen, I said I wasn't going to talk about this, Cain stays. And what do you mean 'we'? You're my Hench-wench, nothing more, nothing less.' I scoffed, even for the joker, that was harsh, he knew the way Harley felt about him, and maybe that was the point, hit her where it hurt the most, he was good at that.
'Mistah Jay, it's me or her. If you insist on keeping her, I leave. Forever.' I couldn't believe she said that. That she could actually think he would keep her around over me. It was painfully obvious that he didn't really like her in the first place, so why would she offer it like that? Maybe she was as painfully stupid as I hoped she wasn't.
The joker didn't say anything, at least not that I could hear. But I heard Harley sniffle, it was just like her to be this way. She stormed out, I could hear every stomped footstep, and every door slam. I was just glad she was gone, she was too much of hassle, always shooting my dirty glances. I just worried about the Joker and how he would deal. He didn't like Harley, I was aware. But who would he spend all of his time with? All that time with one person, and I'm sure you'd get sick of them.
It wasn't long after Harley left that the Joker came into my room. I was still laying on my bed, he came over and sat on it with me. I looked at him, I didn't even have to say anything and he knew that I knew that Harley wouldn't be around again. It seemed like the air had lifted, but we both knew it wouldn't stay this perfect for ever.
He stood up, 'Wake up, kid, we've got a big day planned, oh yes we do.' He laughed his laugh, winked, and left the room.
I didn't really understand the feeling, the butterflies. No boy at school gave them to me, never. No girl either, so I knew I wasn't, you know. That way. Nobody really talked to me in school anyway, not many. There were rumors about my family. Or whatever it is that I have. The parents talked about me, and the kids shunned me.
They must not know I've got acute hearing. I know everything that they're saying about me. I never say anything though, if I instigated a fight, I knew I'd win. I knew I'd kill them, literally, and that was never good. Not in society’s eyes anyway. In my opinion, those little brats needed to be taught a lesson.
As far as school goes, I do well. Better than most. Everything comes naturally. I never took notes, or did homework. I didn't need to, I just.. knew things. I paid attention in class for the most part. I daydreamed like the average kid would.
Remembering today's my birthday, I sat up in my bed, more excited than ever. I started to get dressed. I heard something’s from the room next to mine, and I could only imagine what he was doing in there.
And that made my heart beat even faster.
[12] With my head pressed up next to the window all I could hear was the rain beating down on it. A small cloud of fog formed on the glass where my mouth was. The lights flickered as we passed them, but I wasn't paying much attention to the scenery. Some Hench-man who had replaced Harley was driving mer. to an unknown location. Harley had been gone the whole year. Ever since threatened me or her. She hadn't been in the house, and hadn't called, as far as I knew, anyway. The joker seemed to be at ease with this. He spent more time in his room than usual. And was not as nice to me as he used to be. That might have to do with Harley, and that might have to do with me getting older. It didn't matter much, as long as we were both still alive, that was the only thing that mattered to me.

Tonight, for my eleventh birthday, the joker had planned my first assassination.

'If you're good at something, never do it for free.' That was one of many words of wisdom that the Joker had taught me over our years together. I had to sit in the passenger seat, and pay some kind of attention to the street names, I had to somehow find my way back home on my own. My plan was to hitchhike a few blocks from the house and walk the rest of the way. I was smarter than to let some stranger knew where I lived.

The joker went through the whole plan with me, leaving it up to me to decide the dirty little details. This was starting to top two years ago.
The man I was supposed to kill, I had learned. Was a mob boss. His name was Marioni. I had heard his name more than few times throughout the course of my life. On the news mostly. For being such a high target, he sure was on TV often enough. I didn't quite understand. If you didn't want your head blown off, than keep it out of the press. Some people don't learn, in his case though, he will, tonight.
Marioni spent most of his nights in his own private night club, with cheap sluts and expensive booze. I was on my way there. As far as he was concerned was just another one of his groupies, enjoying a night of drunken laughter. I was dressed with little left to the imagination. I was starting to develop a small bit, but nothing that anyone could really notice, not yet.
We arrived at some run down place called 'RagnaROCK' I hoped it looked better on the inside, than it did out here, I didn't want to have to be fearing the whole thing would completely cave in all night long. But it was just like me to be paranoid like that.
I opened the door and got out of the big black SUV, fixing my short tight little purple dress. I made sure I looked okay in the mirror, and put on a few green pieces of jewelry. If he didn't notice I was the accomplice of the joker just by this get-up. He completely deserved what was coming to him. I waltzed up to the door, and showed the big, body guard, looking guy a white envelope with a bright orange invitation sticking out of it. He immediately let me in, before all of the people who were standing in line.
I couldn't believe anyone would want to be let into this disease infested scrap of wood and metal. It made me sick, but I was a good actress, I thought. I would be able to put up with it for a few minutes, it shouldn't really take long. Depending on how drunk he was.
The moment I saw him, I didn't waste my time with small talk, or ordering a drink. I winded my way through all of the sweaty dancing, disgusting people. Grabbing a random mixed drink off of a table, and making my way to Marioni. The plan itself was simple. Get the man alone, and kill him. And make it dirty, send a message.
I took a sip of the random alcohol I picked up, it tasted like coffee and milk. A white Russian, I was lucky, it was my favorite. Growing up with the Joker, there wasn't much I hadn't done. Besides have sex. That was something I wouldn't do, not yet. I was waiting for someone. But that's not really important right now.
Marioni was all eyes on me, and the rest of his girls noticed, they obviously thought they I had nothing on them. Even though I was only eleven, I wore tall heels, and my features were mature enough to make me look at least seventeen, with the right amount of makeup.
I tried to talk, but when I opened my mouth I couldn't hear any words come out, and I noticed how loud it really was in this place. The bass was pumping through my whole body, and I remembered why I loved music. I actually got the urge to dance a little, but looked around and remembered why I never had entered this place, and never would again.
I took a seat on the couch next to Marioni after he shooed all the other girls away. He obviously took an interest in me, this was going to be much easier than I thought it would be. It was actually sad, and made me slightly disappointed.
I whispered into his ear, as seductive as possible. Rounding out my 's's and putting a heavy emphasis on just the right words, 'I've got something I really want to show you, you think we could get out of here for a little while?' He shrugged and nodded. In two minutes this man was wrapped around my finger, and it felt damn good.
And it sure as hell my job a whole lot easier.
He grabbed my waist, and started to lead my in the opposite direction of the exit, further and further toward the back of the club. I'd never been held like this by a man before, not anyone but the Joker, but he never did it the same way. He was much more, rough about it. The feeling of his hand at my hip made me uneasy. But I couldn't lose my focus
A few minutes later and we're behind locked doors, surrounded by body guards. Once we were all done, it'd be hard to get out of there without them noticing something was wrong, but I'd worry about that when it happened. Marioni led me to his bed, where he asked me to sit down. I did, and he sat next to me. He went to kiss me, but I didn't want my first kiss to be with a dirty Italian mob guy like this. I wanted it to be with him, but right now that isn't important. I stood up.
'Uhm, do you have a bathroom? I need to freshen up a little.' He laughed a little and pointed to a half open door.
'Don't take too long honey, I'll lose my buzz.' I rolled my eyes, but he couldn't see. Once inside the bathroom with the door locked, I turned the light on, and it flickered and buzzed, and the bathroom was the most rank place I'd ever been in my entire life. Although my dress was tight and didn't leave much to the imagination, I had enough space to put on some spanks, tight black little shorts, and tucked inside them was a few razors, a dagger, and some black tape. I took the tape out, it was all that I needed for now.
I flushed the toilet, turned out the light, and opened the door back to see that man, who made my stomach churn. Marioni. Since I had been gone, the few minutes. He was already undressed, in his boxers, laying with a cigarette on that bed, which I can only imagine how many other whores had been there.
Well, it was easier this way at least. I didn't waste much time, I went right over to the bed, and got on top of him, straddling him. I fingered the black tape before I took it out for him to see, he even smiled, this was too easy, 'Oh, you like it kinky? My kind of girl.' I ordered him to put his wrists near the bed posts, and he gladly obliged.
My smile was so big, this was like taking candy from a baby, and he had not a fucking clue. I took the black electrical tape and tied down his arms, I wrapped it around at least five times each, I couldn't take the chance of his breaking loose, this was about sending a message.
I lifted up my skirt a bit to get the razors stored there, and I could see the way he looked at me, with those burning eyes. I wanted the gouge them out. And I thought about it. Once he noticed what exactly I was reaching for, his eyes got even bigger than before, and I didn't even think it was possible.
I raised the knife to his eye and spoke, 'Now listen up, Marioni. I know all about you and you're little club you call the mob. You try to scare everyone out of their wits, but you don't scare me or the man who raised me, not one little bit. And I want to let the entire mob know that they should be very very afraid of us, and what we could do to Gotham, and all of the money that you have. Money isn't the problem, not in today's world.' I took the knife up to him, and cut him, from the top of his eyebrow down to the top of his lip, on both sides of his face, his scream was agonizing, but I knew that the guys outside wouldn't be able to hear a thing out in that place, and if they did hear it. Well as far as they knew, we were just having a good time.
He looked like a clown, the way his face was cut, and you know, that was the whole point. He was a clown, everyone that run on money was a clown. And that was the message we were trying to send.
I stabbed him in the heart, to kill him, I was sick of his whining. And that was the end of Mirioni, but trust me I knew it wouldn't be the end of the mob, not yet. I took my stack of joker cards and threw them into the air, to let them know it had been the work of the Joker. And that was that.
I walked out of the place, and whispered to one of the guards, 'He's going to need a little time to rest, let him take it easy' The man nodded, and I knew I had gotten away with it. I walked out of the club with a smile, and it was absolutely fantastic.
My birthday got better and better with each passing year.
-After I found my way home-
I opened the door, silent as a mouse, I didn't want to wake him up if he was sleeping, I tried to be as considerate as possible. My feet padded up the stairs and past my room to his, I opened his door slightly, and my heart sank further and deeper into my stomach than it ever had been before. I got an instant knot in my throat, and I felt like dying.
The Joker had himself mounted on top of a woman, that wasn't the worst part. I've seen that before, although it made me jealous, there was nothing I could do.
The worst part was the scowl of the woman that followed. I thought I had gotten rid of her.
And I knew in an instant. I hated Harley Quinn with every ounce of me.
[13] Another birthday come and passed. This year it was nothing big. I looked out over the streets of Gotham, all the pretty lights shining on happy people that would never know how fortunate they were if it hit them in the face. It honestly made me sick, how un-aware they were of themselves, and of their surroundings. My birthday came on a Tuesday this year, so I got to go to school. As a parent, the Joker wasn't really very lenient when it came to my education. I was already smarter than half of the adults that lived in Gotham, I didn't understand why they had to be the ones teaching me, when the Joker was the smartest person that I know. It didn't make any sense, but that was just like him.
I was leaning halfway out of the window, taking another drag of my cigarette. Wait! Before you go all up in arms about my smoking habits hear me out. If you lived with a man you were practically in love with, I really hate saying that, but, back to the point. If you lived with this man, and you could hear him fucking another woman, one that hates you, and you hate her, no less. Wouldn't you like to calm yourself down with a nice little cancer stick? I would.
Harley was back into the Joker's and my life almost as much as before, but it was worse than ever now. So many years of disrespect from her puddin' made her completely bitter towards me, but never, not even once, to her dear 'Mistah Jay', it made me sick.
With my head out the window I couldn't really hear anything but the wind, and the horns on the city street below. Which would explain why I didn't hear anything when he came up behind me.
I felt a hand on my hip, and I jumped so high I hit my head on the top of the window. The Joker didn't know I smoked, and he wasn't really supposed to find out, but I guess that was out the window, literally. I turned around really fast to face him, flicking the cigarette out of the window behind me, maybe he hadn't seen it. I forgot that I still hadn't exhaled, and when I did, a bunch of smoke came out of my mouth.
I was dead meat, and I knew it. But the Joker just looked at me, giving me those eyes, the one's that could see into your soul. And I didn't think he cared about me smoking anymore. Just the way he was looking at me. My heart starting beating so fast, that I didn't really know how to make it shut up, I was sure he could hear it from two feet away.
And as we're just standing there, for what seems like hours, looking at each other. I wonder why he came up behind me, and touched my hip. More like grabbed my hip. Isn't that something he should do to Harley? He's fucking Hench-wench. Not me.
And that was the last thought I can remember going through my head before I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his soft lips. But I wouldn't remember or even realized that they were soft until long after the kiss. Because at the time, I can't even feel my own, loud, heartbeat anymore. I don't know what I'm thinking, what the hell I'm doing, but I can't stop it.
My nose nuzzles his cheek, and he starts to kiss back. He's kissing back?! I'm so confused, this man raised me like his daughter, and I'm kissing him? He was more like a mentor, or an idle, anything but a father, but still.
And I'm still in this moment, and he puts his hands on my hips again, grabbing them and pulling me closer. I realize he's just deepening the kiss, and I open my eyes, to see that his are closed. He doesn't ask permission to get his tongue in my mouth, he just forces it in. I'm shocked, so I guess I stopped for a minute, but it wasn't long.
He took one of the hands that was at my waist, and puts it behind my neck, to further deepen his tongue in my mouth. I didn't really know what these feelings were, but I just needed more, more of him. So I pushed my tongue further into his mouth.
The man in the purple suit. The man who never frowned. The Joker and I were completely making out. I couldn't think about anything but getting his clothes off, and getting him on me. He was so forceful, that he was starting to hurt where he was grabbing me, my neck and my hip. But I didn't really care, it felt so good to be in his arms. To know that he just wanted me.
And in our finest moment I hurt my door, which had apparently been shut, burst open. He let go of me, practically throwing me on the ground, I hit my head on my own bedpost, but it didn't really phase me, we both just couldn't stop looking at Harley.
If looks could kill, I tell you, I'd be dead.
She was raging, it was obvious. She ran out of the room, and into the Joker's. I heard her, because she slammed the door, making all of the pictures on the wall that I shared with the Joker, fall off and onto my bed. I slouched leaning on my bed frame, and started to rub my head.
The Joker leaned down, after that, I was expecting anything, he spoke into my ear. It was a whisper, but it was harsh, 'Don't ever pull something like that again, you hear me.' All I could do was nod, I knew there were tears forming, because I knew that I was being manipulated.
After he left my room, to console Harley, or kick her the fuck out, or whatever he was doing, at the time, I didn't really care. After he left, I turned on my stereo, and cuddled into my bed. Trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, and what the hell it meant.
After two hours of crying, and listening to 'Gauze' by Dir en grey on repeat, I still couldn't figure it out. And I was just mad at myself for letting him take up so much time in my mind. Not like he hadn't plagued it before the kiss.
That fucking kiss! I would never forget it.
I could hear moaning in the next room, and I wanted to puke myself to sleep. Instead I just turned my music on max. I hoped they'd get the message, but I doubt they'd care. I knew Harley wouldn't. She was a cunt anyway. I just didn't have a good feeling about her.
With my music on max, I couldn't hear anything, not even myself think. I'm sure it was better that way, I couldn't worry about what my mind would wander off too. My eyes closed, and I actually became tired, today was just too long.
-a few hours of sleep later-
I woke up to hear a door slam. My door was open, and my music was off. Obviously someone had come in to take care of it. I didn't really care who, I want to know why the front door slammed shut and woke me up at.. I checked the clock. 3:24?! What the hell? Didn't Harley have the common sense? She usually wanted to spend every moment with her puddin' anyway. Why would she want to leave so soon?
Curiosity killed the cat. I stood up, rubbing my eyes. I'm sure glad the Joker's room is close enough that I don't have to walk down any stairs, I would've fallen. I stumbled out of my room and into the joker's. And what I saw woke me up immediately.
The Joker had one light in his room, a small lamp that was on his old wooden desk, that had been carved into with words and sayings in the past few years. I could only make out a few, the few that stood out the most. The light was dim, and so you couldn't see much of anything. Sometimes, I guess, this was a good thing. Now, was not one of those times.
It was hard to make out, but I saw a man, tied to the bed. His mouth wasn't taped, but he wasn't talking. I think he was trying to scream, but it was muffled. As if someone put an invisible pillow over his head. I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. This beautiful man. I ran over to the bed, and jumped on it. It was soft, softer than I had imagined, I'd never been this far into his room before. I leaned over him and looked.
His face was carved, a cut from his lips from ear to hear. It looked like a smile. And then I remembered why this whole scene looked so familiar. He looked like a clown, the way I had made Maroni look like a clown.
But I couldn't think about that now. I ran downstairs as fast as my little legs would take me. In the kitchen, I hopped up onto the counter, and swung the cabinet doors open. I grabbed the first aid kit, not caring what glasses or other dishes I let fall and break on the floor in the process. I should've cared. I cut my foot after hoping down and rushing back upstairs. But I really couldn't think about that now.
I couldn't think about anything.
Running into the room, I slammed his door shut, and drug his desk a little closer to the bed, moving the lamp so I could see just a little bit better. I climbed onto the bed slow, so I wouldn't hurt him anymore then he was already hurting. I straddled his waist, and took out a needle and some stitching material, I can't believe I'd have to do this.
I could tell it hurt him, every time I stuck the needle in again he winced, and I could see silent tears roll out of his eyes and down his cheeks. The scene was heartbreaking, and I couldn't help it, I just started crying, uncontrollably hysterically crying. My whole body shuddered, but I couldn't mess up, not now.
There was blood all over my hands, and I knew if I didn't do this right, he could possibly die. As much as I didn't want them too, my hands were shaking, watching him so hurt was making my heart break into a million little pieces. And as I sat there, when everything was silent except for muffled sobbing, I couldn't help but think.
What a fucking bitch.
Harley had been working for the mob all that time, right after they had heard about the plan for me to kill Maroni they had sent Harley back into the Joker's life. But she couldn't kill him the way I killed the mob guy. She still loved him too much. Instead she left him scared for life.
What a fucking bitch.
After it was all done, I got a wash cloth, and I wasn't going fast this time. Everything felt like slow motion, what was going to happen after this? I couldn't begin to figure it out. I wiped all of the blood off of his face, and laid with him for the rest of the night.
Two things I will never forget, that on my twelfth birthday, the man who always smiled, would never be given the chance to frown. And that cunt, Harley Quinn, she was fucking dead.
[14] I opened my eyes to find myself on the couch. Sitting up I looked at the clock, it was already one in the afternoon. I hadn't planned to sleep this late. I stood up and stretched, I was still in clothes from the night before, I must've passed out after that concert I went to.
Lazily, I walked up the stairs and past my room, and knocked on the jokers door. There was no answer, but I could hear mumbling from the inside.
Let me take this time out to tell you how difficult the last year had been. For the both of us. You know that unspoken bond we used to have? Where he had my back completely, and I would always have his? It was gone. We were dethatched, like I was a different person, that he didn't know their entire life. The Joker was my only constant in this world, and he was acting so sporadic that it was hard to even think. My feelings for the Joker had never swayed, in fact, they've grown stronger. The time we kissed had been the only time something like that had ever happened.
He ignored me now, seemed angered by me actually, but every time I'd cry, he'd be there. And he'd hold me, tell me that everything is going to be okay. I didn't cry often. Only a few times in this entire year. Every time I think about Harley.
Speaking of which, the man who never frowned, his face had healed completely. Leaving scars that would be there forever. The scars were so bad, in fact, that the Joker never left the house without massive amounts of make-up on his face. But not anything normal, like flesh colored cover up. No, he painted his face white, with black circles around his eyes, and a huge, clown like smile over his face.
It was disturbing to say the least. But it didn't make me feel any different about him. I would say he had gone insane, but he wasn't very sane to begin with.
You get my point.
But I could never forgive Harley for what she did, never. Like I said, she was fucking dead. It had taken a whole year, but I finally tracked her down. The mob had her working as a prostitute, funny right? I had make all of the arrangements, and it would be done tonight.
It wasn't until I was being driven to the brothel that I realized it was my birthday, what a fantastic surprise. This was going to be the best yet. I know I say that, but this time I'm sure. I stood up out of the car, and banged on the door, letting the driver know he was okay to leave. This time, I wasn't wearing anything too skimpy, some skinny jeans and a black tee-shirt. Simple enough.
Now the mob didn't like the Joker for killing Maroni, but they liked me just fine. They had no idea it was really me, and they never would know. Not unless some big mouth had told them.
It confused me as to why the Joker hadn't killed Harley immediately after he recovered. I mean, it's not like he retired or anything, much the opposite, he killed more and more now that he had completely lost it, even more than before, I mean. I figured I would have to take it into my hands, and I was right, not that I minded. Not at all, I wanted to have this honor, this privilege.
This was going to be cake.
So I threw money at the lady at the front desk, and I told her that I wanted the one named 'Harlequin' you know, her 'stage' name. My stomach churned from the sight of this place, but I was getting better at being in dirty holes of the city. The lady lead me around a bunch of winding hallways, with locked doors, and red carpet. Everything was red, the walls, the floors, the lights. It started to give me a headache.
She pointed at a red door with the numbers '412' and just walked away, like I knew I was supposed to enter. My hand touched the cold door knob. I could feel my heart jumping in my chest. I wasn't scared, I was fucking excited to have her blood all over my hands. I was so excited to tell the Joker what I had done.
So fucking excited.
So I swung the door open, just like she had on the Joker and I, that one night. She jumped up from where she was laying seductively on her bed. She recognized me that's for sure. But she played it cool.
'Come inside, shut the door.' She said, almost yawning, she'd been smoking non-stop and that had made her voice more raspy that it's high pitched squeaky tone. It was a nice chance. She stood up in almost nothing, and sat at a desk that was there. This was like a cute little bedroom, like an actual bedroom, not just a bed in a room, for fucking.
'Listen, I know you don't like me and I don't like you, so why-' I cut her off mid sentence, how could she be talking like this so, so, normally? Doesn't she remember?
'As much as you don't think he did, he fucking loved you! And you carved his face and left him for dead! Why?' But I already knew the answer to that, she was a part of the mob, it was so easy to see.
'Left him for dead?!' She was getting loud with me, that was a line she did not want to cross. 'He killed Maroni! He deserved it!'
And my heart sank, this was all my fault. If I hadn't killed that stupid mob fool, the Joker would not be the man he was right now, he wouldn't be carved, he wouldn't have make-up constantly smudged on his face. He would be able to frown.
I couldn't control the volume of my voice anymore, 'It was me! I was the one who did it! I killed Maroni! Do you really think he woulda let the Joker in his room?'
She paused and stared at me, 'You little slut!' And with that she dove at me, a knife in her hand, she was so slow.
I already had a knife in my hand up in the air, and brought it down onto her shoulder. I heard a loud crunch, and she fell to the floor.
As soon as I heard the crunch in her shoulder, I knew that her shoulder blade had snapped in half. It made me smile just thinking about it. I could hardly even hear her scream in pain before I stabbed her again, in the chest this time.
She fell backward onto her dresser, blood all over her hands. She was crying, I think. I don't remember much of it now, I don't really remember much of anything after that point. I think she hit her head on the mirror, I remember, because I l