Status: The world hates me. Prewriting this story, till im done. Then posting loads of updates for you guys. My internent should be back on soon, bare with me.

My Dad's in the Mob?!?

Chapter Nineteen.

'So let me get this right, you actually are friends with my sister,' Dominic asked. We sat on the floor of Shane's room, as we waited for her to return.

I nodded. He smiled. I layed down on the floor feeling slightly tired I closed my eyes. I listened as Dominic channel surfed and he stopped on Spongbob.

'Tell me about her,' I mumbled. I could here him turn and sit up.

'Who?' he asked.

'Bella, at the night of the party you said you had to call her,' I mumbled.

'Im really sorry about not being there you know,' he whispered. I smiled stroking my scars.

'It's okay,' I piped up. 'Now tell me,'

'Ohk well, she is really sweet and nice and she just understands me. But,' he paused. I sat up and looked at him.

'But?' I asked. He shook his head.

'Im sorry I was about to vent on you,' he chuckled. I shook my head.

'Vent on,' I said. He looked at me seriously for a minute and I did the same. He sighed. I knew I won the eye battle.

'Well it's just like she is distancing herself from me more and more. And I really do think she is cheating on me,'

I nodded understanding.

'Been there done that,' I said. He raised an eyebrow.

'No, as in been cheated on and lied too,' I said before he could jump to conclusions.

He frowned.

'Well who would cheat on you? The guy must be a dickhead?' he asked. I smiled.

'A dickhead that I keep going too,' I mumbled. He didn't hear me.

'How is that I know nothing about you?' he asked. I shrugged.

'I like food, and my favorite color is green, and occasionally black. What more to know?' I asked.

'I don't know how about what's your favorite band?' he asked. I sat up and looked him in the eye.

'Why do you care?' I asked. He looked at me and sighed.

'I guess, Im just trying to make up for not even saying hi to you when you were in the hospitol,' he said.

I didn't know why but I was getting mad.

'I don't need sympathy,' I whispered.

'Sorry,' he mumbled.

'Sympathy,' I said. He chuckled.

'Fine, but I still want to know,'

I shrugged.

'Nothing really appeals to me. I like all kinds. Maybe Likin Park?' I shurgged.

'There good, I'd have to say mines is...Uhm..All time low,' his eyes had a sudden sparkle in them as if he had always wanted to have this conversation with someone.

>>30 mins.

'Okay so most embarrasing thing that happened to you,' Dominic asked. We had been talking over an hour and we were now on our stomach facing each other.

I laughed.

'No way,' I said. He pouted.

'Come on,' he whined. I shook my head. For a nineteen year old he was really immature.

'Fine. Eight grade year, something funny really happened. I started laughing and then I snorted which made me really laughing, and I really had to pee,'

His eyes widen.

'No way. You peed yourself,' he started cracking up. I shot him a glanced and he muffled his laughter with his pillow.

'Your turn,' I said. He immediately stopped laughing.

'Okay. Tenth grade year, I was on a bus, talking to a girl I really liked. My best friend was sitting on the other side of her. And I leaned in to kiss her, but the bus jumped and I ended up kissing my best friend. Who was a guy,'

This time it was my turn to laugh.

'Smooth, Dom, very smooth,' I chuckled. He grinned like a fool.

'Your really pretty when you laugh,' he suddenly said. I blushed and looked away.

He grabbed my cheek softly.

'You have pain in your eyes, so much,' he whispered. I pulled his hand away softly. And blinked away the tears.

'Im sorry,' I said getting up. I don't know why I was getting so emotional.

I got to the door but he pulled me back.

'Anjalah wait,' he whispered.

I looked back at back at him and he attached his lips to mines.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have never wrote this much drama before.

three guyssss now that she has kissed.