Status: The world hates me. Prewriting this story, till im done. Then posting loads of updates for you guys. My internent should be back on soon, bare with me.

My Dad's in the Mob?!?

Chapter Twenty-Three.

'There is really no need for all this fighting,' the man said. He had strong facial features and had a voice that commanded attention. Everyone stopped dead in there tracks and looked at the authority.

'There's no need for violence, take your money leave my property please,' he stated. Brian scoffed and pushed the guy he was holding to the ground.

'Who are you?' he asked. The man looked to Brian and smirked.

'Brian I know you remember me. Your father and I sighed a peace treaty,' I noticed his heavy accent.

'When I was five, but I remember you now,' he stepped closer to the man. He looked to the rest of us and nodded. I took it that was our cue to leave. I walked faster a sudden adrenaline kill.

'Fuck, Blake I shot somebody,' I looked at my hands, seeing red. I knew there wasn't literally blood on my hands, but I felt guilty.

'You were using self defense,' he said. I shook my head.

'With a gun. Why are we really here? Did you guys just want revenge or did you really want your money back?' I asked. When he didn't answer I looked to him. He had an awkward look and shuffled his feet on the ground.

'Aww fuck no,' I whispered. I shook my head and walked faster to the motorcycle.

'Anjee, wait,' he protested. Everyone now got into our conversation and was listening closely.

'You guy came here for revenge, this was our fucking mission?' I snapped. Toni shook her head.

'Actually it wasn't,' but she was cut off by Shane when she shook her head quickly.

'Is there something you guys aren't telling me?' I asked. Everyone looked at me absently. I started getting mad, really mad.

'Well this wasn't really our mission,' Blake started. I crossed my arms waiting. No one spoke.

'Whatever. I'm going for a cigarette,' I said when nobody answered. Brian came out and Toni informed him on what happened.

'Anjee, hold on,' he jogged to were I had just started my motorcycle hopping onto it.

'You aren't mad are you?' he asked. I looked into his deep brown eyes and felt a calm sense come over.

'I guess not, but what was the point of coming here?" I asked. He flipped his hair out of his face.

'Well we, I, wanted to show them how it feels,' he whispered. I nodded.

'So they did the same to you?' I asked. He nodded.

'Except, they didn't really shoot us,'

I flinched feeling more depressed.

'I'll see you guys later,' I said. He nodded.

'Please be careful,' he whispered. I smiled. He leaned into kiss my cheek, but I turned capturing his lips. I pulled back and pressed the gas, before he could say anything else.

I stopped at a gas station and convinced the salesman I had left my ID at home and got a pack of cigarettes. I walked outside and sat on the curb.

'Fuck,' I whispered, once I realized I didn't have a lighter.

'Here,' said a familiar voice. Dominic leaned down giving me his lighter. I lite my cigarette and took a drag. I sighed once I realized I broke one of my vows to my parents. But I needed this so much. I was tired and stressed. Dominic sat down next to me.

'Why did you follow me?' I asked, taking another drag. He lite is cigarette and took a drag before speaking.

'You were alone, didn't want that 'Luscious' thing to happen again,' his deep voice had a sense of concern in it. I nodded.

'Thanks,' I said. He looked up and smiled.

'For some reason I feel I should protect you,' he whispered. I rolled my eyes and threw the cigarette to the ground crushing it with my converse. I looked at him and stood up putting my hand out and lifted him up.

'I meant thanks for the lighter,' I said. He chuckled.

'So what did you tell Bella?' I asked. He shrugged and zipped his jacket as a wind picked up. My teeth chattered, I forgot a jacket.

He noticed and stepped closer to me wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest and smelled the cigarettes, mixed in with some different cologne. It smelled so good.

'Thanks,' I mumbled. He nodded.

'I told her I would keep an eye on you,' he whispered. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waists hugging him tighter as the wind picked up more.

'We should get you back home,' he announced after a while of us hugging. Without speaking I let him go and walked to my motorcycle.

'I'll follow you until your home,' he yelled. I nodded and hopped on the motorcycle, starting the engine.

20 minutes later I arrived at my house and watched as Dominic gave me one wave and he drove off. I hugged my waist and looked out into the darkness, I was falling for him too.
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ahhhh this is really badddd!

omgggg its sooo horrible. worst chapter I ever wrote I think.

but I promise this story is going somewhere... I promise.!!


btw sorry I haven't updated in a whileee.