Have You Ever Felt Alone In A Crowded Room?

Nine In The Afternoon In A Mad World

Once I got off the phone, I went into the tiny kitchen to figure out what just happened. I was confident that Mikey could operate a microwave all by himself. I guess not. Frank was laughing as Mikey just stared at the floor.

“What happened?”

It was around four in the morning by then. I was awake, but at the same time very exhausted and tired. I wanted to tell the guys what Jacoby said. But first...

Mikey answered “I left the lid on it and then-“

”Oh my God, Mikey! You always take the lid off when you microwave something! Did it explode everywhere?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t look.”

I opened the microwave, and the inside was covered in a mess of noodles. At least it wasn’t something like a squirrel. Not that I would microwave one...

“Frankie, why didn’t you stop him?”

“Because it was funny. Are you mad?”

That was a stupid question, but I wasn’t. I was just surprised. I mean, I know Mikey had problems with toasters, but this was ridiculous.

“I’m just...like, how do you forget the rules about micro waving?”

“Only Mikey could, Dahlia.”

I hugged Mikey and said “At least you didn’t break it.”

Then I sighed and said “Anyways, that was Jacoby. She said...”

So I filled them in about her idea and her promise as well as mine, and how one day we could go on an “epic adventure” together.

Frank said “That’s awesome! Do you think that she’d want to stay? And when is she coming?”

“I don’t know about her staying, but she wants to come up in the summer. That’s in...another month, I believe. That would mean that she’s coming towards the end of June.”

Mikey asked “And what about the band you’ve wanted to start with her?”

“Well, we may not be in a band together after all. I promised her that I’d try and start one, but I don’t know anybody. I don’t even know where to start.”

Frank went quiet and deep into thought. Sometimes that’s not a good idea, but in this case, it was. Finally, he said “I know some people you could meet with. They’re actually looking for a singer.”

“Really? Who are they?”

“Alice, Kitty, Iris, and Jess. I think you’d like them.”

“How do you know these girls?”

“They went to my high school. I heard about how they didn’t know anyone who could sing, and I told them I knew someone. You. If they like you, and I know they will, you get to be in their band.”

I jumped for joy just a tiny bit. Inside. And then I hugged Frank and said “I’m so excited, you have no idea!”

He hugged me back and said “I’ve never seen you this happy, Dahlia. I’ll call them up tomorrow and tell them you’re coming.”

“Thank you. Oh, I hope they like me.”

“They will. I promise.”

Mikey and Frank stayed for the rest of the morning. When I woke up at nine in the afternoon, and I know that doesn’t exist but I say it because of Jackie, Frank was right there next to me. How he got there, I don’t know. But I didn’t want to move. When I did however, I got up to make coffee.

I’m not much of a coffee person. I prefer tea, but Mikey is addicted to Coffee, much like his brother Gerard. And he was actually sitting on the couch with Mikey, who was still asleep.

“Hi Gerard. Who let you in?”

“Mikey did. But then he went back to sleep. How long were you guys up?”

“Until the sun rose.”

“Did Frank go to bed with you or did you-“

I cut him off “I don’t know. I was out before he was.”

So he saw me and Frank asleep on my mattress...My bedroom door was open, and it led to the tiny hallway that led to the kitchen and living room, if you could call it that.

“No need to get defensive, I was just asking. But you like him, don’t you?”

I felt myself blush as I said “...No...”

Even though I didn’t confess, Gerard knew. But, what about John? I’m just beginning to think that he’s a nice guy, but he was such a jerk at first. Frank never was, and he’s about to help me with starting a band, something I lost hope for. He’s even saved my life back at my first concert, when I could have bled to death and gotten trampled on. And he’s funny, cute, mature (most of the time), I could go on.

But my head says leave it and forget about it. I’ve never been in a relationship, but I know that boys break your heart and leave you to die. But Frank wouldn’t do that. Right? If he did...

Would I be able to go on? Or would I try to end my life again?

I’d have to ask Jacoby next time she calls. She’s pretty good at giving advice. Meanwhile, later on that day, Frank brought me over to Alice’s house, where the girls would go to practice. When the door to the house was opened, I saw this beautiful, almost Avril Lavigne look-a-like, if not for her arms covered in tattoos and a lip piercing.

She greeted us happily with “Hi Dahlia! Hi Frankie! Come in!”

She had the bubbly personality of a cheerleader, yet she wasn’t annoying or a ho. She invited us in, and on a couch were the three other girls, Iris, Kitty, and Jess.

“So Dahlia, this is...”

As she introduced me to the girls, she pointed to them. Kitty was the drummer, with crazy, tousled short black hair and green eyes that had a yellowish tint. Iris was the keyboardist, who had long brown hair with blonde highlights. And Jess was the bassist, who had short, dark red hair that was spiked and very pretty dark eyes.

“And everyone, this is Dahlia. She will hopefully be our new singer.”

After a few minutes of talk amongst the girls and I, Frank sat down with them as they got to listening to me sing.

“Okay, so have you guys heard of “Mad World?”

As all of them nodded, I began...

When I was done, there was a silence for a bit. The suspense was killing me! Until Alice said “Dahlia, that was amazing!”

The rest of the girls followed with positive feedback, and nothing bad to say.

Alice continued “You can be our new singer now!”


“Yes, silly! But, one more thing: Do you think you could help us out with a name?”

I already had one in mind. I told the girls “What about...The Undying Promise?”

Kitty said “That is an awesome name!”

Iris asked “Where did that come from?”

“Oh, it’s a long story.”

A very long story...
♠ ♠ ♠
From now on, I'm going to mash up song titles for chapters. Yay!
