Have You Ever Felt Alone In A Crowded Room?

These Are The Days We Will Always Remember

These Are the Days That We Will Always Remember

Graduation, the single thing that you work towards your entire school career. But, I’m sure how excited I actually am. I’m leaving behind everything I’ve ever known. Not to mention, my mom isn’t too pleased with me for going to Jersey and not staying and showing. But at the same time she’s extremely caring of the situation in which I’m going to Jersey… Was that even the right choice of words? Whatever… I don’t really care. Haha, plus I think she knows that if I spend any more time with Danny I’m just going to get my heartbroken even more. Damn that boy…

“HEY! HEY YOU WITH THE GRADUATION CAP!!!” Danny shouted at me

“HEY! HEY YOU WITH THE GRADUATION GOWN!!!” I shouted back at him.

We fell into each other laughing hysterically at nothing.

“Hey, Pony Girl, Fag Boy! Get your asses over here!” Some fat bitch who thought she was so hot shouted at Danny and me.

“Fucking bitch…” I murmured.

“Ry, it’s not worth it to start anything today. They don’t have to let you walk… They can actually keep you from graduating if you do something today. I don’t want that to happen to you…”

“Don’t worry; I wasn’t going to do anything to her anyway… She’d sit on me and I’d suffocate…”

“Ha! That’s so true! I feel bad for the man that she marries…”

“You would…”

“I just did!”

“That’s not even a good come back in that context! Sheesh… Sometimes I really wonder about you…”

“HEY! SERIOUSLY!! YOU TWO NEED TO GET OVER HERE SO THAT WE CAN WALK IN!!” Someone shouted at us. It wasn’t even like we were that far from them… I guess we just needed to line up in alphabetical order.

The ceremony was long and rather boring. But, hey, what isn’t?

Afterwards we all headed to my house for a little farewell party. I was going to be leaving the next morning for Jersey.

“Ry, there’s something that I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while…” Danny said hesitantly as we sat together in my room, him on my bed and me on the floor, after the party.

I didn’t look up from my computer where I was looking through some old pictures of everyone from when times were simpler. I simply ‘hmmed’.

“Seriously, this is important.” The way he said it made me look up at him. He looked scared. As if I’d run away from him once I found out what he had to say. He hadn’t looked at me that way since he told me he was gay.

“What is it?” I sat up on the bed next to him and reached out for his hand. He jerked it away almost immediately. “Danny, what’s going on?”

“I-I… I think that I love you…” He said it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him. But I did. They were the words I’d been waiting to hear from him for 4 long years. But it couldn’t be what I thought it was. There was no way

“I know that Danny. I love you too.” I said, looking at him like he was losing his mind

“That’s not what I meant. I mean love love,” He sighed.

“But, that can’t be… I mean… I thought… What?”

“I know… That’s what I thought too. You’re the only girl that I’ve ever really felt anything like this towards. Hell, you’re the only one period.”

“But what about-“

He shook his head before I could finish. “Never like this. Ever.”

“Danny… I don’t know what to say…”

He looked away from me. “ I knew I shouldn’t have said anything…” He started to stand up.

“No, I’m glad that you told me. I’ve been trying for the past 4 years to get over the fact that you’d never be mine because you’d never look at me the same way as guys… I just don’t know if I’m supposed to smack the living shit outta you or if I’m supposed to jump into your arms and kiss you ‘til we’re breathless.”

“I like the second one best. But I understand if you want to slap me…” He gave me his mischievous grin.

The next second his lips were on mine and I’d never felt that same sensation in a kiss before. It was the story book kiss. I pulled away from him and grinned before playfully smacking him.

“I can’t believe you would do that to me for so long…”

“I just didn’t know how or when to say it…”

“So you tell me the day before I’m supposed to leave?”

“Well, it’s not like you aren’t coming back… Right?” He suddenly didn’t look so sure of himself or his words.

“I will be coming back. But what are we going to do while I’m gone? I don’t know what I’m going to be doing over the summer.”

“Then we’ll wait ‘til the end of the summer to figure everything out. We’ve got nothing but time.”

“Nothing but time,” I repeated with a nod before kissing him again.

“KIDS! BED! I don’t care if you just graduated high school you still need sleep!” My mom shouted up the stairs at us. We both giggled and pulled down the covers of my bed.

I slept so sound that night. With Danny’s arms wrapped tightly around me, there were no nightmares and screams. Just sweet, sweet dreams. Because we had nothing but time to plan what we were going to do.
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heh... sorry? I swear I don't mean to take forever to write these chapters... I just get like mega writer's block then I forget what I was going to write and you probably don't want to read my excuses...

the title is from Chasing the Night by Every Avenue. Its a great song you should look it up if you don't know it...

Love you like no otter!