Have You Ever Felt Alone In A Crowded Room?

The Night We Met

I just started working at a music store to pay for the shitty apartment I live in, and my band idea’s a no-go. On top of all that, Jacoby is probably miserable for me leaving so soon.
But Jacoby is strong. If she can live with her mom’s boyfriend what’s-his-face...Tim?, she can get through this for the next few months. She’s probably doing better than I am, and that’s all I care about. I hope Danny’s alright too. We didn’t agree on everything, but we were friends. And he was my only flamboyant friend.

It’s been a few days since I left, and it’s been horrendously boring. The only thing I have to look forward to is the My Chemical Romance concert I get to attend on Friday. Which is tomorrow. That’s too far away...

“Dahlia? Dahlia?”


“Are you sleeping on the job?”

I was working late, and I may have dozed off for about an hour. One of my coworkers, John, was with me. It was just us, and that unsettled me.

“I’m not asleep. I just closed my eyes.”

“For a good hour or two.”

“Shut up. No one’s coming in here at ten anyways.”

After that, there was an awkward silence. It would have stayed like that for most of the night, until John asked “So why’d you move here?”

“Because I wanted to.”

“Since when does anyone want to move to Jersey?”

“I like the music scene up here.”

He left it at that. He probably detected the “fuck off”’ tone in my voice. Along with another really weird silence, someone walked in. I was half asleep at this point, and I didn’t really care who it was. I just heard footsteps up and down the aisles for a few minutes, until I heard a voice that shot adrenaline through my veins.

“Um...can one of you help me?”

I stared through his hazel eyes and tried to say something, but had to force it out. Did John not recognize him?

“Y-Yeah, I can help you.”

I pulled myself out from behind the counter and attempted to function properly. I walked with him as he went through the stacks of CDs for the umpteenth time.

“I’m looking for the Bouncing Souls’ new album.”

“The Gold Record?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Do you have it?”

“We actually don’t. I know that sucks, I was trying to find it too.”

"You like The Bouncing Souls?"

"I don't know all their songs, but yeah, they're cool. I'm sorry we don't have their new album. Try somewhere else."

“That’s alright. But thanks anyway. Oh, and, I like your hair.”

My hair was this almost neon purple color. I probably fried half my brain cells to bleach and dye it. My parents were pissed when I got it done, but that wasn’t entirely the point. The point was it was a random cool color.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Dahlia. I just moved here a while ago. And...I already know your name...Frank. uh, like your band."

I sound so stupid, stumbling over my words like that!

“Are you coming to any of our shows?”

“Yeah, tomorrow night. Why?”

“No reason, just hoping to see you there.”

When he smiled at me...Good God, I think I was blushing.

The second he was gone, John said “What was that about?”


“You couldn’t function right with that guy. Who was he?”

“You really don’t know?”


“Dude, that was Frank Iero. From My Chem? The Punk band?”

He still looked clueless.

Oh, forget you...

“Anyway, they’re my favorite band. And he’s the reason for my er, loss of coordination.”

“So do you like him or something?”



I finally get home, and I have no car to drive, so I walked. Not the smartest thing to do in the middle of the night in New Jersey, but I was fine. I had a switchblade, just in case. When I got up to my apartment, I was ready to pass out on the floor, as dirty as it was. But I had to check my email for anything from Jacoby.

I even turned on a bit of music. I'm not always into the heavy scream-your-face-off death metal, so most of my playlist is bands Jacoby turned me onto. But mostly I'm listening to metal or rock. And occasionally something like "Caramelldansen" or "Smack That."

Sure enough, when I looked at my messages, her name came up.

If you do meet them… Seriously… tell them that I think they’re the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to music… Besides The Who… and The Eagles… and… Okay so the list could go on for a while… But you get the picture right? Right… Okay! So, today, Carrie told me that she wanted me to ride Whistler in a show this weekend… I said that I’d think about it and mom said that I had to and her boyfriend said that he’d pay for all my new clothes that I need… It should be an interesting shopping trip tomorrow… Haha… Anywho… when I come live with you can we get a dog? PLEEEEEEEEASE!?!?! I’ll beg and you know it… Haha

Love ya like no otter!
Jakey Poo!!!

I replied back:

So it looks like you’re doing alright. And have fun with that shopping spree.

Well...you’re not gonna believe it but...just before I got off work, Frank walked in and asked for help finding something. Before he left, I told him my name, and he said he liked my hair. I couldn’t function properly. Another guy who worked there was so clueless to who he was.

I think you should do the horse show, too. It’ll be fun for you, I bet.

And yes, we can get a dog. And I’ll even let you name it. Just think, a few more months until I see you!


It’s so nice how happy you can sound in an email. I hit the send button and got ready for bed.
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