Have You Ever Felt Alone In A Crowded Room?

Shopping Extravaganza

Shopping Extravaganza

The next morning I woke up to “I Am The Arsonist” by Silverstein. Let me tell you, it’s not fun when you sleep halfway off the bed and it’s just a big blast of screaming waking you up. Not that I mind… I mean I love Silverstein. But really? I fell out of my bed and tried to brace myself on my already sprained wrist.

“OW! MOTHERFUCKER!!” I screamed, as my wrist gave out and I landed on my head.

“JAKE, WHAT WAS THAT!?!?” Mom shouted up the stairs.

“I fell outta bed!” I shouted back.

“Oh! Well, get up and dressed so we can go shopping!!”

“MA’AM YES MA’AM!” I laughed as I got off the floor and got dressed.

After I put on a pair of clean jeans and a Queen t-shirt, I walked very carefully down the stairs so that I didn’t fall and into the kitchen where Mom and Ted… I think… were sitting and got my usually cup of coffee and apple before jumping up on the counter and swinging my legs like a little kid.

“You ready to go?” Ted asked, in his usually friendly manner. I smiled and nodded my head.

“How’s your wrist?” Mom asked as we walked out to the car. I was trying to hop on one foot to get my shoes on.

“It’d be better if I could get my shoes on,” I laughed.

“We’ll why don’t you wait until we get in the car?” Mom laughed as well.

“Yeah, yeah,” I sighed once I finally pulled my shoe all the way on.

We drove in silence into Middleburg where we were going to attempt to buy reasonably priced riding equipment. Let me tell you, it’s such an impossible feat that we ended up in Journeymen’s buys top of the line clothes, boots, and tack. Well, not the saddle. I had an old Stubben saddle that was just fine for the show, and I wouldn’t let Ted buy me a new saddle anyway.

Okey dokeys… Now, that I’ve given you a brief over view of my day, and the only reason this over view is brief is because of how boring my day actually was… How sad? Haha

By the time we got home from our shopping extravaganza I was tired as butt-cicles and ready to go to bed. It was only 9:30, and I’m not usually one to go to bed early… SO! I DIDN’T! Ha! I turned ‘The Tide’ by The Spill Canvas on and wrote my dearest Dahlia an email.! FUN SHIT RIGHT THERE MOTHEREFFERS! Okay, that was a little unnecessary. I’m sorry… Not really, but you didn’t need to know that either… Damn, I’m rambling. And babbling. Haha, babbling is a funny word! Okay, I’ll stop now and write my email to Dahlia… Hehe


How’s life!? How was the concert!?! Uh… DID YOU TELL FRANK THAT I LOVE HIM!!! Even though I don’t love him like that… haha Hum… I think we shall get a smoosh faced dog and name is Sampson… Or, if it’s a girl puppy… Poppy! Haha What do you think? I LIKE IT!!! WOOO!!!! No, before you say something, I’m not hyper… I’m just tired and rambling about absolutely nothing… I mean I just had a conversation with myself about how fun babbling is to say… Yeah, it’s true. I did… ARG! I’m going nuts without you here… BUT! I GOTSEDED ALL MY CLOTHES FOR THE SHOW!! The day wasn’t as eventful as I would have thought… It kinda made me sad… hehe SOOOO! Again… tell me how life is! OOO I THINK I’M GOING TO GET A NEW DRUMSET!!! And keyboards and such… Ted is actually really, really nice… We got to talking about music and stuff and Mom told him that I played a bunch of instruments and he was all like I’LL GET YOU NEW EQUIPMENT! It was odd… but whatthefuckever… Hehe So, the band thing may no longer be a no go but a I NEED TO HURRY THE FUCK UP AND FINISH HIGH SCHOOL SO THAT IT CAN BE A GO! Haha

I’ll stop rambling now and let you sleep… hehe

Wov you like no otter!!
Jakey Poo!
♠ ♠ ♠
haha that is probably the shortest chapter I've ever written... It be a filler, Sowee Roxypoos!!! hehe

I would love you like no otter if you commented!!! hehehehe