Have You Ever Felt Alone In A Crowded Room?

Horseshow Nighmares

Horse Show Nightmares

I woke up the morning of the show to my alarm playing ‘There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey You Just Haven’t Figured It Out Yet’ by Panic! At The Disco. Definitely a get up and go song if you aren’t listening to the words. So, I got up and started screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs. As I was screaming I was of course getting ready for my show. Breeches under sweats, show shirt under sweatshirt, tall socks tucked into my tall boots, paddock boots on my feet, jacket in hand with my keys, and out the door. After I yelled to my mom that I was leaving… I plugged my iPod into my stereo (no the car didn’t have one before my dad and I fixed it up…) and continued blasting get up and go music all the way to the barn.

As soon as I got to the barn I was yelled at by the other girls that were showing…

“CASH! GO GET MY BRIDLE!” one girl yelled.


“RYRY!!! GIVE ME A DAMN HUG, HOE!” Danny. Oh, how I love that boy… If he wasn’t gay I’d totally marry him… Okay, maybe I wouldn’t go that far… But you get it? I think…

“DANNY!!!” I yelled hugging him tightly. “Don’t call me a hoe, Slut…”

“Haha, I love you sweetie!” He said keeping one arm around me and leading me into the barn where all the horses had spent the night to prevent them from getting covered in crap (I mean that both literally and figuratively).

“Love you too,” I giggled walking into the tack room and grabbing Whistler’s bridle and my saddle, saddle pad, girth, and a brush bucket.

“Gonna have some fun today?” Danny said excitedly.

“As much fun as you can have when you haven’t shown since you were 14 years old…” I sighed again remembering my last show. I’d won Grand Champion in the Junior’s Jumpers. It was the greatest and worst day of my life…

“You know you’re going to blow the doors off everyone there!” He laughed.

“Yeah… totally…” I sighed bringing all my tack to my truck and loading it all into the back of my truck and then walking back into the barn

It took a bit longer than expected to get to the show grounds. The doors on the side of the trailer flew open halfway down the road because Whistler had opened them. One of the other girls forgot to put the safety lock on… Dumby…

“Oh, my dearest Ryry!” Danny shouted once we finally arrived at the grounds.

“Yes, Danny Dear?” I giggled.

“Are you ready to blow everyone’s doors off with your amazing talents?”

“Eh, I don’t know if I’ll blow their doors off, but I’ll certainly try my darnedest.”

“You will don’t worry. Let’s just get these horses unloaded and tacked up for schooling,” He said with a definitive nod. I nodded along with him and we walked to the trailer.

After tacking up an schooling the lower level classes started. Since no one on our “team” was doing the Pre- Short Stirrup, Short Stirrup, or Long Stirrup Danny and I decided to walked around the grounds and get something to eat because neither one of us had been smart enough to bring food with us. My mother and Ted showed up and we ate with them and then we all walked back over to where most everyone had parked their trailers.

“So, are you nervous about your classes?” Ted asked me.

“Nah, not really. I’m trying not to think about what’s going to happen… Then I will freak out. Negative thought avoidance at all costs,” I said nodding then looking at Danny.

He was cute… I seriously wish he wasn’t gay… He had shaggy brown hair and amazing green eyes. I don’t know a girl that hasn’t fallen for him then been heart broken when they found out he was gay. I don’t think that it really mattered how much you hinted that he was never going to go that way for them. They were blinded by just how sweet and amazing he is. Yes. I am speaking from experience. I’ve been best friends with him since kindergarten. I was the first person he told that he was gay and that was when we were going out in 9th grade. Yeah… We then continued “going out” until he was ready to come out of the closet… I think even after all this time I’m still hoping that he’s going to change his mind. I love the guy.

“Ry? Ry!” Danny said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“Huh?” I asked looking up at him, avoiding his eyes.

“You were zoning out. Carrie wants to talk to you too.” I nodded my head and walked over to Carrie. She was talking to a few other girls, most likely about their courses.

“Hey, Carrie, Danny said that you wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah, I was just wondering if you’d memorized your first course.”

“Yeah, it’s outside line to the natural diagonal to the far coop down the judge’s line to the painted diagonal.”

“Yeah. Don’t forget it please!”

“Yeah, yeah… I won’t…” I laughed before walking back over to Danny and sitting on his lap. Our signs of affection were abundant and it shocked people to find out that he’s gay and we aren’t going out.

“Tired already?” He laughed. I could feel the vibrations against my back. It was a comforting feeling.

“Yeah, I’ve been up far too long.” I giggled.

“Ah, try to wake up soon. We don’t want you falling asleep on Whistler… That could be dangerous.”

“I know. Don’t worry, I’ll be nice and awake by then.”

“Well, then is a bit sooner than you think. They’re getting ready to announce the ribbons for the class before yours.”

“And how would you know that?”

“I just heard to announcement, Ry…”

“Oh…” I gave a nervous laugh and got up and walked over to my horse. I looked back at Danny, gave him a nod, and lift my right leg at the knee, signaling that I needed a leg up.

“Well, if I give you a leg up then who’s going to give me one?” He laughed as he hoisted me up into the saddle.

“You’re going to find a side of a hill and get up.” I laughed as I checked my girth and put my feet in the stirrups.

“Or I could be smart and just use the mounting block…” He said walking over to his own horse and leading him over to the mounting block that Carrie had set up for some of the other riders.

We all walked to the side of the ring and waited our turns in the ring. Once it was my turn I nudged Whistler gently into the ring, where I did my hunter’s circle and brought him into a nice collected canter. I took him around the course without fault, extending his gait when needed and collecting it back. He did the best he’s ever done. I did another circle when I was done and walked out of the ring.

After two more courses they announced who placed where in the class…

I got first in my first and last class and third in my second. I don’t know why I got third in that one though… Whatever… I still got Grand Champion. I walked back out of the ring and towards my mother and Ted. I looked at her with a worried expression as soon as I dismounted.

“You did great Sweetie,” Mom whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry, there’s no bad news on its way from me.” I gave a sigh of relief and hugged her tightly.

“Ry, you’re my hero!” Danny laughed hugging me, once I was done hugging my mom.

“And why is that?” I asked pulling away from him slightly.

“You’re just amazing…” He laughed.

We celebrated our good luck after bringing the horses back to the farm and taking care of them, with sundaes. After that we all went home and passed out… Haha
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haha. don't you love how I haven't posted anything in months? I'm so sorry about that. I've had school and whatnot and not to mention my major writer's block that hopefully is gone! haha

Love Ya Like No Otter!
Sky (Bobert)