A Ghost Love Story


I woke up when I saw light streaming through the living room window, reflecting, and nearly blinding me. I covered my eyes and face in attempt to get rid of the light. I trudged from the couch to the window and pulled the brown curtains over the sun's powerful rays. I sighed in relief when the room wasn't as light, but I left one window open so there was enough light streaming into the room.

I think to much... I thought to myself as I entered the kitchen. Our kitchen was small but big enough for our family. Just three girls. Yes, you remembered right. I am adopted and my mom and 'dad' are lesbians. I don't realy have a PROBLEM with it but it use to be just a little bit uncomfortable. I think they want me to be like them, but lets face it I wille NEVER be like them.

I poured the milk into my cerial and sat back down on the couch. The remote sat next to me on the coffee table. I pressed the on button signal thingy (lol, I have know clue what you call it.)

As the tv turned on I looked at the clock. The green numbers flashed 11:59. Wow, I really was tired. I guess thats understanable since I stayed up all night two days in a row trying to finish homework and catch up with school work. I got home at five o clock yesterday and went right to bed.... yep, a long time.

I flipped through the channels lazily until I found The Real World: Cancun on mtv.

Hmm, good enough. I watched as people fought and all the drama flickered across my tv screen. It ended at one and I still felt tired. I could sense today was going to be boring since I didn't have work andmy parents were gone.

I layed my head down and drifted to sleep.

When I woke I felt a whole lot better. Completely charged and ready for the rest of the day. I sat up and scratched my head which messed my hair all up. I didn't care though since I wouldn't be going anywhere.

The clock flashed three o clock.

Sheesh, this day is going by fast.

What to do. What to do. What to do. What to do. What to do, I repeated to myself in my mind. I tried to think of something that would be fun and interesting. Maybe I could go to the new movie theater... but they're probably packed. Or maybe I could go to the park.

I settled on the park and ran to my room to get dressed.
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Not a very exciting chapter but its just a filler! The next chapter will be ten times better :) Sorry for any mistakes!