Status: Active

This town wasn't made for two


Two years after they met

No Brendon and I never dated, even though both of us probably wanted too. We were seventeen now and relationships seemed kind of insignificant right now.

My parents were bugging me about college even though I knew I wasn't going. I had a small band. Only two people. Myself, singing and playing guitar or piano and then my friend Gabriella playing bass or guitar and singing back-up.

Sure we probably shouldve had a drummer but we were both pretty enough that a label would probably have us anyways. If I can say that without sounding conceited.

Brendon wanted music too, but he had yet to find anyone to play with. But he could sing. God he had such a beautiful voice.

But here he was, still pulling little stunts with me during our free time. Sometimes just playing pranks like ordering a huge meal at McDonald's and then driving off, letting the person behind us get the meal.

Others times it was something bigger.

But today we were at school. The year was coming to a close, only a month left. Exams were done with and the only reason seniors were still hanging around was because of all the special shit that we got to do.

We still had senior surprise day left. So naturally, everyone came to school.

We, as in Brendon and I, were in music class just fiddling around with some guitars while the teacher slept on top of her desk.

We had started playing Early sunsets over monroeville by My Chemical Romance, me on vocals when a boy with a bass slung around his neck walked over to us.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Can we help you Mr. I need a haircut?"I asked him sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you, your Brendon right?"He asked nodding his head towards Brendon.

"Yeah, that's the name. What's it to you?"He questioned setting the guitar down my his feet and standing up so he was level with this boy.

"I'm Brent, I'm in a band with a couple of other dudes and we need a rhythm guitarist. You want in?"He question smirking at Brendon's expression which was now; pale faced and mouth hung open.

Brendon's eyes flicked to me and i nodded briskly. He smiled.

"Y-yeah, for sure."He answered breathlessly. Brent smiled and shook Brendon's hand.

"Sweet, wait outside in the courtyard for me and I'll drive you over to Spencer's house. He's the drummer."He said before beginning to walk away but i grabbed his arm.

"Woah wait a minute. Spencer smith?"I questioned. He nodded. "Whose best friends with, Ryan Ross?" He smiled sarcastically.

"Way to catch on , but yeah that's them."And with that he walked away as the lunch bell rang.

We met up with Gabby, Chris and Lilly on the way to the cafeteria. I slapped Brendon on the back and grinned.

"Well no only did you finally score a band, but you're in one with the famous Ryan Ross."I announced loudly earning him a punch on the shoulder from Chris and a playful shove from Gabby.

I elbowed him. "Told you you'd score a band eventually!"

I was sitting around at my house that night alone seeing as my partner in crime was out auditioning for a band.

Lilly had taken up calling us Bonnie and Clyde whenever she saw us because of all the unnoticed mayhem we got into almost every night.

So what? We got to have fun for free without anyone catching on. It was a win-win if you ask me.

I was sitting in front of my mirror with a couple boxes of hair dye and some scissors deciding what to do with my hair. All of the red had washed out and it had grown out again leaving it a messy light brown wig on my head. It went down to my chest and my bangs bumped my chin.

I picked up the scissors and started working away.

And hour and half later my hair barely graced my shoulders and my bangs were parted over so they covered up my right eye. And now they only went to about my nose and I had angled them so they wouldn't move to much.

Another two hours later was when Brendon called me, it was ten o clock and my hair was now littered with light blue chunks underneath and the crown of my head was bright red again like it was in sophomore year.

For some reason I always let the phone ring twice before I answered it so whoever was calling thought I was doing something important enough that I couldn't get to the phone right away.

"Hey dude how'd it go?"I asked calmly once I answered.

He cleared his throat.

"Mmm well I didn't get the part of rhythm guitar."He stated.

"Aw Bren, I'm sorry-"I started to apologize.

"Buuut."He continued.

"But, i am the new lead singer!"He yelled into the phone. I screamed.

"Oh my god! You see! I told you, didn't I? I told you that you're voice was fucking amazing, but whoooooo didn't believe me?"I yelled into the phone grinning.

"I know! I know, but seriously, open your window, theres this huge cat down hair and I'm scared its going to eat me!"And with that he hung up. I walked over to my window and saw him standing down there waving like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and opened my window, popping out the bottom of the screen window and then finally releasing the fire escape so he could climb up.

He clamored loudly into my room laughing.

"Can you believe this? Were both in bands now! What if both of our bands get signed?"He asked sitting down on my bed with his legs crossed like a little girl.

"What if, we get signed to the same label!"He continued, his eyes wide and shining.

"What if we both get really famous!"

"What if, holy shit you changed your hair again!"He switched subjects grinning at my new hair. I rolled my eyes.

"Your such an idiot sometimes. But yea,I changed my hair again."I admitted brushing some back from my face.

"Its a little uneven though."I said fingering the back of my hair where I couldn't really see.

He laughed again.

"But its blue! And red!"He stated. His eyes suddenly grew wide again. I gave him a look as he scrambled up from my bed and started rummaging around on my desk top.

"What are looking for?"I questioned him. He grabbed something and his it behind his back as we walked back towards me.

"Me next?"He asked extending a box of black dye.
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To be honest, due to the recent news of Panic at the Disco it's really hard for me to update anything. I'm only updating this because Ive been getting comments. And when I'm writing I kinda forget about and it makes me feel better. comments help me out.
and alas, the beginning of Brendon's mushroom cut x]
Cheers Xx