Status: Active

This town wasn't made for two


It was Friday night, generally the night Brendon, maybe Chris and Lilly, and I went out to do whatever.

Tonight it was just Brendon and myself because Lilly was grounded for bad grades and I just figured Chris was being a pussy because Lilly couldn't go. Or at least that's what I told him anyways.

That day I had been sent to the office, for my new doo.

Apparently colored hair was against the dress code now, I thought as I sat in the office waiting for the Principal to lecture me about "distracting attire" and all that jazz.

He told me I had to get rid of the blue or I'd get suspended.

I pouted and made my eyes tear up.

"But, I-it was an accident, It was supposed to be blond but my mom left it in too long, and now I can't get it out."I lied, letting a tear fall down my face. Principal Lee was a sucker for crying girls.

He sighed and struggled with his perfect tie.

I knew I had one.

"Alright, but don't let me catch you with inappropriate dress again, accident or not."He warned, pointing a finger in my direction.

I just sniffed and nodded pathetically.

I strolled out of his office, nonchalantly wiping tears off my face when I spotted a boy named Jay, who was like my almost friend. We talked sometimes and joked and laughed together, but were never alone together, or talked on the phone.

I waved and smiled at him.

He was about my height, a little taller maybe 5'8 with dark brown hair that hung to his nose but he always swept it aside so it looked like he had emo bangs. And he a simple nose ring and had grey, hazel colored eyes.

He grinned back. "Hey doll face, were you crying?"He grin slipped away and his face showed concern. I instinctively blushed at his interest in my well-being, but i nodded.

"Yeah, but it was so I could get out of trouble with the, you know, hair."I fingered my blue streaks while I talked, more nervous than usual. I wasn't used to being alone with any boys other then Brendon or Chris, or the occasional random.

His smile returned and I felt the blush return to my face.

"So uh, what are you in for?"I asked, in a slightly suggestive voice, raising my right eyebrow. He chuckled and stood up.

"Caught skipping."He stated looking around the corner for anyone.

"Funny really, I was actually going back to class this time too."He said truthfully.

I giggled embarrassingly and then blushed, silently cursing my body for all of this unwanted heat.

He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder.

I thought I was going to combust or something like that.

"You know your blushing like mad right?"He asked flipping some hair out of his face.

I groaned and pushed my bangs out of my face.

"Yeah, I do that sometimes..."I caught myself and looked down, shrugging off his hand.

"I should probably go to class."I murmured, turning towards the door but he caught my arm.

I turned around and huffed.

"Like your going back to class?"He more stated than asked. I smiled.

"Caught me."

He flashed a smile and released my arm gently.

"You busy tonight? Or now, whichever you prefer."A smirk graced his features.

I made a thinking face, pretending to think hard.

"Hmmm....."I tapped my chin with my finger, whilst trying not to laugh.

"Alright, tonight sounds good. Just as long as your not scared of a little fun?"I challenged, turning my body towards the door. He grinned and waved his hand dismissively.

"Yeah yeah, I hear about you and your little buddy Brendon,"He said, making me wonder if he was jealous or something, "And all the mischief you guys get into too."

"And it sounds like fun." I smiled triumphantly.

"Okay dokey, so see you tonight at my place around eight all right Mr. Bad Boy?"I asked him, smirking as I headed for the door.

"Yeah, alright, see you then Doll face."

I squealed and danced a little when I rounded the corner, to make sure he didn't see me do my "I got a date" dance.

I wasn't really planning on going back to class so I walked by Brendon's classroom, Earth Science, and knocked on the door.

An old, burly man opened the door.

"Yes?"His voice was raspy, like he was just yelling. I stole a glance over his shoulder, trying to catch Brendon's eye.

"Uh yes sir, I'm feeling ill and have to go home, and Brendon Urie is my ride home so...."I waited for him to speak.

He narrowed his eyes.

"You're really sick?"He asked suspiciously. I nodded and did a thing with my mouth so it looked like I was about to throw up.

"Ye-yes sir, I threw up in the bathroom a few minutes ago."He stepped back a few steps, and grunted.

"Alright, go, just don't hurl in the hallways Miss Mullins." I nodded and motioned for Brendon to come with me.

He looked genuinely worried as he closed to door to the classroom.

"Dude you okay?"He asked. I laughed.

"Of course I'm okay, but I just wanted to talk to you Bren."He looked confused for a moment.

"Oh my god!"He yelled, slamming his locker shut as he retrieved his bag from his locker.

I dropped my purse in shock. "Shit, what Brendon?"I cursed.

"You are a lesbian aren't you?"He almost screamed. I gave him a look and hit him in the back with my purse.


"No you idiot,I got a date!"I exclaimed happily.

Now he looked even more shocked.

"Woah!"He yelled, mouth a perfect 'oh'

I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Brendon, for having confidence in me."I said sarcastically as we walked out of the building into the parking lot, looking for Brendon's Mom's purple mini-van.

He shook his head, looking like a wet dog, and smiled.

"No, sorry, its just that, you like, never go out with dudes."He said. And he was right, I got some offers, but none that I found that interesting.

I shrugged.

"Yeah, but he's going to come with us tonight okay?"I told him, opening the passengers door and tossing my bags inside.

He fumbled with his keys and dropped them, coming back up with his mouth open.

I gave him a "wtf" look.

"Dude!"He yelled angrily. I raised and eyebrow and threw out my arms.

"Dude!"I mocked, with my arms still out.

"Dude c'mon!"He said again."That's like, our night!"

I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

"You dint spazz out when Lilly or Chris come."I stated, talking to him through the drives side open door, seeing as he was still standing out there with an angry look on his face.

"Well you're not dating them."He huffed and plopped into the drivers seat, starting the car up.

I crossed my arms, and smirked.

"Oh ho ho,your jealous, okay I see know."I proclaimed, eyeing him from the corner of my eye as he backed out of the lot.

"Alright Santa Claus I'm not jealous, so stop being a bitch."He said, driving out of the parking lot faster then usual.

I put my feet on the dashboard and turned on the radio.

"Yes you are, don't call me bitch, bitch, we've already been through that, and yes you are, i can tell, and otherwise you wouldn't care if i dated ten guys."I told him.

"Put your feet down, and whatever maybe i am a little jealous-"He stopped, looking confused,"Wait, who are you taking with us anyways?"He asked, dropping the pissy act for a minute.

"Jay, the dude with the nose ring."I grinned like i was announcing a big accomplishment.

Brendon's brow furrowed and and bit his lip.

"I don't like him."He stated."He sleeps around, and just uses girls for one night stands, and put your damn feet down." I scoffed, not moving my feet.

"Like you would know?"I asked.

He stared at me like I was stupid.

"Dudes aren't like girls, who keep all that sex stuff private, guys are proud of how many girls they hit, they announce it to every guy they see alright? He acts like every girl he gets is like you getting another pair of shoes."He ranted.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, dismissing his little lecture with a wave of my hand.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Bren, were meeting at my house at eight right?" Suddenly he sat up straight and the car swerved a little.

"Chill out Mr. PMS!"I exclaimed, gripping onto the door.

"You know what?"He said driving up to my house.

"When you want to start listening to me, at least sometimes,"He looked genuinely hurt.

"Then call me up, but tonight, you-you can go out with Jay and then I-I guess I'll hear how it went Monday morning along with every other guy in third period gym."He yelled angrily stopping the car.

He slapped the dashboard.

"And put your goddamn feet down, one day your going to break your legs!"He yelled, looking out the window so I couldn't see his face.

I wasn't usually insulted, I had a dry sense of humor, but that really hurt.

I bit my lip and picked up my bags, grabbing the door handle.

I shook my head, trying not to cry.

"Go to hell."I said monotonously and slammed the door to his car before running to my front door with tears falling down my face while I watched his car drive away.
♠ ♠ ♠
spelling ish not gewd D: :twitch:
err...sorry -_-
i was going to have the "date" in this too but, its not ovvy.
Cheers Xx