Status: Active

This town wasn't made for two


He can't boss me around, he's not my Dad.I was arguing with myself while I got ready for my excursion with Jay.

Yeah but he's your best friend, he's just looking out for your well-being you know?Possibly the more rational side of my brain retorted.

I brushed my hair vigorously while my thoughts rampaged on.

Or he could just be acting like a stupid, jealous, jerk face who doesn't want to share his best friend!The angry side replied as I yanked threw a knot in my hair.

Think want you want too darling, but you know I'm usually right.The rational side finished.

I groaned in frustration.

"You know what, fuck you smart side of my brain!"I yelled at my reflection and slammed my brush down on the desk.

My sister walked by my room with wide eyes but said nothing.

Two hours later the doorbell rang.

Part of me hoped it was Brendon coming to apologize, but as I opened the door I saw it was just Jay. Looking like he had that morning but only now he had replaced his nose stud with a ring and he was wearing a short sleeve shirt so his tattoo was showing.

"Hey."I said breathlessly, even though I wasn't. He grinned and waved a little.

I turned around looking for my mom.

"Hang on one second Kay?"I asked, flashing a quick smile.

"Mom!"I called.

"What?"She replied from upstairs.

"I'm going out, be back around twelve okay?" I heard her scoff.

"The hell you are, you flunked your math test!"She reminded me.

Jay laughed from behind me. "How cliche."

I mouthed the words 'shut up' to him.

"Uh, yeah but someones offered to, uh, tutor me at their house alright?"I lied, still hearing Jay chuckle behind me.

I heard her grumble and poke her head down the stairs. Her eyes widened at the site of Jay waving from her doorstep. She narrowed her eyes and pointed at me.

"Be back at 11:30,"She demanded and pointed to Jay, "And you, do not come in my house."She finished and vanished behind the corner leaving me and Jay, who was laughing so hard I thought he was going to cry.

I grabbed his arm as I walked out of the door.

"C'mon...."I grumbled while he continued to laugh.

"Your mom is hilarious."He admitted as we drove away from my house in the approaching darkness.

Brendon's POV
Ten o clock

I laid on my bed with the radio blasting Fall Out Boy as I tossed a sticky ball up at the ceiling, let it get stuck, then watch it slowly fall back down, catch it, and repeat the process.

I was incredibly bored.

Usually, or always actually on Friday nights I went out with Mallory and then she spent the night at my house or we stayed at Lilly's and then we all hung out Saturday.

Well now Chris and Lilly couldn't hang out, Mallory hated me, and my band mates were out of town, or like Lilly, grounded.

"This sucks ass!"I yelled at my ceiling, while listening to the song that was playing.

Maybe next time, I'll remember not to tell you something stupid like I'll never leave your side.
Like the oldest, movie I ever saw, was the one we wrote together.
Said I hate you but I'd never change a thing, I can be your John Cusack.

I sighed and tossed the ball to the floor, getting up from my spot on my bed.

I figured I should head down to the movie theater, where I hoped she'd be, and apologize or something.

I slipped on my chuck Taylor's and turned off my stereo before grabbing my car keys and heading out the door.

It was pitch black outside and there was a little frost on the ground, it being November and all.

I couldn't help but worry about her. I hoped she was wearing enough clothes, and even if she was I hoped she inside where it was warm.

But somehow I knew she was outside smoking with Jay and probably lighting things on fire.

Why was I so jealous? She was right, I never got jealous around Chris or Lilly. Well maybe that was because Chris was gay and Lilly was straight and neither had any chance of dating Mallory.

I shrugged it off with the thoughts of it just being a brotherly protection I felt. And how if Jay wasn't taking care of her I'd rip off his head....okay, too over protective there.

I pulled slowly into the movie theater parking lot. It was an old theater so not many people came here. There was only about four cars, that looked like they would run, in the lot and seeing as I didn't know what Jays car looked like I couldn't tell if they were here or not.

I sighed and got out of my car and started to head inside.

I pulled my hood up to shield myself from the wind when I heard a scream.

If I had been a dog then you would've visibly seen my ears perk up.

I knew that voice.

"God damn nit!"I whispered through clenched teeth as I raced to where the voice had come from.

Mallory's POV

It was cold and I regretted not bringing a hoodie with me as I stood outside of the old movie theater with Jay, smoking and lighting old tires and garbage on fire.

I must have been shivering because suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders and something was draped across them.

I opened my eyes to see Jay right by my side placing his hoodie across my shoulder. I smiled and shimmied into the warmth of his arms.

"Thanks."I said, looking up at him.

His lips were cold and soft. And it was just an innocent little kiss at first.

Then it was tongue and teeth and hands everywhere. The jacket had fallen to the ground and I felt my back pressed up against the building.

I squirmed trying to push him off.

"Hey, slow down. It's a first date."I finally managed to say after pushing him off me, although he was still terribly close.

"Yeah so?"He questioned trying to kiss me again but I turned my head so it landed on my cheek. I rolled my eyes.

"Sooo, I'm not a slut and I'm not going to go to third base on the first date thats why."I said, getting peeved. I heard him scoff.

"Yeah, could've fooled me."He said sarcastically. I shoved him off.

"Excuse me?"I asked indignantly. I didn't get an answer instead I got pushed roughly back against the wall.

"Just shut up will you? You're the last of the girls that I wanted to get with."He admitted, rather proudly and tried to continue kissing me.

I screamed loudly, hoping someone could hear me. I wasn't that strong but I could do some damage.

I got a slap in my face as a result. Not shocking, but still not something I would tolerate.

"Big mistake!"I yelled slipping out of his grasp and elbowing him in the face, earning a satisfying crunch from his nose.

"Bitch, what the fuck is your problem?"He yelled grabbing my wrist and twisting it quickly.

I cried out in pain as his hand tore down the outer layer of my shirt, leaving only my camisole protesting my bare skin and bra.

"Damn it!"I yelled hopelessly as I aimed a stray kick at his groin area. I barely hit my target, but he staggered backwards and made a grunting sound when I heard footsteps approaching rapidly.

I turned around to see someone sprinting to where I was standing.

"Bren-?"The word caught in my throat as I watched him tackle Jay to the ground like a lion or something.

Brendon was just steadily throwing punches to Jay's face and stomach and anything else he could reach.

"What did you do to her?"He screamed angrily as he attempted to beat as much of Jay as he could.

I dont know why he asked Jay a question at that point, he didn't really give him a chance to answer.

But I knew I had to do something. I was feeling nauseous and arm was throbbing. I unconsciencsly slid to the ground, trying not to look at my arm or the blood that was flowing from Jay nose and mouth or at his purple misshapen nose.

"Bren!"I called, he didn't hear me.

"Brendon!"I yelled for a second time. I stomped my foot on the ground like and angry child.

"Bren stop! your going to kill him!"I screamed, clutching my arm. He seemed to come to a realization of what he was doing and stood up suddenly, looking at the blood that was on his hands and the boy that lay groaning on the ground.

His eyes widened and his breathing was heavy.

Jay coughed up some blood and sat up on his elbows, glaring at Brendon.

"I'll get you Brendon, don't forget it."He said through gritted teeth before fainting, head cracking against the cement.

I grabbed Brendon's arm fearfully but he didn't take his eyes off of Jay's motionless body.

"Bren, Bren c'mon lets, lets get out of here."I said nervously suddenly hearing police sirens.

I tugged on his arm. "Now!"I yelled. He snapped out of it and picked me up so he was carrying me bridal style; and he ran as fast as could without stumbling back to his car with me clutching onto his shirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate run on sentences, especially when you don't know how to correct them so you have to leave them ugly and, run on-y
And yeah, so heres another chapter. I really like this story right now but i dont know when im going to end it.
so comments!