Status: Active

This town wasn't made for two


"I-I-I, uhh, H-hello," My voice was pathetic and squeaky, I cleared my throat and tried again.

"Hello, er, Officer. What can I do for you?" I tried for an attempt at a slightly tired voice, so he thought I had just woken up.

"Yes this is Officer Hash, may I ask who I am speaking too?" I hesitated before answering. And I regretted giving him my real name after he made an 'ahh' noise.

"Tonight a disturbance was reported down at the old Smith Theater, the owner confirmed that two kids were outside fighting."The policeman continued.


"He further said that one of the kids, a male, was brutally beaten and is now in the Intensive care unit in the hospital."

I sucked in a harsh breath after hearing that and grabbed Brendon's arm roughly.

"We scanned the young man's clothes for DNA prints," I gripped his arm tighter, " And we believe we have found the culprit."

shitshitshitshitshitshitshit Was all i was thinking.

"It is believed that you, Miss Carson are very close with this boy, you wouldn't happen to know where his is would? We would like to question him further." He asked me in a way like he already knew I was with him, I mean, I was at his house.

"I, no sir, I don't know where he is."I lied as smooth as I possibly could at three am to a police officer.

I could hear papers shuffling.

"Any reason you're at his home right now?"He questioned suspiciously.

I blushed, then remembered that he couldn't see me.

"Well, that was why I was here, I've been looking for him. Sir."I added the Sir as an afterthought.

The officer made a discontented 'hmm' sound and thanked me for the help before hanging up.

I didn't need to tell Brendon what the officer had said seeing as his head had been pressed to the other side of the phone the whole time.

I looked at him with wide eyes and grabbed his arm again.

"Brendon,you realize the seriousness of the situation."I told him.

"You need to go." I said bluntly. His eyes widened and he shook his head quickly from side to side.

I grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him slightly.

"Brendon! Yes, you do. Do you want to go to jail?"I shouted, which only earned another shake of his head.

I stood up and walked to his window, which overlooked the rest of his neighborhood.

Everyone was sleeping, peaceful, not having to worry about anything like this.

"You're coming with me."I heard Brendon say in a demanding voice. I raised my eyebrow and turned around.

He was standing up, clutching the phone in his hand. I thought he was going to break it.

He nodded, as if had decided it himself.

"Yeah, you're coming with me."He repeated, walking over to where I was and placing his arm over my shoulders.

I shrugged.

"I guess we have nothing better to do?"I said looking up at him.

He nodded solemnly and stared out the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
*teary eyes* I felt obliged to update when i had one less subscriber today.
School is starting soon, and updates will become less frequent, then they already are, and I don't want EVERYONE to dump me D:
Even though, i wasn't mentally ready to write this chapter, I hadn't been thinking about it a lot.