Status: Active

This town wasn't made for two


We were ready to go before dawn.

I had packed everything but the clothes. Brendon was just grabbing every piece of clothing he had and stuffing it into an old duffel bag he had. A lot of that stuff was mine as well, I had basically lived here for some points in my life.

So around five thirty we were sprinting across backyards and hopping fences with a bag on each arm and bare feet, hoping no one was awake to see us.

We left Brendon's family a note, not explaining much, or telling them where we were going, just saying that we were gone. And that he loved them.

Leaving his house wasn't hard seeing as he was alone, my house on the other hand was not.

We stood silently at the bottom of my house, directly below my window staring up about eight feet at the fire escape ladder hanging from my window.

I shook my head and sighed.

"All the times I snuck out of my room using that, I never thought I'd be using it to sneak back in." I whispered, almost wanting to laugh at the irony of it.

Brendon turned around to look towards the east, the navy blue sky lightening to a lighter and lighter blue.

He shook his head and turned around.

"I'll boost you."He whispered, getting down on one knee.

Unwillingly, I sat on top of his bony shoulders and held onto his hair as he stood back up, groaning under my weight.

"Forward forward!"I hissed, grabbing for the ladder.

He grunted as my hand latched onto the ladder, unlocking it and letting it fall down five feet.

I slid off Brendon's back and pulled myself up the old escape ladder.

As I slid into my room I felt like I hadn't been there in years, when it had only been a day or so. Everything seemed so distant, and far away; I wasn't really there as I packed stuff in my old gym bag.

Deodorant, mouthwash, all my old medication, retainer, and some other things I would never let Brendon buy for me.

Before I climbed back down the window, I grabbed my keys and a pen and peice of paper and wrote something for my parents when they woke up to find their only daughter was gone.

Mom and Dad,

Sorry I never really was a good kid, or student, or daughter.
I'd like to say I tried, and gave it my best, but I feel like this isnt the best place to lie to you guys.
Im leaving with Brendon, no Im not pregnant or eloping, don't worry.
Watch the news for a few days, you'll know why we left.
I can't tell you where Im going, or when I'll be back.
Im taking my car, and my guitar, and pretty much all my mess, and I made sure to make my bed and clean up the bathroom.
I knew you'd like that.
Oh and I'll pay back the money one day, promise.
-see ya

I left it on my pillow before dropping down my guitar case to Brendon.

"Ow! Fuck me!" I heard a muffled voice from below as I slid down the ladder with my keys in one hand and a wallet full of 1,000 dollars in the other.

The sky was tinted pink and yellow by the time we were out to my car.

I started the engine and looked in the rearview mirror once more before glancing over at Brendon.

His hands were in his lap and his head was down.

It took me a moment to notice tears rolling down his face into his lap.

It took me a little longer to notice mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im back ay?
About time yo, i missed this story.
So this totally reversed into an AU. Not intentional.
This story will probably end around twenty I think. I already know how its going to end....
So forgive me? And comment my new chapter?
I wont wait so long next time