Living While Dead

chapter 6: the party

I pretended like nothing was wrong, but when class ended, I sprinted out of the classroom. I went looking for Aeron. It was lunch time, and I was starving, so I got a bag of chips and a drink and searched for a place to sit. I saw Dean waving for me at a table across the room, so I went to sit with
Him. He smiled at me when I sat down. I looked around to see if I could find Aeron anywhere, but it was like he disappeared!
“are you looking for someone?” Dean asked.
“well I had to ask Aeron something, im living with his family. Did you know that?”
“yeah, I know.” Dean sighed.
“you don’t sound like that’s a good thing to you.”
“he’s lucky to have you staying at his house. Well, there is a Halloween costume party dance this Friday. Do you want to come with me?” Dean asked.
“sure, why not?” I replied. “ill have to get a costume, but that wont be a problem. Now im excited!” I yelped. I smiled and ate my lunch.
I finished and went looking for Aeron again.
He was sitting with Alyssa so I ran up and told him about Dean and I going to the dance. Aerons smile went to a frown. But he turned to Alyssa and smiled. “well I was just about to ask Alyssa to come with me..” she squealed with joy. She said yes and ran off to tell her other friends. He smiled at me and walked away. The rest of that day was as quick as could be. I had two days to get ready for the dance, so I went to the mall to look for a good costume. I couldn’t find anything then it occurred to me, I don’t need a costume store! I need an antique store! So I ran off to the nearest one I could find. I ran in and they were about to close for the night. The owner let me in and told me to take as long as I needed. I went to a clothes rack. I looked and found a perfect flapper outfit. I took it to the counter where the elderly store owner gave me a price.
“this was going to be my sister’s dress for a party, but she died only days before..” he said.
“what was her name?” I asked.
“Amelia. She was murdered a year before I was born…my parents had her pictures all over the house. You look just like her!” he replied.
“really? And what is your name?” I asked.
“James Penton. And yours?”
“Amelia.” I replied.
“quite a coincidence.. well im sure it’s just a strange happening.. so that’ll be 19 dollar and 26 cents.”
I gave him a twenty and said goodbye. I looked t the sign when I was leaving and the said “Amelia’s Antiques”. I smiled then left. I couldn’t believe it! I had a little brother! I thought about what life would’ve been like with a little brother. I probably would’ve called him Jimmy, I would’ve thought he was annoying and we would’ve fought a lot like and other siblings do. Then I realized how much money I had left over from the bundle of cash I brought. 19 dollars and 14 cents. Same as I had the day I died. I went home and put on the dress. It fit perfectly! I went to bed and immediately fell asleep as I hit the mattress.
The next day went by in a flash. I just remember asking what Dean was going to be for the dance, he said he was going to be a knight. I told him I was going to be a flapper. We continued what we were doing and as soon as could be it was the night of the dance! I got my dress on and put on makeup and my shoes. Dean came to the house and I said goodbye to Aeron and his family. Aeron was waiting for Alyssa to come over. Dean and I got to the dance as soon as it started. We went in and we went out to dance. A slow song came on and Dean and I started to dance. I looked at his shoulder where my hand was and it was turning pale white.
“excuse me for a moment!” I told Dean.
I ran over to Aeron, he was dressed as a mobster, and danced with him as I told him about my hand. He noticed it and told me to say goodbye to Dean. I ran over to Dean and bid farewell. I told him that an important family matter in England came up and I had to leave. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Aeron walked me back to his house. As we walked, I could feel myself falling apart. I lost feeling in my hand, then my arm. Then I was a ghost again. I went to Aerons house and said goodbye to the family giving the same excuse I gave Dean. They said goodbye and Aeron walked my out the door. I gave him a hug not wanting to let go. But I knew I had to let go. I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. He gave me a quick kiss and said goodbye.
“this isn’t goodbye, we will meet again. I can promise that.” I said.
I walked slowly where I felt I needed to go. It was a warm night, the moon was full and the streets were clear. I walked past where I was killed, the bank, past Madame Mim’s shop, and next, the cemetery. I walked into the foggy graveyard. I walked very far back past some of my old friend’s lots, my parent’s lots, then finally mine. I was looking at the headstone when I heard someone cough. I turned around to find James sitting on a bench with flowers in his hands. I went and sat next to him, he smiled at me and said, “I knew you were her when I first saw you. And I know why you are here. You are ready to go, and I will hope so see you soon. Goodbye big sister.” He leaned toward me and gave me a hug. “james, I am glad to have met you. I know we will meet again.” I replied.
I went up to the headstone and leaned against it. I felt my legs fall into the earth, then my arms, then everything but my face was below the grass, I took one last look at the same sky I saw when I first died, then fell below the earth. I last felt James putting flowers on top of me, then walking away. I closed my eyes and fell into the eternal rest I had been waiting for my entire ghostly life….
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kind of a quick ending but i hoped you enjoyed my story! another story coming soon! so comment and subscribe please! thanks for reading! but dont forget the next little chapter of this the very last one! bye! <3 Cirque Du Freakster