For Better or for Worse

Anywhere But Here


“Don’t hurt me.” She whimpers, quivering hands blocking her twisted face as I hover over her. It’s enough to break me down…

“Aie…ai.” I coo. “How could you think like that?” I whisper moving to her side, wrapping my arms around her, disappointed by her sudden flinches. I’ve never seen her like this…and I never want to again. “Aie, please stop.” I coo bringing her hands away from her cowering face.

“I’m sorry.” She repeats. I don’t want to hear it anymore…sorry can’t do anything.

“Aie, please look at me.” I plead caressing her clammy cheek, resting my palm on her neck where I can feel her heart fluttering. Still, she won’t look at me. It’s upsetting really… “Aie, I love you. How can you think I’d hurt you? I made you go to the doctor’s just to make sure you were healthy…Please don’t do this.” I whisper, my gentle tone easing her mind slightly.

“Aren’t you mad?” She stutters, her tiny fingers clutching my shirt tightly.

“Why would I be?” I let my hand crawl up to her hair, stroking the mangled mess.

“Because I’m pregnant.” She cries, her face contorting yet again.

“Aie, I love you too much…” I bite my lip, knowing there’s a second part to that statement.
“But you’re still not happy.” She states. Am I really that easy to read?

“I’m sorry I’m not ready for a family. I don’t want kids. I have a career Aie. I don’t ha- Where are you going?!” She shoves away from me, bolting to the door.

“Anywhere but here.”


So I ran off. Maybe he’ll chase me, maybe he won’t. I’ll just have to wait and see. Either way…I don’t know where to go…

“Aie? Is that you?!” A familiar female voice squeals. I look to the direction of said squealer only to find one of my fellow models bounding toward me. Her auburn curls bouncing in the moonlight, a smile stretched across her cute face. She’s tiny for an American, and I love her accent. It’s funny listening to her trying to come up with the right words.

“Rixx!” I grin waving to her, only to be glomped to the floor. “You’re killing me!!! Good lord my stomach!” I whine shoving her off.

“You’re so mean.” She pouts, “I haven’t seen you in 4 months!!! What have you been up to?! Is that good looking boy of yours still in the picture? Or is he up for grabs?” She smirks, making my face fall slightly.

“Hey now, what’s wrong with the one you’ve got?!” A male voice sounds out behind her. Quickly glancing up, I notice her group of friends…all drop dead gorgeous.

“You know I tease Shou baby.” She giggles, standing to embrace the tall, gentle looking one of the group. Someone with bright red hair quickly helps me to my feet, offering me a smile that reminds me of Kanon’s.

“Hey, I’m Die.” He informs with a nod. I glance over his shoulder quickly to the other men, making him quickly notice. “Those jackasses are Aoi and Uruha. They’ll be leaving shortly because they have better things to do!” He seems to be talking more to them than me…
“Well sorry we’ve got girlfriends to be with!” The dark haired one tuts.

“Especially after a long tour.” Says the other, a smug look on his feminine face.

“Whatever.” Die scoffs, his warm eyes rolling. Looking closer…he’s very attractive.

“Hey Aie, what are you doing out here anyway? It’s not like you to roam the streets alone…and no offense…but you look like hell…and are you wearing a nighty?” Rixx’s questions go on and on. That’s the one thing about her…she loves asking questions.

“Kanon and I had a bit of a disagreement…so I’m looking for a place to stay.” I mutter, remembering again why I’m out here.

“That bitch! Come on Aie! You can stay with me!” She huffs, taking hold of my wrist.

“But Rixx!!!!” Her, what appears to be boyfriend, whines. “I haven’t seen you in two months!!!!”

“Well that’s too damn bad! You can go another week or two!” Rixx counters, throwing a glare his way.

“She can stay with me. I’ve got like 3 spare rooms.” Die shrugs.

“Oooh! Someone’s got the hots for Aie!!!” Rixx teases, making Die’s face turn a shade pinker.

“No! I just don’t want a girl out wandering the streets alone!!!” He denies, only making her giggle more.

“Whatever you say. Either way, there ya go Aie! I’ll see you at work!!!” She grins, taking off down the street. What the hell?

“Is she drunk or something?” I mutter.

“Mm…probably.” My companion grins, motioning for me to follow him. And I do. It’s not as if I have anything better to do…
