For Better or for Worse

Lonely Eyes

“You look starved.”


“When’s the last time you ate Aie?” Die presses, beer in hand as he waltzes up to me, his free palm being pressed to my clammy forehead. He doesn’t seem pleased. “What do you like? I’m ordering out. I doubt there’s anything edible here.” He mutters fishing through his pockets, never setting down his beverage. Now that he’s mentioned it, I’m starved. My stomach could be eating itself for all I know…and my baby…I don’t even want to think of that.

“Anything.” I groan holding my now grumbling stomach. “Get water or something too.” I sigh, grimacing at the pain.

“Are you okay?” He turns to me, concern filling his soft brown eyes while listening to the dial tone.

“Just hungry and sleepy…thank you Die.” I smile meekly as he places his order, eyes locked on me and voice uneasy.

“Anything for a pretty lady.” He winks, a joking tone to his voice. I can’t help laughing. When is the last time that happened? “So tell me a bit about yourself.” He states snapping his phone shut and falling beside me on the couch, taking a swig of beer. I like how comfortable he seems…it’s a welcoming feeling.

“Well…I’m Aie.” I giggle making him smirk slightly as he flicks on the giant television. “Uh…I work with Rixx as a model, though not for long.” I mutter the latter, then continue on with my description. “I don’t listen to much music or watch TV…I like video games!” I grin noticing his console. He likes that as well. “My favorite color is red.”

“No way! Mine too!” He laughs shaking his crimson mop. I can’t help smiling. “You’ve got a cute smile.” He chuckles pinching my cheeks where my dimple resides. “Reminds me of Kyo.” He laughs.

“Kyo?” I cock my head to the side.

“Singer in my band.” He grins looking utterly stupefied.

“You’re in a band?”

“Ever heard of Dir en Grey?”

“Mmm…” I squint trying to think. Like I said…I don’t listen to much music. “Sounds familiar…do you have songs on Guitar Hero or something?”

“Yep.” He nods, a slight smile to his face.

“Well that means you’re good at least!” I laugh to myself making Die join in just as the doorbell rings.

“Food’s here!!!!” He beams vaulting off the couch and to the door, quickly returning with four enormous (and I mean it) bags of steaming food.

“Did you order the entire menu?” I stare, drooling slightly. Hey, who can blame a starved, pregnant woman? At least it all still smells yummy!

“Heavens no! Only the left side.” He smirks, all ready heaving a hefty sum onto his plate. Smiling warmly, I quickly follow suit. I didn’t think I’d ever feel this good again.

“Lordy I’m gonna hurl.” I whine stroking my even rounder belly, sprawling out over the couch, even Die partly. He makes me feel oddly comfortable. Like Kanon did…

“Right behind you.” He chuckles whipping off his belt…I think even some of his buttons. My oh my, he really is comfortable. “Are you staring at my crotch Aie?”


“You denied that awfully quickly.” I can hear the smirk in his voice.

“Well…You…And…Shut up!” I can’t hide the blush on my face, and only roll to hide myself in the cushions.

“You’re too cute.” He teases nudging my butt with his foot.

“And you’re fondling my ass.” I grumble.

“I’ll fondle whatever I want.” This is going to be an interesting stay.



“So you haven’t heard from her at all?” Ari shakes her head in response, a disgruntled look to her normally positive face. “Can you tell me if you do? …I…I don’t know what to do without her…” I mutter taking a step toward the door.

“I don’t know if I should. Maybe you deserve this.” She snarls, eyes narrowed at me. Without hesitation, I leave, the door being slammed shut behind me.

She’s right.

I’m sorry Aie.


“Baby…maybe you were a bit too hard on him?” Miku presses.

“No! Fuck him!!! Aie’s missing all because of that bastard!!! I can’t get a hold of her no matter how hard I try!!!” I shriek punching in her number again…only to be proven wrong.

“Moshi moshi?” A deep, confused voice sounds.

“Aie? Are you hittin the roids or something?!”

“What? Oh! This is Aie’s phone…no wonder the ringtone was so gay…”

“Who is this.”


“Die and Aie?”

“It’s a match made in heaven I tell you.” The voice chuckles, obviously loving his own jokes. Whatever.

“Is she there?”

“Not right now. She’s showering. She was a mess.” He mutters.

“What do you mean by that?!” I growl. I swear, if this stranger touched her…

“The girl looks like she’s been wandering the streets, like it or not.”

“Die? Why are you outside the bathroom?” I can hear her tiny voice gasp in surprise.

“I’ve gotta piss soooo bad!!!! Shoo shoo!!! Here! Take you’re phone!”

“Eeyah!” She squeals, “My towel!” But I can hear the sound of a door slamming shut…I don’t even want to know.

“Just get clothes from my room. First one on your right. Can’t miss it. It’s a pigsty. Look through the dresser.” His voice fades as I grow impatient.

“…Hello?” Her small voice quivers.

“Aie!!!” I exclaim, finally hearing her voice for the first time all day.

“Ari.” She sighs out of relief, the sound of drawers being pulled open are overly evident.
“Aie, are you okay?! Where are you? I’m coming to get you!!”

“I’m fine Ari! Stay at home. I’m with a friend. I don’t want him knowing where I am…” She mutters nervously.

“He was here looking for you.” I exhale.

“…Was he mad?”

“I couldn’t tell…I kinda slammed the door shut before he could get much outta me. But he seemed more down than upset.” I quickly throw in there hoping she doesn’t get mad at me for slamming the door shut on the father of her baby’s face…yeah.

“Dammit.” She sighs. I hear a thump followed by a torrential downpour of tears. “Fuck my life.” She sobs.

“I’m sorry Aie…” I’m not good with consoling people…

“You okay Aie?” That man’s voice asks again.

“Mmhmm.” She mutters. God she’s such a bad liar.

“Well that’s funny cause normally people who are okay don’t slump against dressers fully nude bawling their eyes out…” It’s true. I love that I’m just here eavesdropping on their conversation.

“Shut up.” She grumbles sniffling softly. Sighing, I press the END button on my phone, wishing to listen no further. It’s not as if I’m any help anyhow.


Not that I’m complaining or anything, but I doubt she wants me to see her all naked and what not.

“Here…shirt.” I command, shoving it on her myself, thrusting a pair of clean boxers in her face as well. It’s not as if I have any girly panties anyway…why would I have those? Toshiya and I don’t have a collection…no.

“Thanks.” She sighs pulling them on as I look away. Normally I wouldn’t…but there’s just something different about her. Her cold grey eyes meet mine, and I notice the loneliness in them for the first time.

“Anything for a pretty girl.” I repeat, smiling softly.

“You’re too kind.” She sniffles, the hint of a grin and laugh evident in her voice as she hides her tiny face behind quivering hands. Before I can stop myself, or she can, I have her wrapped tightly in my arms, cradling her tired body.

“You know…I’m an okay listener.” I smile wiping away her tears.
She looks to me, desperation evident in those lonely eyes.

“…I’m pregnant and don’t know what to do.”
