For Better or for Worse

So High


“NO!!!! I don’t have a single clue where she is dammit!!!! Now would you PLEASE go away?!!!!! I’m pissed enough at you as it is!” Ari screams in my face, threatening to slam the door shut on me again, not that I’d care either way. I need to find her…

“Ari please?! I know she wouldn’t leave you hanging at least. I know she would’ve called you to tell you she’s okay. I know she doesn’t want you worrying. Please! I just need to know she’s okay!!” I cry prying the door away from my foot, looking her directly in the eyes.

“…Kanon…she’s okay.” She finally admits, a sigh to her voice.

“Really?” I have my doubts.

“She’s in good hands. I promise…” You don’t sound all too convincing.

“Ari. You’re lying.”

“I’m sorry. That’s all I know. Really. Please, just go home now…I have my own problems to deal with.” She mutters trying to pull the door shut again, Miku eyeing her worriedly from the back of the room, phone in hand.

“Ari? It’s her…well actually some guy named Die…but it’s her phone anyway.” He mutters, extending his arm to her. Before she can stop me, I shove my way past her, snatching the phone away.

“Who is this? How is she? Is she eating properly?! Getting enough sleep?!!! Let me talk to her!!!” I demand.

“Whoa man, slow down…uh…I didn’t catch any of that, but she’s sleeping right now if that helps. Anyway, I called cause she needs some clothes and should probably see the doctor for baby stuff…or whatever the hell they do.”

“Who is this?” I press, anger evident in my voice.

“Die. Who’s this?”

“Her boyfriend.” I hiss ready to hurl the phone into the wall, unfortunately Ari twitters around me, watching the piece of technology carefully.

“Well I’ll let her know you called.” He snarls suddenly. What the hell is his problem?!! He’s not the one being cheated!!! “You’re an asshole.” He snaps before the line goes dead.



Good. I hope she leaves the bastard. Growling, I stomp around the house trying to figure out what to do next. I find myself settled outside of her room, watching the tiny girl sleeping soundly. Watching people sleep always relaxes me. Don’t see me as a creeper. Normally it’s just watching my girlfriend snore after I’ve, reluctantly, woken up. Aie’s so different in her sleep. She puts up a strong front while she conscious, but here, she’s vulnerable and innocent. She looks just like a child, and I can’t accept that she’s carrying one inside of her. Especially to some bastard who doesn’t even want it. If it was me, I’d be happy that the woman I love and I are starting our very own family together. Sure, I guess I’d be scared, but not enough to abandon her. I don’t think I could abandon this one…it makes me wish I’d found her first.

“Kanon…” She whimpers, a lone tear rolling down her cheek. Oddly, it’s enough to break my heart. I don’t know what she’s going through, and I never will. Cautiously, I pad over to her, wiping away her tears to watch her swollen, glistening eyes flutter open, their solid grey once again making my heart skip a beat. Her face twists in frustration and grief as more tears pour. Without a second thought, I crawl under the sheets with her, holding the small frame in my arms close to my heart to ease her sobs. “…I…I thought you were him.” She admits choking back cries.

“Girly, I am much better looking.” I chuckle stroking her course, blonde hair, smiling at her small hint of laughter.

“You go on thinking that.” She smiles against my neck.

“I will. You can count on that.” I grin rubbing her back until her breathing once again becomes soft and shallow, her heart beating softly against my own. “Good night Aie.” I whisper pressing my lips to her head, finding myself in dreamland as well.



“Ari?” I smile hearing her voice for the first time in a week. That’s right…I’ve been with Die for a week now. He’s been so kind to me. I could never repay him for all his generosity.

Sometimes I find myself wishing our time together would never end…but then I remember Kanon. He’s hurt me, but I can’t stop loving him. I could never replace him.

“Aie!” I can hear the smile to her voice. “I’ve missed you!!! You don’t even know how much!!! We’re going out tonight, okay?”

“What? Where?!”

“Roller skating!” She giggles.


“Mhm! Die set it up. I’ll meet you at his house and we’ll go from there, okay?”

“Really?” I can feel the tears threatening to explode. She’d never believe how much I’ve missed her either. And again, I have one more thing to add to my list of things I could never thank Die enough for. No wonder he’s been so weird, giddy, and secretive lately. I think he’s on my phone more than I am…

“I’ll be over in a few!” She exclaims.

“What? But Die’s not even home!” Suddenly I hear the door click open, and again, I find myself proven that I can never be right. Sigh.

“Hey!” He beams waving from the doorway, a smaller, grumpy looking man behind him. I eye them both suspiciously before hearing Ari’s voice in the receiver.

“Sounds like he’s home to me.”

“Shut up.” I grumble listening to her giggles.


“This is Kyo. Kyo, Aie.” The blonde man only grunts and nods in response, not really paying much attention.

“Ignore him. He’s just jealous cause even tiny you is taller than him.” Die smirks receiving the middle finger from Kyo…

“Oh yeah! I remember now! You’re the vocalist in the band.” I grin, proud of myself for remembering.

“Yep! Isn’t he just adorable.” Die teases, reaching for the man’s cheek, having his fingers bitten in return…I can only imagine the entire group together. “Anyway…he agreed to come skating with us.” Die informs, tears in his eyes as he caresses his throbbing fingers
“I did not.” The man grumbles. “You promised me food. You better pay up.”

“All in due time.” Die grins, his million watt smile on its highest setting. Kyo sighs, and we eventually get moving once Ari shows up.

“Awe! You look so cute Aie!” She squeals pulling me into a bone crushing hug. “Now you get to wear the baby tees that make you look pregnant and actually BE pregnant!!!” She giggles, letting go before I stop breathing to further inspect my outfit. It’s really nothing special…

“Die bought me new clothes.” I smile sheepishly. I feel like such a moocher. Sure, I have money, but he won’t let me use it! He insists I save it for the baby. No matter how many times we’ve fought over it, he always wins.

“Awe!!! You’re such a nice boyfriend.” She smirks at him.

“I’m not a boyfriend!” He quickly denies, that flustered, nervous look on his face. I can’t help but smile.

“He certainly would be.” Ari raises her eyebrow at me, that smirk still glued to her face.

“Hear that Die? You better start laying down the moves.” She giggles punching his arm.
“Okay, enough. I’m hungry.” Kyo grumbles trudging over to us. However, he appears to be desperately holding back a smile.

“Someone’s excited to have found someone shorter than him.” Die instantly taunts. It’s true…Ari’s even smaller than me, standing a few inches shorter than even Kyo…who appears to be very interested in our newest guest. Huh, who would’ve thought.


“So where’s Miku anyway?” I hesitantly ask as we stumble around the rink, sticking close to the wall. We definitely don’t have the best balance…unlike a certain red head who is practically break dancing in the middle of the skater. At least we’re not trudging around in our shoes though, saying ‘fuck it’ to the skates. Kyo’s growing on me more and more.

“Huh? Oh, we’re having a bit of a tiff at the moment…so I’m living back where it all started.” She pouts. “Damn Laundromat.” I can’t help smiling. Sure, there are a lot of painful memories, but those are far outnumbered by good ones.

“Can we eat now?” Kyo’s whiney voice begs from behind us.

“If you can convince Die to stop showing off, then sure.” I grin.

“Fuck Die. I want food.” He grumbles. He’s a cute little grumbler.

“I’ll go with you. I’m starved.” Ari smiles, quickly turning around to take hold of Kyo’s hand, making sure not to fall over. At least that would be her excuse. I see the way she’s been eyeing him. She can’t keep her grubby paws off. By the looks of it though…he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Someone’s got another form of eating on his mind.” Die’s teasing voice directly behind me makes me jump, falling straight onto my ass thanks to these damn skates.

“DIE!!!!” I shriek, knowing what he means by his comment, and also for making me fall over, which hurts like hell by the way.

“Are you okay Aie?” He quickly joins my side pulling me close, his warm hands falling to my round belly. I only groan in response. “Come on, let’s get you out to a seat.” He bites his lip, quickly scooping me up bridal style as people crowd around us, making me blush like crazy.

“I’m fine! Put me down please!!!” I beg, squirming in his arms. He only grins evilly, never once letting my feet touch the ground. And I mean it. That night, the only time he set me down was the one moment I wanted picked back up. To crawl so high no one could ever find me. But there he was, sitting on Die’s porch, staring at me with his dark, hesitant eyes. Kanon.
