For Better or for Worse

Cruel Reality

“…Kanon?” I whisper. Why is he here? He’s been missing for at least two weeks now. Not a word out of him. But why now? Why now that I’m finally getting back on my own two feet?

“Aie…” His gentle voice touches my ears as his sad eyes meet my own. It’s enough to make me forgive him for everything, but I know I shouldn’t…right? “Aie, please come back.”

“Who’s this?” Die’s harsh voice suddenly interrupts my fantasy, dragging me back into this cruel reality.

“Her boyfriend.” Kanon snaps, his narrowed eyes darting to Die’s confused face.

“Hardly.” I mutter crossing my arms over my chest, drawing attention to my ever growing stomach. I swear I get fatter by the day. Kanon eyes me quickly, a look of longing in his eyes until they settle where his baby resides. That look is no longer there. In fact…there’s nothing at all. It’s as if he’s done everything in his power to ignore our child…and it pains me to call it ours. As far as I’m concerned…this baby is mine. “Go away.” I demand, angered eyes slamming into him.

“But Aie…I don’t want to leave you.”

“You don’t want to leave me, but what about us?” I whimper, moving my hand to my belly. He shuts his mouth tightly, ready to spew out some sweet sounding lie. “Exactly.” I snarl. “You wouldn’t leave me, but you’d leave us in the blink of an eye.”

“That’s not true!”

“Yes it is! You’ve all ready done it!!!” I scream, tears of frustration, anger, and grief threatening to pour. “I don’t want to be with you Kanon.” The words quiver on my lips, but it gets the point across. His look is one that shatters my heart, but some part of me holds strong.

“…Aie…” His pleading voice touches my ears again, and it takes every ounce of courage to walk away.

“Goodbye Kanon.”



“Aie? Can I come in?” I hesitate, pushing her door open to peek inside. The lump in her bed squirms slightly as I make my way over to her. “Aie?” Her gentle sobbing is overly evident. “Don’t make me come under these covers.” I threaten, smiling at the small hint of laughter I get from the mound called Aie.

“I’ll be okay Die…I’m just scared is all…” Her small voice falters, and I hesitantly peel the blankets away from her face.

“Oh Aie.” I sigh meeting her swollen eyes, breaking my heart in half. I hate to see her in pain like this, and I hate knowing I can do nothing to help. I don’t even know where to start.

“I can’t raise a baby alone…I’m only 21. I don’t even have a job now. They fired me cause I’m fat!” She hiccups.

“They wouldn’t know fat if that fat worm looking thing in Star Wars bit them in the butt.”

“Jabba the Hutt?” Her tears disappear as confusion replaces them.

“You’d make Kyo proud.” I smile wrapping my arms around her small frame. She hesitates, but eventually curls up to my embrace letting her grey eyes fall shut.

“I can’t believe she won’t have a daddy…” She mumbles in my chest, her warm breath tickling my weak spot. Damn ticklish chest.

“Now that’s not true.” I squirm, “That girl’s gonna have so many daddy’s she won’t know what to do with herself.” I grin, looking down at her confused face.


“I call first dibs! I get to be the first daddy!” I beam resting my hand on her stomach. “…And she?” Her face flushes.

“I found out a few days ago…but I want you to be the first to know. It’s the least I can do for hogging up your house.” I can’t help but smile giddily. And I’ve got no complaints about her crashing here. In fact, I love the company. She’s much better than Toshiya. Plus she goes through less linen and doesn’t keep me up at odd hours of the night.

“I feel special.” I beam.

“Well you certainly are special. You’re worthy of a whole fleet of short busses.” She rolls her eyes, a smile playing on her pink lips.

“I think that was a compliment?”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” She smirks nuzzling into my neck before pausing to meet my eyes. I move to ask what she’s doing, but she shuts me up with her soft gaze. “Thank you Die. Really.” She smiles sadly, and I’d love nothing more than to know what’s going on in this young woman’s mind. Suddenly, her lips brush over mine in a seductive manner, quickly pressing into and claiming them as her own. I waste absolutely no time in drawing her closer, out of instinct. Suddenly, I’ve realized how long it’s been. “Hey Die…can you do me one more favor tonight?” She pleads in my ear, her rich, velvety voice laden with want.

“Do you even have to ask?”
