For Better or for Worse


His warm breaths tickle my ear, moistening my hair as his left hand drags through the blonde mass, his right somewhere else all together. I’m not even sure where until I hear a distinct click masked beneath our ragged breathing, my bra flying off with expert precision. Damn he’s good. It’s now I notice the only clothes between us are the panties I wear. That’s it. His slick body hovers above mine, sculpted to rival that of a god’s. Suddenly, I feel so inferior as I cover myself with my arms, turning my face away only to feel his delicate lips gliding along my neck, making me shiver in excitement, the growing need between my legs calling out and making me gasp as teeth sink into flesh.

“You taste amazing.” He groans separating from my skin, only to clamp down harder making my back arch in pleasure. His hand finds its way to my breast, kneading it slowly, whimpers escaping from my lips, broken gasps following as his fingers leave to trace my skin lightly, goosebumps of pure bliss crawling wherever his cool touch lands.

“Ah!” I squeak, unwilling to let any other sound escape. I can feel the smirk growing against my neck.

“I could make you scream.” His delicate voice whispers, when his warm length grinds against me.

“Ugh!” I groan arching against him, fingernails biting deeply into his shoulders making him hiss in satisfaction. Those callused fingers move to grab at my thighs, squeezing them against his own body and raising more goosebumps as his light caresses travel closer to my pelvis and in more and more until, “Aah!” I gasp feeling the cool air greeting the tender area, his fingers dancing along my folds, my eyes rolling back to stare at the headboard.

“So wet…” His voice seems distant, and I move to see where he disappeared to just in time to feel my legs being pried open, his course tongue flicking over the tenderest of areas.

“Fuck Die!” I scream clawing at the sheets feeling the grin against my lowest of regions, his warm breath enclosing on me. His thick tongue slips into my needing entrance, making me groan and twist all the more. It’s been so long…

“And I thought you tasted good before.” He sighs, breaking from his sucking just as I’m about to reach my climax. Oh god, don’t stop. His lips press to me one last time before traveling up my body leaving me panting, needy, and restless.

“Die…” I groan pushing my hips to his.

“Not so soon.” He smirks, his tongue falling to my breasts, flicking over my all ready tender nipples. I only cry out more, eager for his touch, his mouth suckling my tingling breasts, his full warmth inside me, digging deeply and making me spill.

“Die. Please?” I whimper, meeting his lust filled eyes, their color burning and making me quiver all the more. That crooked grin spreads across his face, his lowering to mine as he runs his tongue across my waiting lips. I waste no time in allowing him access. I can taste myself on his breath, and it only heightens my senses. His hard length rubs against my pounding cavern and I spread my legs wider, wrapping them more fully about his waist. He tugs at my lip ring, and just as he’s about to thrust forward, our breaths long and ragged, the door flies open. Kyo stands in the doorway, slack jawed and awestruck before pulling it shut within a millisecond as we fly apart, clutching blankets to wherever they’ll cover. Delayed reaction much?

“For fuck’s sake you horny bastard! You’re screwing a fetus!!!!” His shrill voice cries out.

“There was no penetration you god damn horrible timer!!!!” Die screams back, anger and embarrassment evident in his voice.

“There was still the intent!!!!” Kyo retorts.

“Why the hell are you here?!!!”

“Why the hell are you yelling?!!!!” I interrupt, slamming my fists into the mattress, beyond pissed at my dissatisfaction. For god’s sake I have my needs too! And when preggo hormones call, you better damn well listen!!! Thinking now though…what was I thinking?! I was within seconds of having unprotected sex with one of my best friends! What the hell is wrong with me?! What if the baby had been hurt? Or worse…

“I needed to get the sheet music, and you have it dumbass!” A slew of curses continues from the men. And eventually, I give up, rolling over and falling asleep. Fuck my life.


That persistent tapping never ceases. Tap tap tap. What the hell?!!! Growling, I stumble out of bed, somehow untangling myself from both the sheets and Die’s limp arms. Trudging through the dark room, I fall over several objects before making my way to the window to glare outside. Is it coming from out here? Opening the window, I look down only to be hit in the forehead with a stone.

“What the hell?!” I shriek, palm clamping onto my now bruising forehead, desperately trying to keep my grumpy voice low, so as not to wake Die. But of course the man can sleep through a train wreck. Looking back outside, I sigh seeing his face again. “You don’t give up, do you?” I grumble.

“For you? Never.” His smile gleams in the moonlight, and I only shake my head, slumping onto the chilling hardwood floor.

“You have 5 minutes.” I huff into the cool night air. I don’t even know why I put up with this.
“5 minutes is nowhere near enough time to…”

“Clock’s ticking.” I interrupt, sneering as I check the invisible watch on my forearm.
“Fine. I’ll get right to it. I want to try Aie. I don’t want to lose you.” He repeats. It seems this is the only argument he has.

“You keep saying that.” I exhale sharply.

“I mean it.”

“Do you?” I’m skeptical…where has he been the last two weeks. I let my fingers rest on my stomach, ignoring the most of what he says. It’s all sweet talk, meaning nothing to me. Though I feel incredibly guilty…Die lets out a muffled moan as he tosses in bed, sheets falling to reveal his ever naked body. I bite my lip, sifting through my emotions. It seems lust and anger are the only ones my hormones are liking as of now. “You’re 5 minutes are almost up. Why should I come back to you? You don’t even want our baby.” I growl, shivering as the wind breathes down my bare skin.

“Because I want you to come back…I can’t go on without you. I can’t even describe it, and I honestly don’t know what to do. I just need you.” He whispers. I can’t look at his face right now…it would break whatever confidence and strength I’ve managed to muster.

“And the baby?”

“I want you Aie. All of you. That baby’s part of you now…we’ll figure it out.”

“…Is that the truth?” I question letting my head fall into my hands. I know it’s not…he wants nothing to do with this child.

“Aie.” Die sounds, soft hair brushing over his eyes as he rolls yet again.

“I…I’m sorry.” Kanon stutters, voice broken. Glancing back out the window, I catch a glimpse of his body retreating in the distance. I can feel the tears sting my face. I miss you.


“Aie? Hey Aie?” Die’s voice wakes me.

“Wha?” My eyes dart around the brightly lit room, his face focused inches from mine.

“Why are you by the window?” He questions, a look of concern in his eyes.

“Huh? I…dunno. I must’ve slept walked.” I mutter stealing a glance outside the window.

“Oh…what happened to your head?” He traces his fingers along my forehead, making me cringe.

“I must’ve bumped it.” I settle with, remembering the stone I was hit with. No, it was only a dream. Die watches me cautiously, his gaze never leaving mine. It was only a dream…why else would he want to be with me? My puffy eyes settling on the glimmering piece of jewelry, still clinging tightly to my finger. “Kanon…” I whimper to myself, clutching the only pieces of him I have left.

“Aie?” Die’s warm touch rests on my cheek, pulling me closer until I rest on his lap, clutching his sweet smelling shirt in my grasp as the tears persist.

“I miss him Die.” I cry, his hands stroking my back and pulling me closer.

“Oh Aie…” He whimpers, lips finding their way to my head.

“I’m sorry.” I stutter, again and again. There goes all those walls I built. Let’s see me stand up to Kanon this time.


Why can’t you see how much I love you?

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