For Better or for Worse

Ellie and the Cat


“They were WHAT?!” I screech, turning to face Kyo head on, my eyes bulging. I can’t bring myself to believe it…

“You heard me. Hard core by the looks of it.” He shrugs leaving the television on the music channel. Bet you can’t guess what he’s watching. He’s such an egotistical little fella.
“B-but!!! I trusted him with her!!!!”

“Well she didn’t seem to have any quarrels about it. Good god was I fat! What the hell was I thinking?!”

“Kyo, you’re not fat and you never were. You’ve got fangirls lined up for miles waiting for their chance to screw you.” I roll my eyes plopping down beside the man who immediately rests his feet on my lap. This guy. “Back to the topic…”

“I don’t see why you’re so shocked. I mean he hasn’t really been with anyone for a year now.” He mutters, eyes still glued to the screen.

“What? I highly doubt that. The man’s a rockstar! He can have any girl he wants!”

“Not like that. I mean emotionally involved! He’s actually close with this one. Look how long he waited just to have sex with her.”

“3 weeks?” I’m rolling my eyes yet again.

“Okay…so maybe that sounds bad to you, but it’s a pretty long time for us.”

“You’re impossible.”

“You love it.” A smirk spreads across his lips as he catches my heated gaze momentarily. I only huff, crossing my arms over my chest making him grin yet again. “You’d understand if you knew Die.” And I obviously don’t.



“Uh…about last night…” I mutter, fingers twiddling at my sides. Boy do I feel stupid.
“My bad.” He grins, his adorable face turning to meet mine.

“No no! It’s my fault!” I stutter. “I couldn’t control myself! I’m just sorry. I mean, what if something happened to the baby? I could never forgive myself and I doubt you could either…”

“Mm…I doubt anything all too bad would’ve happened. You’re pretty far along Aie. By now it’s just cervix softening.” A malicious grin spreads across his features as the blush breaks out along my own.

“How would you even know? I don’t see you droppin any kids or reading about it. I don’t think I can even imagine you reading honestly…”

“Ouch. That hurts.” He pouts, clutching his heart.

“You know I’m right.” I sigh, waddling over and sitting on the couch opposite him.
“I read. Thank you very much. I know a thing or two.” He tuts.

“You read about pregnancy?” I raise an eyebrow to the man. I so win.

“I did about a year ago…I was going to have a baby girl.” He alarms me, his eyes suddenly sullen. I bite my tongue. Damn my cockiness.

“…I’m sorry.” I stumble, unsure of what to say.

“We were to be married…then she lost the baby. She was never the same. She blamed herself, and I could do nothing.” His voice is barely a whisper as he reflects on a painful memory. I want nothing more than for him to stop, yet I find myself eager for him to continue. I’m so sick. “I came home one night to find her dead…drown herself. Not even so much as a goodbye…”

“Daisuke.” I choke, tears welling up in my eyes as he sits there. How long has he been alone?

“Will you at least say goodbye?” His glazed stare meets my own, and I’ve never felt so heartbroken.

“…When the time comes…” I whimper, crawling to his side and settling myself in his lap. For now, I’m here. And for now, this is the only place I want to be.


‘I open out my wings of glass, Up and towards the wind melted future. So just please don’t go, Please don’t go. Wanna be close to you. I am now forgetting even the colors of your tears and love, So just please don’t go, Please don’t go. Holding on strong to what lies ahead,’

My phone sings, dragging me out of my not so sweet dreams. Die’s arms lie draped about my waist and his warm breath tickles my skin. I could be happy just lying here forever. Unfortunately, I have a life and another one I need to get a head start on. Flipping my phone open, I’m surprised (not really) to find a message from Kanon.

‘Please come home.’ It reads. Shaking my head, I close the message and return to Die’s warm embrace, nuzzling my nose into his chest and kissing his skin tenderly. He only grunts, shuffling momentarily to hold me closer. Again, my phone rings, this time indicating a call. Grumbling, I reluctantly answer.

“Do you know what time it is?” I snarl into the line, careful to keep my voice low. He knows how important my sleep is. Believe me.

“I’m sure it’s late…but I really need to talk to you Aie.” His voice pleads. Sadly, I’ve missed his gentle tone.

“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” I sigh, scooching away from Die only to be dragged back into his chest. The man’s a suffocating snuggler.

“That’s what I wanted to talk about Aie.”

“Okay…So call me back tomorrow.” The man really is dense sometimes.

“No, I want to talk with you face to face. Please?” I bite my lip, unsure of my own answer…” Die exhales soundly, his lips hovering by my ear and making me shiver. How is it they can manage to turn me on even in my sleep?! Dammit! “Aie? Are you still there?” Kanon double checks, nervousness obvious in his voice.

“Yes.” I sigh. “I’ll meet you.” I grumble. Why do I always let him get the better of me?

“I can pick you up.” He states, a smile overly evident in his voice.

“Fine. What time?”

“Noon? Is that okay with you?” Dammit, interfering with my sleeping in!

“Yes.” NO!

“Okay. I’ll be there at noon.”

“All right.” Just as I’m about to snap the phone shut, his voice interrupts yet again.

“And Aie?”

“Sigh. Yes Kanon?”

“I love you.”

“I…” Dammit, he almost got me. Honestly, you can get me to say anything as long as I’m sleepy. “Good night Kanon.” I let the phone shut, tossing it to unknown recesses of the room, snuggling back into Die’s chest. I just want some sleep dammit.

“Ellie.” He sighs to himself, a smile playing on his peaceful face as his fingers stroke my stomach. Who the hell’s Ellie?



Well…it’s noon now. I’ve been up all night. And I’ve had so many cups of coffee and energy shots I don’t even know what to do with myself. Hesitantly, I raise my hand to the doorbell. Shuffling sounds from inside and eventually the door swings open, that fiery red head on the other side. He looks like he just woke up.

“She’ll be down in a minute.” He grumbles, hand covering his mouth to stifle a yawn. “I guess you can come in…though I don’t know how she’d feel about that.” He saunters over to the couch, collapsing into it and resuming his television program. What a life. “Sit down. It’s annoying.” He demands gesturing toward the unoccupied chair, his eyes never leaving the screen. Reluctantly, I follow his command and sit, watching whatever he’s so focused on…cartoons?

“…So how’s she been?” I mumble, twiddling my thumbs, a nervous habit. But I want to know how she is…I need to know.

“She’s been okay. Gets sick every once in a while and whines in her sleep. But she smiles a lot.” I notice the tiny hint of a grin to his own face, and my blood boils, knowing it’s him and not me that has been coaxing out those few gestures. I want to make her smile. No one else.

“Sorry. I got held up in the bathroom.” Her tiny voice grumbles from a distance. Glancing up, I hold my breath, forgetting how beautiful she truly is.

“You look nice.” I smile, standing to face the frail Aie. My ai.

“I’m shitty and bloated.” She sighs looking away from me to Die.

“You look fine Aie. I’d hit that in a second.” He sounds, attention still glued to the tv. I snarl, ready to pounce the man when she interrupts.

“You’d probably fuck a lamp Die.”

“Only if I was drunk.”

“You’re always…”

“Am not! Only at parties woman! Now go talk with your baby’s daddy before he has a heart attack!” He orders, taking note of my facial expressions.

“Fine. See you later Die.”

“Bye Aie! And you harm one hair on her head and your ass belongs to Toshi!” He glares at me. I don’t even know who the hell he’s talking about.

“No one wants that.” Aie giggles, tugging my sleeve and dragging me from more potential arguments. “…So where are we going?” She asks, quickly snapping her hand away once she realizes she still has hold of me.

“Out.” I grin, hoping to lighten the mood slightly. I’m still beyond amazed she agreed to this.
“And why so suddenly?”

“Because we need to talk Aie.”

“Why not before then?” She prods, her eyes narrowing.

“Because you never listen.” I turn her around before she can retaliate, guiding her toward the car, my fingers resting lightly on her shoulders. “How the hell did you manage to lose weight Aie?!” I scold noticing how tiny her frame truly has gotten and feeling the tender bones. “You were skinny enough to begin with. You are eating aren’t you?”


“Aie. Please talk to me…I miss your voice. I miss you.” I whisper, squeezing her shoulders supportively.

“Kanon…” She bites her lip, a gesture I’ve come to know well.

“Don’t lie to me. Please?” I beg, quickly pulling her to my chest. I’ve been so cold without her here to warm me. Amazingly, she collapses into my embrace, clutching me tightly and burying her face in my neck. The only thing wrong here is her smell…she smells like him. Everything else is where it should be. Everything.

“I can’t Kanon!” She whimpers, shoving me away and dashing back to her home. His home. Leaving me stricken on the street. Again. I’m sorry I messed up Aie…I just want to make everything better. And I need you to do that.



“Dude! One more interruption and heads are gonna fly!!!” Die whines from the couch as I retreat to my room, instantly slamming the door shut and falling to the bed. I wish the damn pillows and sheets would just suffocate me. Why can’t this just work? I know he wants to be with me, but I’m the only one he wants. And that’s not an option. His own daughter is growing inside of me, and he can’t see that. “…Aie? I didn’t like the sound of that door…” Die mutters, the creak of the door meeting my ears. “Aie?”

“Go away Die. I just want to think.” I crack, tears threatening to spew, yet refusing to leave my eyes.

“…He left this.” He mutters, feet padding to my side, then away again. I glance up just in time to see the door slowly shut. I let my eyes wander to my bedside table where a white bag sits neatly. Sighing, I drag it to my side. Curiosity killed the cat you know.

Aie, I don’t really know what to say. Honestly. I’m still confused, but I wanted to spend the day with you for a reason. I’m leaving tonight. I won’t be back for six months. I want you to come, but that’s only wishful thinking. In the meantime…be safe Aie. Make sure you’re eating and getting plenty of rest…take care of yourself and the baby. Call me if you need anything, I’ll always answer. I love you Aie, and I will be back for you.

His sloppy script settles on a single piece of paper, inked out in many places. The man never was good when it came to saying things, but then again, neither am I. I can’t help but smile to myself. Moving to stuff it back in the bag, something bright catches my eye. Setting the letter to the side, I inspect the confines more closely, revealing a yellow stuffed kitten, its fur a soft cotton a baby blue eyes stitched to its tiny face. ‘Baby’s First’ the tag reads, and I can’t stop the tears that stream.
