For Better or for Worse

Perfect Stranger


I can hear her screams from down the hall, and it sends my stomach into summersaults. Why? I don’t even know who she is…I don’t know any of these people. Kyo, as he introduced himself, bolts into the room, worry and agitation written on his face.

“Is everything okay?” I stutter, not used to the sound of my own voice.

“Press your nurse call button. Quick.” He demands racing throughout the room until he finds his girlfriend’s coat, then disappears again. What the hell? I may be questioning this stranger, but my fingers act of their own accord, pressing that button ages before Kyo even entered the room.


I called him. Big surprise, no answer. Part of me didn’t even want to leave any message at all, but that’s not my choice to make, and Aie would be disappointed in me forever. So I told him. Aie’s in labor and your baby girl is on the way. It sickens me to think of him anymore.

“Ari…” Aie pants pulling at my sleeve, slowly moving to sit up from the hard concrete.

“No, don’t move! You’re going to hurt yourself!” I scold pushing her back down.

“No, it stopped. Let me sit up. Please?” She begs. I only shake my head. I can hear feet padding down the hall, and within seconds the nurses are by her side, checking her pulse and what not before hefting her to her feet and into the room next to Die’s. Somehow, I have a feeling this is what she’d want. Kanon may not be here, but there’s still someone nearby who cares a great deal for her. So many hours pass, filled with choice words, screams, and grunts that put Kyo to shame and make even him disappear into the hallway in fear. “I just want her out!!!” She whines falling into the pillows.

“Well she must be comfortable where she is.” I tease receiving a death glare from her. “My bad.” I chuckle patting her head.

“Why isn’t he here?” She whispers in a change of tone, her face dropped. It’s enough to break my heart.

“…I’m here.” I grin.

“Well I knew you’d be here. You wouldn’t miss the chance to tease me while I’m dying.” She complains. She’s right. “But there was just that little glimmer of hope. Maybe he does care. Maybe he really did want to be with me, you know? Maybe things could have been okay between the three of us…maybe I wouldn’t be raising her alone.” Tears well up in her glassy eyes, and I only squeeze her hand in support.

“You’ll never be alone.” A gentle voice sounds from behind me. I’d recognize that anywhere. He’ll always put a smile on her face. “I don’t think you went in the wrong room.” His laughing tone taunts. She only grins.

“I may have been a wee bit upset.”

“Just a wee bit?” His eyebrow raises as the nurse aids him in walking to her side.

“Yep.” Aie smiles, her eyes following the bright red head. Eventually, he stumbles into a seat opposite me, taking Aie’s other hand.


“…So I’m hoping I didn’t knock you up because I’m sure me not even knowing your name would piss you off even more than you trying to push that kid out.” I mutter, a slight grin on my face as I meet her flat, grey eyes. Thankfully, a smile breaks across hers.

“I’ve missed your poorly timed jokes Die.” She rolls her eyes smacking me across the head.
“Ow!!!! I got plowed into by a truck two months ago! Still sore!!!! It takes a while to heal you know?!” I whine cradling my still throbbing head. She only sighs pointing to her engorged stomach. “Yeah? Well your stomach didn’t get plowed into by a truck.” I grumble looking away.

“Well I got plowed into by something.” She mutters.

“A penis.” I giggle covering my mouth.

“Andou Daisuke! Do not tease the woman popping out kids!” Ari scolds, looking prepared enough to pummel me into the ground. Eep. And I though the prego was scary. I hate that I can’t remember her name…Kyo’s came back to me, as well as Kaoru’s, Toshiya’s, and Shinya’s, and hearing Ari’s sparked my memory, but with her, I’m drawing a blank. I look at her again; her fragile face contorted in pain as another contraction sweeps her body. Her delicate fingers squeeze my own tightly, nails biting into my skin. Seeing her like this kills me. And I know it’s not my doing. So where is he? Where is the one who did do this to her?

“Die you don’t have to hold my hand.” She gasps. “I don’t want anything worse happening to them…you need your hands.” She giggles breathlessly.

“…Where’s Kyo? He doesn’t need his.” I joke hoping to see her crooked smile once more.
“Hey now! If you break his hands then I’m not going to get the chance to!!!” Ari quickly whines.

“Why do you need to break his hands? Are you arguing?” I question, drawing a blank.

“They might be having a baby.” The girl responds making those memories flow back. That’s right, now I remember Ari. She and Kyo dropped by a lot, always together, to visit me and…was someone staying with me?

“Was someone staying with me?” I question out loud, making everyone’s relatively cheerful faces fall. I turn my attention to the stranger who still holds my hand. She looks drained…and heartbroken. She breaks my heart. “Don’t be sad.” I plead, “I’m sorry.” I truly am. I don’t like that look on her face. I don’t like hearing her screaming bloody murder. I don’t like seeing her in pain, tears streaming down her face. I don’t like not seeing that smile. I don’t like her looking away from me. I don’t want her letting go of my hand. I don’t want her leaving me. I hate not knowing her name, but mostly, I love being in love with you. My perfect stranger.

“Get ready to push.” One of the doctors order. “This is it.” She looks around nervously, completely unsure of herself.

“Now?” She whimpers.

“Yes now! It’s now or never!” They demand making her shudder.

“Come on Aie, don’t you want to hold your baby?” I blurt out, hoping to help in some manner. What I don’t expect is that look of shock from her. “What?”

“My name. You called me Aie.” A small smile of reassurance spreads across her face, as well as tears of relief and happiness.

“…Well I sure do hope I called you by the right name.” I hesitantly tease, surprised by my own breakthrough. She only shakes her head giggling again. “Ready to push now then, Aie?” I grin squeezing her hand. She nervously nods. “Then go for it! You said you wanted her out of you didn’t you!” I laugh.

“Damn right!” She exclaims.

“Then go!” I exclaim, and she does. I’d never imagined her ushering a new life into the world, and me staying conscious. Apparently neither could anyone else.


“What are you going to name her?” I nudge my way beside Aie, her frail frame holding the tiny bundle of pink. She’s beautiful.

“…Ellie.” She smiles, her gaze turning from the baby to me. Hearing the name sparks a flame in my mind, but it is only that. A flame. It’s not the brush fire like every other time.

“…That was…my daughter’s name.” I whisper hesitantly, looking into Aie’s sadly smiling face.

“I hear you mutter about her in your sleep constantly.” She explains, her free hand moving to my cheek where tears drip. I hadn’t even noticed I’d been crying. I feel like such a wimp. “It’s okay.” She coos gently. “You’ve got your Ellie now.” She giggles shifting the tiny baby into my arms, her soft lips quickly pressing to my nose. She aids me in holding her, seeing as how I can’t even manage to write my own name.

“She’s beautiful.” I smile looking at the tiny girl. “Just like her mommy.” I grin turning my attention to a now blushing Aie.

“Thank you.” She mutters concentrating on her baby. Seeing her like this makes me smile. I love making her blush just about as much as I love seeing her smile. Maybe someday I’ll get the chance to tell her.

“Aie?” An unfamiliar male voice sounds from outside the room. I glance up to see a dark haired man, well, maybe not quite a man, but not a kid. He stands panting in the doorway, clutching the frame intensely.

“Kanon?” I hear Aie whisper. Somehow, I can’t bring myself to turn and look at her. I have no idea who he is, but seeing him hear makes my blood boil and my heart ache.

“Wouldn’t you know phones don’t work on another continent?” He chuckles, a smile on his pierced lips. All I know is that I hate this guy.
