For Better or for Worse

Bad Boy

“Ari!!! Hurry it up or we’re gonna be late cause you’re too busy screwing around!!!” I yell from my room, angered that she’s still only running around in her tank top and unders. We have an hour to get there, and the woman takes at least three to get ready.

“I’m trying!!! I don’t know what to wear!” She cries rummaging through her drawers. I only roll my eyes, rescuing my dear friend.

“What would you do without me?” I sigh plucking out random clothing items while still getting myself ready.

“No no! Not pants!!!” She whines throwing them across the room. “And this shirt makes me look fat…and this one has a stain on it.” I’m going to punch her.

“ARI!!! For god’s sake just pick something!!! You’re not fat and nothing will make you look fat!!! Here, wear this dress with tights or those knee high boots.” I grumble chucking it, quite harshly, at her face, and hitting it dead on. This is a great accomplishment for me.

“You’re sure? I don’t wanna seem like a hoe…” She mutters holding the pink and black, spaghetti strap dress up to herself.

“Well you are quite the hoe.” I tease rolling my eyes. She glares menacingly at me and I can’t help laughing. “Just put it on. I’ll do your make up so you look cute but still sexy since you obviously intend on screwing whoever you can get your hands on in the band.” I taunt, noticing her cheeks flush.

“You’re a terrible friend you know.”

“I’m the best friend you’ll ever have. Now go put on that stripper dress.” I smirk slapping her ass.

“Hey now, that’s Miku’s.” She grins trotting off to the bathroom. I have no idea who the hell that is…

Well, eventually we finally manage to get on our way, looking damn good I must add. Ari’s got her dress, boots, and Bell the Cat hat on…don’t ask, she can’t seems to leave the house without it, but it’s adorable on her. Plus I managed to do her makeup in record timing, not a hair out of place. I, on the other hand, look fugly compared to her. Sigh. Just wearing my neon green skinny jeans and a low cut top that doesn’t match all too well. My hair wasn’t working for me today either, so I clipped the back portion up and let the long, colorful chunks hang free down my waist. Even the bangs look f’d up…I’ve kinda got a ‘I just rolled out of bed’ look going I suppose. My dark, heavy makeup was thrown on last second, but oh well, who am I trying to impress? Before I know it, the taxi arrives and dumps us off at the concert hall. And damn was it packed. No way did I expect this many people. And being one of the last people here, we really had to shove our way through the crowd. I never said it wasn’t fun. Immediately, I spot Kanon, his hair done up perfectly, even make-up and awesome clothes. Watching him play the bass…I can’t say I wasn’t impressed, and definitely wasn’t turned on. The man could move. And boy were there some things I’d liked to have done to him…but that’s beside the point. Teehee. Eventually came the part I’d been eagerly awaiting, the chance to see Kanon one on one again…well as close as you can get with a room full of screaming bloody murder fangirls, all brandishing backstage passes. Jesus, at this rate I’ll never get to see him…

“Aie? Is that you?” Okay, you know what…why do you constantly have to prove me wrong?! Ugh.

“Kanon?! It’s been ages!” I laugh jokingly. It’s only been a week since I met him…but it honestly has felt like ages. Sure, we text each other and what not…but still. It’s not the same as actually SEEING him…God he’s gorgeous. More so than I remember. I hope I’m not drooling…

“I know!” He chuckles, flashing his gorgeous smile and maneuvering through protesting fangirls and their evil glares. Before I can stop him, not that I would have anyway, he has me in his tight embrace. He may be sticky with sweat and smell not quite as sexy as he looks, but I can’t help but melt in his strong arms.

“…I missed you.” I choke out, not even meaning to. Shit, now I seem like some hopeless fangirl bent on having his children through some strange turn of events. That is definitely not the look I’m going for. “Uh…just ignore that last sentence.” I chuckle, quickly hiding my face in his neck, hugging him only tighter. The sound of his laughter breaks me of my nervousness.

“It’s okay Aie, I missed you too.” He whispers pulling away slightly so that I’m looking in his gentle, smiling eyes. Suddenly, his lips meet my forehead and I once again find myself blushing madly. Dammit.

“You sure do like to steal kisses.” I grumble.

“You like it.” He smirks, making me glare, but not before I catch everyone else’s faces, all shooting us nasty looks or confused ones. They’ve been watching us the whole time? Sigh.
“I want to join the hug!” Ari whines, breaking the silence. Thank god. She worms her way between the two of us, giving me one of her ‘we’re so having a girl talk session later’ looks. I hate girl talk sessions. I notice Kanon leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Next thing I know, we’re outside of that god awful tiny room. And not me and Ari. No. My companion is none other than the Kanon who’s supposed to be in there signing autographs and pleasing his fangirls…but instead, he’s out here with me, risking his career.
“Kanon! You’ll get in trouble!” I whisper harshly, eyes darting around the dimly lit hallway, knowing his manager is going to pop out of a water fountain or something, studded whip in hand.

“Fine with me. I’d rather be here with you.” He smiles, making my face redden yet again. “I did tell you to consider it a date. Not much of a date if you’re in a room full of girls willing to do anything to get your attention.” He grumbles, pulling me along the hallway. It gets darker and darker with every step. I hate the dark.

“You’re not going to molest me or something are you?” I mutter.

“What makes you think that? I think I’ve been quite the gentleman. If I wanted to get in your pants that badly, it wouldn’t be all too difficult.” He smirks to himself.

“That’s what you think.” I grumble, walking closer and closer to him until I’m practically on top of him. “You’re dragging me into the depths of Hell!!” I whine. It’s too damn dark.

“Babe, if I were doing that, it would be hot. Not that there’s nothing hot here.” He grins, eyeing me up. “But no, I’m not going to molest you, I’m not doing Satan’s bidding, and I’m not kidnapping you either. So calm down. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He offers kindly. By now, I can’t even see his facial expressions.

“Then what are we doing?”

“Leaving of course.” He chuckles, his arm leaving my hand and hesitantly wrapping around my shoulders, making me warm from the inside out.

“Where to?”

“Are you aware you ask a lot of questions?”

“Are you aware you answer a lot of questions with more questions? And yes, I ask questions because that’s how you get answers.” I reply smugly, proud of myself for being able to answer while 1: Being dragged into the bowels of Hell (which is cold, like it or not) 2: By a very sexy man who will most likely molest me (Not that it would be considered molestation seeing as how it would be consensual. Teehee.) and 3: Risking melting in my consensual molester’s arms even though it is cold in here…so I’d most likely coagulate or something. Oh yes, quite proud of myself.

“Are you rambling on in your head again Aie?” Kanon chuckles as we seem to near the end of the tunnel.

“…Oh my god! Is that light!!! Does that mean heaven’s cold?” I tease, leaping for the doors, eager to get out of the dimly lit corridor…of course I trip over a bucket on the way, but I’m not going down alone. No, it couldn’t be that simple.

“See what you get for taking off on your own?” He laughs from on top of me.

“You’re squishing my ovaries!! I need those!!” I squeal, trying desperately to shove the heavy man off me. I may not have minded before, but this time he weighs a ton. He laughs not budging an inch. “I was right! You are a molester!” I whine prodding wherever in attempts to move him. And I mean wherever.

“Okay okay! I’m getting up now! Stop touching the goods!” He yelps when I realize where my hand actually is…oops.

“Awe you like it.” I smirk making him go wide eyed. Score.

“Well if that’s how you’d like to spend your date…” He shrugs, then an evil grin spreads on his face as he throws me back to the ground, cradling my head so I don’t hit it.

“Whoa there!” I chuckle rolling over so he’s on the floor. “I prefer the top.” I tease.

“Well now we’ve got some problems.” He jokes sitting up so his face is inches from my own. How is it I don’t get embarrassed when we’re rolling around on the floor together, but I do when he gets this close to me? I can feel his arms wrap around my tiny waist, pulling me up so he can stand, then lifting my own body up. I’m like a rag doll in his arms. “You’re so tiny Aie.” He smiles, still looking me in the eyes. I’m completely lost in his. I can’t think of a word to say. In fact, I can’t think of anything.

“…Who actually stands in a dark hallway staring each other down?” A taunting male voice sounds, snapping us out of our trance. I turn to the source of the sound to find the rest of Kanon’s band and Ari giving us odd glances.

“Screw you guys.” He grumbles taking my hand, shuffling for the doorway.

“You love us!” One shouts before the door closes on the 5 of them. I feel bad leaving Ari…but not bad enough. Teehee. Besides, I saw her hanging all over that singer. Miku I think his name was.

“Hey, so where are we going anyway?” I prod, taking his hand again. I love his hands.
“It’s a surprise…do you have a bathing suit?”

“You’re not very good with surprises are you?” I ask rolling my eyes.

“Maybe I’m just trying to confuse you.” He smirks stopping at a black car, fishing through his pockets.

“Or maybe you want to see me in a bikini.”

“Or maybe I want to see you in a bikini.” He agrees unlocking the door, opening the door for me.

“I don’t understand how you can be such a gentleman one minute and a perv the next.”
“Same goes for you sweetheart.” He grins, plopping beside me in the driver’s seat, revving up the engine. Being with him makes me feel so alive. It seems like before now, I’ve just been living day to day…but now it’s different. “Ready for a good time?” He smirks, radio blasting as he flies out of the parking lot and down the road.

“Depends on your definition.”

“Guess you’ll have to wait and see then.” He chuckles, patting my knee, hand resting on my thigh. Again, I can’t help blushing. Dammit Kanon.
