For Better or for Worse

No Complaints Here

“Aie, wake up! You’re gonna be late for work!!!” Ari shrieks, whipping me in the face with a pillow. Love you too dear.

“Ugh. Fine, I’m up, I’m up.” Obviously I’m lying.

“Aie, I’m leaving and if you’re late for work, it’s not my problem. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.” More like fuck. I know she’s got a date with Miku. I’m not the nicest person in the morning. She should know this by now.

“I’ll be up. Go have fun with lover boy. Fun that’ll last all night long.” I growl flopping over in bed. Only to flop over onto someone. WTF? A low groan sounds out from beneath a mound of blankets, and instantly sends my heart racing.

“You know what Aie, I don’t care what kind of mood you are in in the morning, I don’t appreciate you speaking to me like some whore. You know I’m not like that.” She hisses from the doorway.

“Yeah. Sorry. Go have fun.” I mutter nervously, paying very little attention to what she says or hears. I just don’t need her turning the tables on me. Eventually, the front door slams shut and I take the opportunity to whip the covers off our special guest.

“Bou?! What the hell?!!!” He/she turns to face me, their eyes barely managing to stay open.
“Oh hey Aie! How’s it hangin?!”

“What are you doing in my bed?!!” I hiss, ignoring the initial question.

“Well sleeping of course…though now I guess I’m talking to you. Man I’ve gotta take a leak!”
“Bou!!! What are you doing here?!!!” He rolls his eyes kicking away layer after layer of blankets.

“Damn you use a lot of these girly.”

“Why are you ignoring the question?”

“I’m not ignoring it.”

“Well you’re certainly not answering it!”

“You certainly are snippy in the morning.” He grumbles crawling away, hunting down the bathroom. Seeing him in boxers is so odd…


“Ah!! Don’t try to scare me!! Do you want me tinkling myself?!” You know…punching him is sounding better and better every second.

“Ugh. The bathroom’s right there.” I growl giving up, pointing it out, and returning to my room to punch Kanon’s number into my phone. Pick up all-frickin-ready!

“…Moshi moshi?” He mutters, obviously still sleeping.

“What the hell is Bou doing at my house?!”

“Oh my god you found him?! We’ve been searching all night!!” He exclaims, no doubt wishing he could hug me. I wish he would.

“Well come get him, he’s already pissed me off and I’m going to be late to work.” I grumble plopping down onto my bed, rooting through piles of clean clothes resting serenely throughout my bedroom floor.

“Okay, sorry babe!” He beams.

“Yeah yeah, just come get him before I throttle him.” I grumble clicking the phone shut and crawling back under the covers. The day should not start before the sun is up.


“Aie? Hey Aie?” A gentle voice whispers in my ear as soft lips caress my cheekbones.

“This better not be Bou.” I joke groggily, still unwilling to open my eyes. I guess I dozed off.
“I’d hope it wasn’t either. I’d have to kick his ass again, and I don’t think he can take another beating.” He laughs, the warmth of his body sending me back into euphoric dream land. “Hey baby, didn’t you say you were going to be late for work?”

“They can wait.” I complain. “I’d much rather be here with you.” I coo, nuzzling my face into his exposed neck. He smells wonderful, utterly delicious.

“Well, as much as I’d love to spend the day in bed with you,” I can hear the smirk in his voice, knowing exactly what he means. Not so soon lover boy. You’ve gotta earn every second of my love. “You’ve got work to do, and I’ve got music to write, unfortunately.” He grumbles, giving me a quick peck on the forehead before moving away. All ready, I miss his warmth. “Where do you work anyway? I can drive you. Since you don’t have a car and all.” He chuckles waltzing throughout my room, I just shuffle under the covers more.

“Some modeling studio.” I sigh crawling under my many pillows.

“Oh? Are you a photographer or something?” He questions, his voice far away, most likely distracted by something shiny.

“No. I’m their model.” That seems to get his attention.

“Really? So do you show their cosmetics or something?”

“Nope. Lingerie baby.” I grin, my voice muffled in layers of fabric.

“I’m the luckiest man alive.” I hear him cooing to himself, and I can’t help rolling my sleepy eyes.

Well, eventually he managed to drag me out of bed, get me showered (maybe he was in the bathroom, maybe he wasn’t. I’m not saying. Teehee.), dolled up, and dressed, and I was on time for once. Spotting me, my manager stands speechless, her mouth set agape and awestruck.

“Aie! You know what time it is right?!” She exhales. Kanon, who tags along behind me, eyes her suspiciously.

“Time to shine?” I mirror Kanon’s gaze.

“Well maybe for the people who get to work on time, but your time to shine is normally an hour from now. How the hell are you actually here, AND EARLY?!” She exclaims taking a quick glance at her watch.

“Blame him.” I grunt nodding to Kanon who chuckles at Jamie’s (manager obviously) amusement.

“Boy, you are my new favorite person. You her boyfriend or something?” Jamie presses, waltzing closer to the two of us.

“Mmhmm.” I nod, realizing he’s never really asked me to be his girlfriend. But I’ll take matters into my own hands for once. He’s not getting away that easily.

“Oh good, well then I’ll give you a little something as a thank you present.” I notice the smirk on her features, and all ready don’t like it, given my line of retail. At least Kanon seems dense enough not to understand what she means. My poor boy.

“Do it and I swear this will be the last time any event such as this ever takes place!” I growl, narrowing my eyes at the woman. She only chuckles, turning on her heal and signaling me to follow. Sighing, I quickly grasp the still confused Kanon’s hand, unwillingly pursuing Jamie to my changing room. “You sit right there!” I demand shoving Kanon in the way of a nearby lounge chair outside my room as I retreat into the doorway. I can’t help laughing to myself, seeing that he’s still trying to figure out what Jamie meant. Quickly blowing him a kiss, I slam the door shut and quickly strip down, throwing on the first set of undergarments. I’ve never felt self conscious before, but knowing he’s sitting right outside my door, I hesitantly pull on a nearby robe and stagger into the hallway and down to the photoshoot area where Jamie seems to have drug none other than he himself. Sigh. Are you trying to make me cry?

Well, that sucked. Majorly. Good lord she even shoved him into some of the pictures!!! Sure, they were all cute poses (Cause we’re such an adorable couple. I’m rolling my eyes right now.) but I’ve never seen him that naked on my own! Okay…sure there was the beach, but that’s a different story. I was asleep most of the time! Give me a break! And to top it all off she went and gave him a bag filled with frilly lingerie-obviously not for himself. If you know what I’m saying. Jamie, you’re killing me.

“Fuck my life.” I exhale, practically slamming my head against the dashboard.
“Now why would I want to do that?” He smirks, quickly patting my thigh, letting his hand rest there for a bit too long.

“My bad. Does fuck me sideways work better for you?” I groan.

“Not really. That’s difficult to do.” He beams mischievously. “Would you like me to show you some time?” He chuckles to himself, concentrating on the road.

“Think I’ll pass.” Or not.

“Awe damn.”

“You love me anyway.” I laugh patting him on the thigh as well. His very, very upper thigh, making him go wide eyed. I only laugh more.

“That I do.”
Hm…did he just admit to loving me? Well that’s a first. Not that I have any complaints. He’s already taken up every nook and cranny of my mind, and a good bit of my heart. There’s only so much more he can take. As of now, I don’t mind. He can have all of me if it means I get him.
