For Better or for Worse

Something's Missing

Best night of sleep. Ever. And the morning? Well…not so much. Not that I’m complaining…but thinking back…probably not my best judgment. Yeah, we messed around a bit, but only a bit. I swear. Sigh. It’s bound to happen eventually, but I want it to be more thought out and romantic.

“You okay Aie?” He asks, breaking me of my thoughts. His gentle, seductive eyes meet my own, instantly making me regret my regrets.

“Mmhmm.” I nod, shoving a forkful of egg into my mouth. We’re out at a local restaurant…our second date of sorts you could say.

“…Sorry about this morning.” He apologizes reading my thoughts.

“No, it’s okay. Nothing really happened…just getting ready.” I mutter the last part, only enhancing the awkward silence.

“…Are you going to eat that?”

“What?” I cock my head to the side, confused by his out of the blue question.

“Your sausage! I want it!!!” He whines, chopsticks sneaking to my plate. He just has to rub that whole chopstick thing in my face, doesn’t he? It’s not my fault I can’t use them! I’ve got retarded hands.

“NO you filthy bamboo eater!!! They’re mine!!!!” I glare pulling my plate away from him, only to find him stretch across the table.

“PLEASE!!!! Just ONE!!!! And what do you mean bamboo eater?” His brow furrows at me, making me smile at his adorable, frazzled exterior.

“Fine. But I need a kiss.” I beam. He only rolls his eyes quickly pressing his lips to mine only to get our lip rings stuck together again. Winner.


“You’re such a mean girlfriend.”

“Don’t I know it?” I grin settling into the passenger’s seat. Guess who didn’t get his sausage? Teehee.

“I know you know it.” He grumbles taking off down the street, my seatbelt not even on.
“Where’s the fire?” I tease, quickly strapping myself in.

“Huh? We’re just heading back to your place. I held up my end of the bargain.” He smirks.

“What bargain?”

“I take you out and get what I did this morning.”

“You’re an ass.” I snarl, frowning to myself.

“You love my assiness.” He beams, quickly pecking me on the forehead.

“Whatever you say.” I do. I’m starting to love everything about you. He smiles to himself, all too quickly approaching our destination. I’m sad to leave…but I’m sure he has better things to do.

“Bye Aie.” He grins taking my hands, making me blush. I don’t even know why. “I’ll call you. We’ll do something again soon. Promise.” His lips quickly crash down onto my own, just in time for the front door to open.

“Oops! Didn’t mean to interrupt!!!” Ari quickly apologizes, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
You’re a terrible liar. Sigh. Miku stands at her side, a smirk playing on his lips. Kanon and I roll our eyes in unison, reluctantly parting and going our separate ways. Miku follows him and I return to Ari. Somehow…it just doesn’t feel right. Him not being here leaves me feeling as though something’s missing.

“So you two were gone all night.” She smirks pulling the door shut behind me.

“I wonder why.” I grumble, wondering where the hell I should step…I bet they were all over the house. Ugh…good lord. I’m gonna vomit.

“I want all the details!” She presses.

“Nothing went on. We went back to his place, played some video games, then went to bed. He took me out for breakfast this morning. End of story.” I state, still carefully examining the house.

“Well I have a hard time believing that!”

“Well believe it, cause it’s the truth.” Minus a few details. Need to know basis.

“You’re so boring Aie.” She sighs.

“I know.” I smile to myself. What goes on between Kanon and myself is for our eyes and ears only. No one else will know.



“So you two were gone all night.” Miku grins.

“Don’t even start.” I sigh shoving him out of the car and toward his own home. “As I recall, so were you. Goodbye Miku. I’ll see you at the next practice.” I sigh.

“I’ll ask then too!!” He yells as I pull the door shut. Thank god for these soundproof cars. I do so love the inventor.

He may ask, but I’ll never tell. I prefer teasing them all. Maybe someday they’ll understand, but as of now, Teruki and I are the only adults in the band. Some things are meant to be kept to yourself. In this case, I’m keeping Aie for myself. And only me.

Returning home, I find it’s all ready missing something…

It’s an empty feeling.



“Maybe it’s not my weekend, but its gonna be my year. I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass, as I go nowhere. And this is my reaction, to everything I fear. 'Cause I've been going crazy, I don't want to waste another minute here.” Weightless by All Time Low blares in my ear. My ringtone. Who the fuck is texting me at 3 in the damn morning?!!!! Flipping the screen open, I quickly skim over the text. Then again, and again. The message never really sinking in.

‘Aie, will you come live with me? xKanon’
