For Better or for Worse

Do Over?

“Aie? Baby, where are you?” His voice calls out. I remain hidden beneath the covers, feigning sleep for the third time today. How much longer can I avoid him? To make matters worse, he’s never been so happy. He even bought me presents! CD’s, posters, concert tee’s, autographs. Obviously I’m not the most normal girlfriend. I hate flowers and teddy bears. I don’t wear dresses. I hate when men show off. But Kanon isn’t like that. He’s everything I could ever want, and now I’m losing him. I hadn’t even noticed the tears dripping down my face. “Aie? Are you in bed again? Are you feeling okay? I can call the doctor…” His soft voice coos as he gently pulls the blankets away from my quivering, sobbing body. “Aie?” His worried eyes lock with my own as he drops to his knees repeating my name.

“I’m sorry Kanon…I just missed you is all.” I attempt a smile, but know I must look like a wreck. How the hell am I supposed to tell him?!

“It’s okay ai. I’m here now. I’m not leaving for a while. I promise. The tour doesn’t start up again for two weeks.” He crawls beside me in bed, quickly pulling me close.

“Please don’t leave me.” I whimper.



“Aie, you’re my one and only love.” He coos, cradling me gently. “I wouldn’t leave you if I had the choice, but you know I have to work. I have to make money. And I’m not allowed to bring along love interests. I’ll be back for you. Every time. You’re my ai.”

“I love you.” I cry, clutching him tightly.

“And I love you. Forever.”

Forever is such a misused word.



“All right! So we’ve got two weeks to figure this out before they’re gone again!” I sigh, dragging Aie along behind me. She’s been so depressed lately. So, I decided to try and liven up her spirits! I feel sorry for them both…well, all three of them now. Aie doesn’t realize how big of an impact she has on Kanon.

“I can’t leave him Ari.” She whispers taking my hand. Odd. She’s the furthest from clingy, but now it’s like she thrives off touch and compassion.

“Then don’t Aie.” I smile squeezing her hand tightly. “You’ve got your whole lives ahead of you! The three of you will be the happiest family, believe me.” She moves to argue, but I shut her up with a yank into the mall. “We’re out to liven up your gloominess! So no ifs, ands, or buts!” I glare.

“…Okay.” She pouts, still sticking by my side.

“Come on, we’re putting a smile on that pretty face.” I beam patting her lightly on the cheek. “It can’t hide for long.” I giggle enjoying the hint of a smile to her features. I’ll get one out of her before this day’s over. I swear it.

“Aie!!!! Omigosh look how cuuuute!!!” I squeal over little baby booties. “Omigosh, I’m going to spoil your kid so much you’ll think I was its Grama!!!” I bounce throwing them into the cart of ever growing baby things.

“Ari, how are you going to pay for all this? And where am I supposed to hide it?!” She whines as I pull a set of pink overalls off the rack. I hope she’s having a girl, if not, well who cares. Someone’s bound to have one. Teehee.

“Miku’s credit card of course, silly!” I giggle. “And I’ll take care of that. You just focus on having a good time!” I grin.


“I said no buts!!!”

“I’m going to get fat!” She whines hugging her stomach. This is the first time I’ve actually seen her do anything of the sorts.

“Babe, fat preggers are beautiful and you’re going to be drop dead gorgeous.” I smile, seeing yet another hint of one to her own face. “And just think of what’s beneath that fat. You’ll have a mini Kanai! They’re going to be beautiful Aie, just like you both.” I speak in complete and total honesty, and it brings a tear to her eye. “If he doesn’t want that, then he’s not worth keeping. This is your baby. Your body. Your choice. Aie, it’s your life, not his. He’ll come around. He loves you. I can tell by the way he stares at you. You’re his world. It may be hard, but in the end, everything will be worth it. Just imagine that baby in your arms. Even if Kanon’s gone…he never really is. You’ll have him forever now.” I smile tenderly, walking up to my dear friend and hugging her tightly.

“You’re the best friend in the world Ari.” She cries, a smile finally escaping those lips.

“You’re damn right I am.” I giggle patting her on the back.



“Aie! You’re back!” I smile setting my bass down and turning to her. Finally, she’s smiling. I was worried I’d never see it again.

“Yeah, we just needed to have some girl time.” Ari grins, patting Aie on the back and pushing her into my chest where she blushes like mad. I can’t help smiling. She’s adorable.

“I missed you Aie.” I admit placing a kiss on the top of her head and hugging her softly. She feels so different for some reason I can’t place. She even smells different. It’s nothing bad.

“I missed you too Kanon.” She whispers against my neck. Her lips tickle my untouched skin, and her velvety breath sends my hair on end. It’s been far too long without her.

“So what did you get while you were out?” I smile pulling her to the couch where I had been working, situating her tiny body on my lap.

“Nothing. Just some window shopping.”

“Oh? Well I’ll have to take you out some time then. We’ll get you something nice.” I beam returning to my bass tuning.

“Can you teach me how to play?” She asks, her tiny fingers dancing over its smooth surface and eyes sparkling.

“Anything for you babe.” I grin pecking her cheek lightly and making her giggle. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her laughter. “You’re beautiful.”

“You’re quite pretty yourself.” She teases plucking at the strings I explained to her.

“All for you.” I whisper into her ear placing a kiss on her exposed, pale neck.

“And your fangirls.” She states, concentrating on the instrument in her lap.

“But mainly you.”

“Whatever you say.” She chuckles meeting my eyes finally. Hers hold a gentle brilliance and shine like I’ve never seen before.

“You look so happy.” I smile nuzzling her nose with mine. I was worried something was terribly wrong, but she seems so content.

“You’re being too cute.” Her tiny giggle sounds followed by that adorable, toothy grin.

“Well do you want me to be sexy?” I smirk gripping her hips tightly and moving my palms down her bare thighs. I love when she wears shorts. Although I like it more when she wears nothing…

“How about you being Kanon?”

“Horny Kanon?” I smirk noticing she hasn’t moved my hands one bit.

“If that’s what you want.” She sighs seductively. She knows just how to get me going.



Kanon snores soundly as I slip out of bed, quickly throwing on his large shirt and making a beeline for the toilet, all of today’s meals being emptied into it. I hope to god he doesn’t wake up. Damn morning sickness. There’s no denying it. I’m pregnant. Even my belly is a bit rounder, though I just passed it off as laziness. I’ve never been so thankful of his dense headedness. Washing myself quickly, I sneak out of our quiet room and downstairs into the kitchen. Tea sounds great right now…but where the hell is it?! Grunting, I shuffle through every nook and cranny of the kitchen before finally coming across the damn box of tea bags. Who the hell puts these things away?! Ripping it open, its contents spill all over the floor. By now, I’ve managed to make enough sound to wake a hibernating bear. I really hope Kanon is a better sleeper than a bear… Shoving the bags back into the box, something catches my attention. A tiny glimmer. Picking it up, I examine the object to discover a diamond ring. WTF?

“Ugh, since when do you drink tea?!” His familiar voice groans. Glancing up, I find Kanon standing in front of me in his boxers, hand rubbing his temples as he drops to my level.

“Kanon?” I question as he wriggles the ring from my fingers, his attention elsewhere. Most likely, he’s still sleeping.

“I hid it there cause you’re supposed to hate tea.” He grumbles inspecting the tiny thing.

“Why’d you hide it…?” I exhale, not even realizing I’d been holding my breath.

“Cause I needed to come up with a better way to do this…” He mutters taking my shaking hand in his own.

“Do what?” I stuttered, not sure where to focus.

“Propose to you.” He finally utters, his fiery gaze locking with mine. I stare at him, speechless and immobile. A mess in other words. “Aie,” He smirks at my expression, “Since you managed to ruin your biggest surprise, will you still marry me? Or do I have to start all over again?” The smirk never leaves his face, and my shocked expression doesn’t disappear.

“Well how long would a do over take?” I joke, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“Far too long.” He grins sliding the ring on to my finger.

“Then I guess I’ll go with yes.” I try for a sigh, but fail miserably, seeing as how I can’t wipe the smile from my face. His lips meet with my own as I throw myself into his arms, happier than I ever have been. Nothing could get me down now…

Except that once again queasy feeling. And now, I suddenly remember why it has been so hard to smile.
