Re-Education Through Labor

"Those Who make peaceful Revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK.

They wouldn't listen.
They are all driven by greed and hate, no longer with the publics bes interest in mind.
They have infested our country and we just watched.
Well we watch no more.
They had their chance to stop and fix this but it's to late now.
The government is corrupt and we will all die if someone doesn't take a stand.
Well here's your shot.

Swarm and Destroy.


I do not own Rise Against, the video, the song, or any other famous people i use. I do not own The Moped Army, nor the Chicago branch, Peddy Cash. They are a real organization though so look them up. If everyone can make a story out of the sixteen candles video why can't I do one of Re-education?

Rating for now is R just becuase it's going to be very violent and graphic, so just incase, then i won't get in trouble. Not that it will stop anyone under 17 from reading it.