Dream The Dead- A Nightmare Tale

……Enter Right. Stage 1.…. ’Gabby’s Bedroom.’
*Cue horror music, evil laugh and foot steps.*
*Clear throat*

“This is a tale from my crypt.
Hello. I’m Gabriella Behead I’m eighteen and I just graduated. I have a long time boyfriend named Eric Stoned. My best friends are Jenna Massacre, James Stabb, Akira and Koa Choke. We all have one creepy thing in common. Our twins died when we were five. I had a sister named Isabelle she died one night in her sleep out of no where. Jenna lost her twin brother John same way. Akira and Koa lost their triplet twin, Hitomi same way. James lost his twin Jenifer the….. guess what? Same way!
We all never really thought into it.
Until now…..
It was last night of summer, college heading off in the fall. We’re going to have a horror movie night. Good idea? You will see…..”

*Cue lights dim*
*Smile creepily*

*Then Cue Creepy Little Girl Voice*
“The time has come to die…..three times you ask why….then you will die.” - Isabelle Behead

This is a story I wrote for a English assignment in eight grade, And I really didn't get to finish it. Because well I had a short deadline and well ended it too early. But I got an A! Thats all that mattered! haha
Well this assignment inspired me to become a writer.

So this is a story I can tell more comfortably and don't care to exploit it. Because I'm not publishing this. It's just for fun.
  1. Book Quote Of The Week!
    Just a quote for now.
  2. Chapter One-Movie Night
    It's only just the beginning.....