Dream The Dead- A Nightmare Tale

Chapter One-Movie Night

“Hey losers!” I said while running to my boyfriends truck.
Everyone said un enthusiastically, “Hey….”
I yelled, “What the crap was that?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why so down in the dumps?”
Akira with her jet black hair and eyes. Looked at me giving a slight smile, “We were just thinking Gabs…..”
I put my hand up in protest, “Ah! When you guys think its sooooo depressing. So I rather not hear it.”
Eric wrapped his arms around me from behind, “Babe we have to face it sooner or later…” he nibbled on my ear. Which always got me to give in no matter what.
I looked up at him smiling. Oh his good looks always took my breath away. That brown hair, and blue eyes. His well developed muscled body.
I giggled and pecked him on the lips, “You really know how to turn me on.”
He smiled ear to ear, “It took me four years to learn.”

Desid twin to Akira interrupted us, “It’s the last day of summer. And we all are going our separate ways starting tomorrow.” he ran his hand through his black and pink spiked hair.
I yelled, “See! Its depressing!” I plugged my ears up with my fingers, “Lalalalala! I’m not listening!”
Yes it was certainly true that it was last day of summer. And we just graduated. So which means we’re going to college. And we’re not attending the same one. Well except Eric and me are going to state. But everyone else in our group was going to more pricy and fancy schools…. states away. And I don’t want to own up to it that our little in group is splitting. It’s just not fair!
Eric took out my fingers, “Baby we’re adults now.”
I pouted, “I know. And it sucks!”
Jenna agreed with her long flowing blonde hair swaying in the wind, “Yes it sooo does. But we could spice up our little groups last night.” her blue eyes staring me down.
I buried my face in Eric’s sleeve, “Like me crawling up in a corner and cry my eyes out?”
Jenna chuckled, “Tempting. But no…” she smiled, “Horror night.”
Eric laughed, “We haven’t done that since ninth grade!”
James all so quiet, “I don’t know why we gave it up.” his blonde hair covering his brown eyes. He was still so damn shy. He wouldn’t even be part of this group if Akira hadn’t start taking interest in him. He was that shy to even talk to teachers! Four years really hasn’t made a difference.
“Um it wouldn’t have nothing to do with…… you and Eric putting real worms in our candy worms?” Akira screeched in her boyfriends face.
Eric smiled laughing in my hair, “That was so priceless…..” he high-fived James. James only really opened up to Akira and Eric. That always made me feel like he didn’t like me.
That’s my goal tonight. I’m going to get James to open up to me. Or at least talk to me!
“It was like ew!” Desid said. Didn’t I forget to mention that Desid was full blown gay?
“I vote yes.” but my stomach gave a turn. “No funny business guys! Or I’ll send Fife on your butts!”
Eric smirked, “We will try for the sake of our ankles!” I elbowed him in the stomach, “Guys?”
Everyone nodded.
I smiled, “Good my house eight o’ clock.”

Later that night everyone was late as usual.
Eric said who was already there, “Don’t worry baby.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Who said I was worrying?”
He pressed his forehead to mine, “Your nose crunches up.” he skimmed his nose down mine. Finding my lips for a gentle kiss.
“Your so beautiful.” he whispers.
I giggled, “And you are so sweet.” I pecked him on the cheek resuming my packing.
He said, “You know we could actually still live at home. Its only twenty minutes away.”
“Please….The things we’re going to be doing….” I smirked.
He nodded, “Good point.” The door bell rang down the hall. “See? Nothing to worry about.” he went to answer it.

I had a huge chill go up my spine when a draft came in the window.
“Gabby….” I heard a familiar voice sound from behind me.
I looked….nothing.
“I could have sworn….” I caught a glimpse of my childhood picture. I went over to pick it up, but it flew across my room.
It was the wind. I kept telling myself. But there was only a slight draft.
“Gabby…..” the same voice said towards my bed.
I jerked my head around, “Izzy?” there was nothing there.
I went over to pick up my fallen/thrown picture frame. It was very cold to the touch that I slightly dropped it again.
The glass fogged up around the one face. One that use to be identical to mine. Isabelle my dead twin sister. It seemed like she was frowning at me. But I could clearly remember her having a chuckle smile in this picture. We were at the beach playing princess. However, this face was scorning me. Then the fog completely took over even that part of the picture.
I shook my daze off my face, “Gosh I must be losing it.” I put the picture down on my bedside table.

I’ll tell you this. I lost my twin sister Isabelle when we were five. She went to sleep that night like no other night and died. It really devastated my whole family. I blamed myself for not waking her up. I always thought if her and me stayed up all night she wouldn’t have died. Who knows….. I never really have thought on it much since then.
Nevertheless, I’d always missed her. I felt like part of me died along with her. Part of my soul was missing. And I’ll never find it again.
Until tonight…..
That voice came along a familiar presence. Like she was here.
But…. I might just be sad, because it was the anniversary of her death. I never go to sleep the whole night. Hoping that she’d take a break from heaven and visit. She never has and probably never will.
Maybe, I’m feeling guilty of giving up on that dream. So I’m going to try to make good memories on a night of a bad one was born. I hope Isabelle don’t hate me for it. But I’m tired of mourning on this same day every year, torturing myself. I’m sick of the disappointment of not seeing her for one last time.
“I love you Izzy….. But I have to start my life.” I sighed, “Starting with making new memories on a bad marked anniversary.” this time I made myself chill.

“Gabs….who are you talking to?” Jenna said while walking into my room.
I turned to her, “Talking to Izzy.” I was always truthful to Jenna. She’s the understanding fiend.
She gave a sympathetic smile, “I didn’t realize it was the anniversary for Isabelle.”
I smiled, “Yeah. Well I’m trying to make at least this years night a good one.” I sighed, “I think Izzy would want me to make good memories.”
Jenna chortled, “So your actually going to sleep tonight?”
I snorted a laugh, “Puh-lease. Sleep with those boys around?”
She shrugged, “True. Best to stay up.”

“Who’s up for popcorn!” Eric yelled.
I said grabbing the bowl, “I don’t trust you….” I scorned him, “I’m checking out the goods.”
Eric smirked, “There is nothing.”
I looked through the bowl finding that it was true.
I pouted, “I still am going to check everything you give us.” I threw a handful in his face.
He bent down to peck me on the lips, “What movie we’re going to watch?”
I smiled, “Nightmare On Elm Street.”
He sighed, “Weak! Pathetic! Girly!”
I smirked, "It's only the beginning babe." I pecked him on the lips, "Its only just the beginning."

*Fade out to black.*
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I know short! But it's pretty much just introducing and getting to know the characters.
But I promose that there be alot of blood and gore! even suspense!
Kristia <3
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