‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone

Feeling This


My eyes glanced over the closet before me. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my fingers through my hair tugging slightly at the roots. The guys had left; it was now later that day. The sun was shining in through the slits in the blind covering my window. I cupped my chin in my hands and leaned my elbows against my knees, weighing up all my options. I missed Brianna. There was no doubt about it and the conversation I’d had with her that morning had plagued my mind. Her words sounded clearly in my ears.

“ You go into the studio in a few days, you’re gonna be busy all the time and then straight after you’re leaving for Warped Tour.” I bit my lip as I thought over her words. She was right. I hadn’t given it much thought until that point. I’d looked forward to seeing her and spending time with her so much that I’d forgotten we’d be leaving again. I bit down on my one of my fingernails as I desperately tried to find a cure for the situation. I looked to my cell phone placed on the desk to the side of my bed. I stared at it intensely for a long moment before reaching out and picking up the device. I skipped through my phone book, dialling a number before placing the device to my ear. Three rings vibrated through my ears before the forth got cut short. Slight ruffling left the phone before all sounds ceased.

“Hello?” I heard from the other end of the line.

“I need a favour.”


“He just started telling me about tour and then said how much he missed me. Nothing special,” Carolyn smiled shrugging and referring to the night before when Zack had hushed her to sleep with sweet whispers. The other girls let out sounds of awe while Carolyn smiled to herself, a small blush creeping up her cheeks. “That’s enough about me. What about Brianna and Jack?” Carolyn asked leaning her chin on her palm causing me to freeze up instantly. I could feel my face slowly draining of colour as the girls turned to me with eyebrows raised.

“Brianna?” Lisa asked in an accusing tone. I simply picked up a magazine, and hid my face behind it as if I were reading a gossip column. In reality my brains were being racked for an excuse. Wait, Carolyn hadn’t said what exactly she meant by Jack and I. A hand suddenly appeared over the top of the magazine, snatching it from my hands. Kara discarded the magazine on the table and all girls returned to look at me questioningly.

“What?” I asked exasperatedly looking between the three faces.

“What’s going on between you and Jack?” Kara asked in a stern tone before Carolyn continued her talk.

“I woke up and saw that you weren’t where you were supposed to be sleeping. Then I noticed that Jack’s door was closed which it hadn’t been before I’d fallen asleep,” Carolyn commented with a raised eyebrow. Shit. I bit down on my lip hoping something would come to me but alas, I was probed further.

“If you guys are back together why didn’t you just tell us? We’d be totally cool with it!” Lisa began tossing me a sympathetic look.

“No! No, we are definitely not together,” I stated firmly raising my hands to show I was serious.

“Then why were you in his room?” Kara asked raising her eyebrow out of suspicion. I let out a low sigh and shut my eyes before running my fingers through my hair.

“I was awake and he came and sat next to me and told me he couldn’t sleep because he felt lonely,” I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could.

“Aw,” the girls cooed letting their stone hard demeanours falter and break out into grins.

“No. Not like that. This relationship’s strictly platonic,” I stated strictly. “He felt lonely because everyone was in the same room apart from him,” I finished to which Kara raised a single eyebrow.

“Then why didn’t he just sleep on your mattress?” She asked to which the others grew sceptical looks.

“Probably because he knew you guys would all jump to conclusions,” I scoffed rolling my eyes and taking to my feet to go and grab a bottle of water.

“And how did you sleep?” I heard Carolyn call as they all turned around. I furrowed my eyebrows, shrugging my shoulders lightly.

“Well?” I asked more than answered as I leaned down, picking out a bottle before shutting the door of the cabinet once again.

“I didn’t mean how good you slept,” she muttered rolling her eyes and shaking her head lightly. I subtly let my eyes wander as I thought up a lie.

“To the edges,” I answered making my way back over to them.

“Okay that’s a lie,” Lisa answered as the others sent me disapproving looks. I groaned, slamming the bottle down on the coffee table in front of them and tugging at the roots of my hair in frustration as I turned away from them. “Come on Bri, you still have feelings for him. You should really tell him,” Lisa sighed softly. I let my arms go limp, my hands falling to my sides as I continued to stand with my back to the girls. My breathing grew slightly jagged as I stared into nothingness.

“I can’t,” I choked before making my way from the room, up the stairs and into my own room. It was the only place I could truly think, and even now I didn’t think it would help me clear anything going on in my head.
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I'm really sorry guys, the quality of my last few chapters has been lacking. I blame it on this illness. I have no clue what's up with me but it's making me weird. I promise I'll spend more time trying to plan out and improve these chapters. On a totally different note though despite the fact I feel like death today was probably one of the best days of my life. I love you all so much. You don't have to comment obviously but it'd be amazing if you did.

With love,