‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone

Three Words to Remember in Dealing with the End

It had been three days since Jack’s last phone call when I’d begun to pack my bags but I didn’t let it phase me. It was now just under two weeks before I went home and didn’t come back. I was looking forward to it but at the same time I was frightened. After meeting so many people and becoming such good friends with some of them I knew I was gonna miss these guys. I’d decided to pack soon but slowly, after all I’d been living here for nearly three years, I had a lot of stuff to put away. I paced myself, the first two days I’d put away the stuff I knew I wouldn’t need to use in the space between then and the last day.

By the time the end of the week rolled around it was time to get rid of everything. I finished class for the day and headed straight back to my dorm room. I shoved the door open and slammed my bag down onto my bed before toppling down next to it. I let out a heavy sigh and paid no attention to the other life in the room.

“Well,” Carolyn began causing my head to roll around to look at her. “You seem mad,” she commented folding the book she was reading and placing it on the desk beside her desk. I let out a groan and rolled on to my side in a lazy fashion.

“I’m just frustrated,” I explained. She tilted her head as if the urge me on resulting in me resting on my elbow. “I just really wanna get home," I muttered picking at my fingernails.

“We all do. There’s gotta be more to it than that,” she figured. I dropped my eyes and bit down on my lip.

“Well, there are just some people I’m not too thrilled to be seeing,” I admitted.

“Jack?” she asked softly.

“No,” I frowned. “You know things are fine between us now.”

“Then who?” She asked frowning. I let out a sigh before looking back at her.

“Louise,” I stated as if it were the most obvious thing to ask.

“Oh,” she muttered dropping her gaze as an awkward silence filled the air.

"You knew?" I half yelled through gritted teeth.

"Please, don't get mad.” She pleaded playing with her fingers.

"Don't get mad? How could you do that to me? I had more right than anyone to know this was going on but you knew and you hid this from me?" I yelled not holding back my anger.

"I can explain." She replied evenly.

"They can all explain! Everyone can explain! I don't want to hear it!" I snapped turning away from her.


"No. I can't trust you!” I yelled. “You’re supposed to be my best friend and you just let Jack keep that from me?”

“I’ve apologized! What else do you want from me?” She screeched matching my volume.

“I don’t know what I want from you! I don’t even want you to tell me you’re lying! I can’t believe you! If you’d have said something sooner who knows I might have had a chance to save my relationship, but no. You just sat back and kept your mouth shut,” I rambled.

“The others knew too!” She screamed.

“I don’t see the others every single day! I’m not the person they come running to whenever they need a shoulder to cry on! As far as I’m concerned you’ve betrayed our friendship and until you can prove to me you’re trustworthy don’t talk to me again!” I yelled storming from her home.

That was the last time I spoke to Louise.
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Sorry it's short. Just a filler because I'm rushed. I loved the comments I got on the last chapter. Especially Highly Suspicious for making me laugh at my own "character".