‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone

Until There's Nothing Left of Us

I began to fidget in my seat as I gazed out the window. We’d played our last show of tour the night before and we were currently on a plane back home from Minneapolis to Maryland.

“Alex, how much longer ‘til we get home?” I asked biting my fingernails and turning in my seat to face him.

“Jack there’s a screen right in front of you showing how far away we are. I’ve told you this three times already!” He half yelled adding a laugh at the end.

“Yeah you’re right. I’m sorry,” I replied resting my hands on my knees and returning my eyes to the window. Everything was silent for a moment as I watched the clouds pass the wings of the plane.

“Is something wrong?” Alex asked grasping my attention. I turned back round to face him and open my mouth as if to say something before sighing.

“Do...” I trailed off before turning in my seat to fully look at him. “Do you know how long we’re gonna be back for?” I asked avoiding the answer to his question. He looked slightly confused and taken back.

“Uh, yeah. We’re gonna be back for three weeks. Why?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows. I subconsciously played with the sleeves of my hood as I ran over my thoughts.

“Is there any spare closet space on the bus?” I asked.

“Fuck Jack! What’s going on?” He asked growing anxious and earning a few curious looks from the crew directly surrounding us. I sent Rian an apologetic look whilst Zack sat chuckling next to him and plugged his headphones in. I sighed inwardly and turned back to Alex.

“The girls finish school soon,” I admitted lowering my voice.

“Which girls?” He asked looking slightly horrified.

“Brianna and Carolyn, not Louise,” I assured him. His eyebrows raised and a smile played on his face.

“Okay. What’s the problem in that?” He asked turning to face me and resting his chin on his palm.

“There isn’t a problem I just don’t know if I’m ready to see her,” I confessed.

“Well then answer my other question. When are they back?” He repeated with a small grin.

“Next Wednesday,” I sighed running my fingers through my hair. To this his eyebrows rose as I sat back in my chair.

“That’s soon,” he commented causing me to laugh to myself.

“Yeah it is. She didn’t even mention anything until a last week,” I mumbled.

“That sucks.” I smiled and shut my eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.

After waking it wasn’t long before we evacuated the plane and got our equipment. We made our way back out to the van we’d rented and loaded all the stuff in. Standing a few steps away in the parking lot I looked around and my eyes landed on three yellow vehicles not too far away from the airport.

“Guys, how much longer is this gonna take?” I whined as Alex chuckled beside me.

“Not much longer,” Rian replied setting down a box and scratching the back of his neck. “If you helped it could be quicker though,” he commented sarcastically as a grin spread across my face. Before long we were all finished and piled back into the van. The ride seemed to take forever as different people were dropped off at different places. Alex, Rian and I all got off at the same place considering we all lived within walking distance of each other. I picked up my guitar case and amp as Alex did the same and Rian shoved his drums into Alex’s garage. Alex made his way inside and after helping Rian we followed soon after.

“Do you guys want something to drink?” Alex asked walking into the kitchen.

“At this hour? Alex you filthy alcoholic,” Rian teased. Alex simply rolled his eyes while pulling out three glasses from above the sink. “Yeah sure,” he answered as my phone begun to rang in my pocket. I pulled the device from my pocket and looked at the caller ID.

“Yeah me too, just give me a second though?” I asked. Before either of them could reply I walked out to Alex’s back yard and accepted the call. “Hello?”
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Over 100 subscribers, 50 comments and 10 stars! I love you guys so much! By the way I've been thinking about it for a while and I'm thinking about starting up a Gaskarth fanfic aswell. Because I know the majority of people who like All Time Low fanfics on this site adore him. But yeah I'm gonna make it un-generic as I normally aim to and maybe some of you guys would want to read it too? What d'you think? :)