‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone


“Bri, what are you doing? Are you gonna run around naked for the rest of the week?” Carolyn asked as she walked in and saw me emptying the closet.

“Carolyn, oh my god,” I greeted at a loss for better words.

“Yeah what’s this I hear about you skipping yesterday’s class?” She asked with a raised eyebrow slurping on the coffee she had in her hand.

“Fuck that!” I replied jumping in her direction. “Carolyn. I’m going home,” I answered calmly.

What?” She screeched as her eyes bugged.

“Something happened in chem. That’s why I skipped. Then I rang Jack and he got my mom to call the college and told them something was happening so I couldn’t make graduation and she was sending my ‘brother’ to pick me up today,” I explained. She froze for a moment after I stopped talking before slamming her coffee down on the table next to her.

“Is he bringing Zack?” She asked hopefully.

“I don’t know he might!” was all I could say. Before she could say anything else she moved past me and began throwing all of my stuff into the bags I had open.

“I can’t believe this. Why didn’t you tell me before?” She wailed.

“Last night you didn’t even come back to the room,” I explained before she cut me off.

“It was end of all classes. I’m allowed to celebrate!” She retorted to which I rolled my eyes.

As I was saying you weren’t here last night and you weren’t here this morning either,” I finished before glancing at the coffee. “But I suppose you didn’t wake up much before I did,” I shrugged. I moved onto the desk, throwing every worthless item into the trash and the stuff I needed to keep was thrown into one of the bags.

“I can’t believe you’re going! This is such short notice,” Carolyn trailed off. I sent her a quick flash of a smile.

“It’s only a few days,” I commented passing her the scrapbook Kara had given me for my eighteenth birthday. As I picked up a picture two shining objects were revealed to me. I passed her the picture as she busied herself. Picking up the necklace first I swallowed back my hesitation as my throat became dry. I pinched the clasp and allowed the chain to unravel as I usually did. The heart on the end bounced and spun for a brief moment before slowing down. As I read the words engraved into the metal I bit my lip as a flood of memories forced themselves on me. Behind the thin chain my eyes focused on the dainty band. I picked it up in my free hand and looked at it carefully for a minute.

“Bri! Your cell phone’s ringing,” Carolyn called snapping me from my thoughts. I subconsciously discarded the trinkets before turning to the bed. I fished through my bed sheets and saw I did in fact have a new text message. The name flashed at the top of the window: Jack. I opened the message and read the letters carefully.

Just got off the freeway, shouldn’t be long.

I nodded to myself and shoved the cell in my pocket.

“They’re almost here,” I told her totally forgetting about the jewellery and continuing to put things away. It wasn’t long before the crowded room began to look more organised as the bags filled up. Suddenly there was a knock on the door causing Carolyn and I to simultaneously halt what we were doing and look from the door to each other with confusion. Looking back to the door I made my way over, opening the handle and looking at the honey blond woman smiling back at me.

“Hello. Are you Brianna?” She asked looking down to her slip she held between her fingers.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied with a nod.

“You have a few family members waiting at the front desk,” she explained peering over my shoulder. “Do you want me to send them up to help you pack?” She asked.

Them?” I heard Carolyn ask from behind me. I turned to around to look at her as she took to her feet; we both had wild grins on our faces which I half tackled before turning back around.

“Would you mind if I brought them up?” I asked causing her to shrug.

“I don’t see any problem with that,” she grinned. “If you need any help, give me a call,” she smiled before taking off. Carolyn and I waited for her to turn a corner before we both bolted down the halls. People gave us strange looks, some even stopped and walked after us as if there was a big attraction. We knew the guys wouldn’t want attention drawn to them. We also knew this was probably the biggest way of getting them attention but right now we didn’t care. The only thing that was on our minds was seeing the guys we loved so much. My lungs were burning as we raced through the building but eventually we turned the last corner and sprinted down the long hallway. Earning attention at this point was probably a bad idea but all we cared about was the five figures that came into view at the end of the hall.

“Oh my god!” Carolyn screamed as Zack came into view and we picked up the pace. Yet more people turned around and looked in the direction we were headed. The gap between us and the guys shortened and eventually they picked up on the two-woman stampede heading their way. They were dressed as they always were skinny jeans, t shirt, hoodie pulled up over their heads and sunglasses to shield their eyes. After Alex tapped on Jack’s shoulder he turned just in time as I flung myself at him and hugged him tightly.

“Brianna!” Jack yelled causing people to turn around and he returned my embrace. “Oh m god I’ve missed you so much,” he commented kissing my forehead.

“Zack!” Carolyn squealed as she flew into his arms and he picked her up. Their lips collided and I smiled to myself knowing how much they’d missed each other.

“I’ve missed you too!” I returned Jack’s greeting kissing his cheek. “Never let me get an education again!” I whined hugging him once more and leaning my head against his chest to which he chuckled. “Have you gotten taller?” I asked as I pulled away.

“Indeed I have. Am I still sexy?” He asked placing his hands on my hips before I rolled my eyes and whipped them away.

“Screw the ‘and’, now you’re just Jack the Beanstalk,” I teased earning a laugh from him.

“Well that’s a new one. At least you’ve kept your humour short ass,” he grinned before pulling me in for another hug.

“She’s wearing my hoodie!” I heard someone yell. I pulled away to see Alex grinning wildly and pointing at the red hoodie. I instantly knew he was referring to the ‘Gaskarth beats Barakat’ written on my back and ran into his welcoming arms.

“I’ve missed you Gayskarth!” I greeted.

“Yeah thanks,” he replied sarcastically as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “You’re supposed to be upset about ‘personal issues’ remember?” he whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

“Actually I’m supposed to hate it so much here that I’m glad I’m going home,” I replied causing him to chuckle.

“Brianna?” I heard a voice from a little way away. I turned and faced Shaun and Curtis with their mouths hanging wide open as they stared at the boys we were with.

“Hey guys.” I smiled softly.

“Brianna. Is that...” Curtis trailed off pointing at Alex.

“Yeah,” I replied smiling at the boy as he put his arm around me.

“I see you know my girlfriend?” Alex questioned. Carolyn looked at me with a confused expression on her face. I sent her a look, knowing exactly what Alex was doing but choosing to let him have his fun rather than spoiling his game. Shaun and Curtis looked between each other as we all kept straight faces.

“Uh, yes sir?” was all Shaun could muster before looking back at us. We all let out soft chuckles as Alex let his hand drop.

“Dude, don’t call me sir I’m the same age as you,” he laughed moving forward and hugging both of the guys. They’d both believed that me and Carolyn knew the guys but clearly they weren’t prepared for coming face to face with the real thing.

“Guys, this is Shaun and Curtis,” I pointed between them before sending smiles all around.

“Shaun that’s dating Louise?” Alex queried tilting his head to the side. An awkward look overcame Shaun’s face and he began to rub the back of his neck.

“Yeah it is,” I answered. Alex turned back to Shaun who looked beyond awkward.

“Dude I’m not mad,” Alex grinned seeing the look on his face. “Look after her, she’s a good girl,” he added with a nod making Shaun visibly loosen up.

“Guys,” I began biting my lip and stepping away from the small group. “The guys are here to take me home. I’m leaving today,” I confirmed.

“You’re fucking with me right?” Curtis asked furrowing his eyebrows.

“I’m afraid not,” I sighed.

“How come we didn’t know?” He asked as him and Shaun exchanged worried glances.

“It was only decided last night. Carolyn didn’t even find out ‘til this morning. I’m sorry,” I winced glancing at Carolyn who was wrapped firmly in Zack’s arms. Out of all the guys I’d definitely say Zack had changed the most. The once, long haired scrawny boy had clearly been working out. Alex’s once mousy hair had clearly been dyed and straightened a lot, not that I’m complaining. He also looked less lanky than he used to. Jack had.

“Whoa! Jack you got rid of your skunk strip!” I gasped messing with his hair and cutting him from his conversation with Alex.

“Well someone’s observant,” he laughed.

“You look more rugged now. What’s this?” I asked poking the stubble on his chin.

“It’s proof that I got up first thing this morning,” he smiled rolling his eyes. My eyes got distracted by something over Jack’s shoulder where I noticed both Matt Flyzik and Vinnie, their merch guy standing.

“Hey. You guys look awkward, I’m Brianna,” I smiled as I walked past Jack and extended my hand in their directions. Matt was the first to take it. I could feel my excitement rising but kept it to myself as I took Vinnie’s hand.

“I believe we’ve met before,” Matt laughed.

“Oh yeah! Sorry I didn’t remember. You were at the party last time the guys came down,” I commented.

“Yeah, we both were,” Vinnie added.

“Sweet! Well we can keep talking later, right now I’m not done packing and I’m gonna get those two to do it for me,” I pointed at Alex and Jack causing the two in front of me to laugh. “Let’s go,” I called planting my hands on Jack’s shoulders. He hooked his hands around the back of my knees and pulled me onto his back.

“Is it cool if we stay here?” Carolyn asked still glued to Zack. I rolled my eyes.

“Of course,” I answered smiling at her. With that she smiled and I directed the boys to the room. People stopped and stared in the halls but no one was actually brave enough to stop us. After arriving at my room the two looked around where I continued to pack stuff away.

“Need any help?” Alex asked bending down to my level.

“If that’s okay,” I grinned and he began picking up things he recognised to be mine.

“Jack, aren’t you going to help?” Alex asked, turning to him as he leaned against the door frame.

“Why would I? You offered,” he smirked. Alex rolled his eyes and I zipped up the bags.

“It’s okay. I’m all set now,” I replied tucking my hair behind my ear as I stood back up. I bit down on my lip and took one last look at the room. Alex took a couple of my bags and tossed them to Jack who willingly took them. He grabbed a couple of the others for himself and I carried the one that was left. As I exited the room and made my way out to the dorm people turned to me.

“Brianna?” Stacy, another class friend asked.

“Girl I’m going home,” I sighed slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder and answering the question she silently asked.

“Are you serious? Why didn’t I know?” She asked frantically as I enveloped her in a hug.

“I’m afraid so. I’ll explain some other time,” I smiled.

“Whoa, are these the guys you were talking about?” She asked smiling at the boys.

“Yeah, wish I could talk. Ring me later!” I called squeezing her one last time before rushing past her. The boys laughed and followed closely behind me. After saying goodbye to Carolyn, it was time to prepare myself for the biggest reuniting I’d ever experienced.
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Second update today. And it's long again! Comment this because Ii really have to go and I love you :)