‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone


“You’re kidding me right?” I whined looking at the vehicle in front of us.

“Hey! I asked Alex if he’d drive us up here in his car but he wouldn’t,” Jack retorted scowling at Alex.

“So you didn’t think that driving five people up to collect a girl who’s leaving college in a five person car would require more space?” I asked incredulously. Zack and Vinnie looked at each other and started laughing as if that’s exactly what Jack had done.

“Barakat you’re an idiot,” I groaned.

“Okay fine. You get in the front, Alex you get in the back with the others,” he instructed.

“What the fuck? Why? You’re putting all the biggest people in the back!” He complained.

“Okay first of all, I’m the tallest and there’s no way I’m letting anyone else drive my mom’s car. Second of all, I just got Bri back and I’m not having her crushed that easily,” he clarified. Alex grunted causing Matt to join in with Zack and Vinnie’s sniggering.

“Come on,” Zack rolled his eyes as the three took to the back seat.

“Okay now where am I meant to sit?” Alex groaned waving his arms about.

“Just sit on the floor or something,” Jack replied opening the trunk and throwing my bags in. Alex just shrugged and moved into the back. After Jack opened my door for me I sat inside and turned around to see Vinnie with the most distressed look on his face as Alex sat in his lap with his legs stretched across the other two. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the sight. Alex grinned at me as Jack climbed into his side. “What?” Jack asked before turning around.

“Hey there,” Alex greeted with a small wave as Jack also began laughing.

“Okay next time I don’t care what you say, we’re taking your car,” Jack replied shaking his head and starting the car.

“Are we there yet?” I asked after five minutes of driving.

“Holy shit you’re as bad as Jack!” Alex voiced.

“You try not seeing your family for months at a time,” I scowled at him. He sent me an unamused look from where he was sat with his back to the window. “Sorry, I forgot,” I laughed at my own stupidity.

“How could you forget that?” Jack laughed from beside me.

“I dunno. I just did,” I shrugged.

“So are you excited to be coming home?” He asked.

“Okay and you think I asked a stupid question?” I asked causing him to roll his eyes. As I turned back to look out the window a green sign caught my eye. “Cockeysville!” I screamed launching forward at the window.

“Girl if college makes you this hyper I should try it out,” Alex commented.

“Shut up jackass!”

“Hey I didn’t do anything!” Jack teased from the front seat. “We’ll be at your house in five minutes, now shut up,” he chuckled.

“I’m tempted to hit you but I wouldn’t want us to all die in a car crash,” I stated simply.

“I love you too.”

“Dude what did you just say?” Matt piped from the back seat causing us both to laugh.

“Don’t ask. It was a ‘you had to be there’ moment,” I explained.

“But you haven’t seen each other in over a year so how could you have been there?” Zack asked.

“Shut up smart ass!” I smiled before turning back around. Soon enough the streets looked more familiar. I made out Jack’s directions with my eyes and when he finally turned the last corner my jaw hung open. “Oh my god.”
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I died when mibba was down. Seriously. I've been trying to post this for a while. I'm kind of on a downer right now because I've seen a few of my plots being tossed about. I know I'm not exactly the god of original fan fiction but some of the things that happened were almost exactly the same as mine which bummed me out a bit. Comments to make me feel better?